Forums Discussions One Step At A Time: Revelations Of A Pole Beginner

  • One Step At A Time: Revelations Of A Pole Beginner

    Posted by Isis Kane on December 5, 2013 at 10:32 am

    Last night, I listened to a recorded interview with Natasha Wang about her pole journey, and it inspired me to share a few realizations I’ve come to about myself and my own pole journey. Perhaps some of you can relate, and it will help you move forward.

    Natasha inspires me because she has no dance or gymnastics background (and she is in her late 30s-which I didn’t know!) yet she still managed to become a pole champion. I was so fascinated with how she got to where she was, because I also aspire to dance professionally. Natasha spoke about some common mistakes that beginners make when they begin poling, and I realized I had fallen into almost all of them at some point, if not recently. They were:

    1. Focusing on what you can’t do, instead of what you can do, or trying so hard to fix your weaknesses that you neglect to emphasize and appreciate your strengths.

    2. Focusing on learning “WOW” tricks-learning the latest, most challenging tricks for your level, instead of focusing on emoting with the music, fludiity, finding your style, and being in tune with your body.

    3. Failing to ensure that sure your body is prepared for the tricks you want to attempt on the pole i.e. failing to focus on building a strong foundation (strength, flexibility, range of movement), and instead-focusing on nailing the next best move.

    I’ve been poling for just over 7 months now, so I still consider myself a beginner, in many respects. I’ve made so much progress, but there have been times where I’ve definitely felt like I’ve gotten way ahead of myself. At one point, I could do lots of new spins and tricks but I did not know how to do a simple pirouette, or other simple transitions, because I had not even thought to practice them.

    Other times-I’ve gotten down on myself for simply being at the level I was at. I was frustrated to see so many dancers who could do these amazing things with their body, and it would take so much more TIME for me to get there. I was very impatient, focusing on the finish line instead of enjoying my accomplishments along the way.

    As of recently, one major lesson I’ve learned is that I cannot receive more until I use what I already have. There are lots and lots of things I can do on the pole, but I fell into a habit of nailing a move, and moving onto the next best thing, without truly building on what I already have to create a strong foundation. Pole dancing requires lots of patience and humility.

    I’ve also realized that I may not be able to do everything that professionals do yet, but I’ve recognized pole as a new source of expression for me. With some of my freestyles, I am truly an artist-and I don’t need to be a professional to create a beautiful work of art, or be creative on the pole. I can be creative and expressive at every level.

    Now, my practice sessions are more focused on moving to music, increasing fluidity, and learning spins and transitions that I can use in more versatile ways. I’m also focusing more on conditioning and flexibility so that my body will be prepared when I do want to learn a new trick. But I’m proud to say I’m taking my pole journey much more slowly, and it actually feels a lot better this way.

    I’m happy to have found such a supportive community, and I hope this message resonates with some of you. I’d be delighted to hear your thoughts 🙂

    sexyladymyisha4454 replied 11 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Isis Kane

    December 5, 2013 at 10:33 am

    By the way, the interview with Natasha can be found here

  • StephiiP

    December 5, 2013 at 12:49 pm

    “Just be cause your a new pole dancer or you’re not looking to do those crazy inverts, Maybe going upside down isn’t your thing, That doesn’t make you any less of a dancer then anybody else. No matter what level you are in your pole dancing you can have an understanding of movement and an understanding of your body and you can be a beautiful dancer to watch.”
    -Jeni Janover

    This quote REALLY taught be to just slow down and enjoy pole dancing more for the dancing part. And since then, I feel more free. =)

  • Runemist34

    December 5, 2013 at 3:51 pm

    I sort of see pole dancing like I do martial arts and tai chi- it’s a lifetime of being a beginner. You’ll always be learning, growing, changing, and making it new. It’s a creative art! I consider myself to be a beginner, and I’ve been dancing for a few years (though not consistently) now!
    I do love these quotes, though. I didn’t know any of that about Natasha, and I’m suddenly inspired to check out her stuff!

  • sexyladymyisha4454

    December 6, 2013 at 11:45 am

    i feel the same way trying to do tricks that I cannot do. I use my pole as a standing gym and I see my self gaining more strength it takes time to regain if you have not used your muscles in a very long time

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