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One handed on spin help!!!
Posted by RockNAngel on February 5, 2014 at 12:30 amI have seen amazing videos especially of dirdy birdy doing one handed spins while on spin and I cannot seem to hold it for more than like 3 seconds!!! Is there anyone that has advice please!!! I am on 45mm chrome and am using TONS of grip LOL so how do I get beast strength!?!? Here is the video I am referencing…
Ava Madison replied 11 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
Great question! Cant wait for the answers, cause I know I almost broke my neck one time trying a one handed spin on spin mode lol
LOL I usually just drop to the floor on my feet and scream in pain as it feels my finger prints are being yanked off!!! Maybe I am clear to rob a bank though… hmm JK
I found that doing two-handed spins, and working up to doing all of your easy spins one-handed, until you can do your hard spins one-handed.
Having amazing lats, shoulders, and grip is all very important. You have to be able to keep your shoulder blades (or, scapula) in the right position, and engage everything all down your back and side, in order to do spins like DB is doing in that video.
If you hang, you’re more likely to slip, and to wrench your arm right out of joint. -
If you ask me, the parameters that play in most are pole size, hand size, body weight, grip strength and posture.
I cannot for my life hold even half a second on my 45 mm. I’ve not tried on a skinnier pole (I think Dirdy Birdy is using 40 or 38). The problem in my case is that my hands are too small compared to body weight.
yep like runemist mentioned, i find doing one handed spins is a LOT of lat work, to make sure you’re properly engaged and not just “hanging out” of that shoulder joint.
so it’s mostly a strength thing.
i haven’t poled on a 45mm, only a 40mm and a 38mm, and yes i definitely think being on a thicker pole would make it harder, but ultimately it comes down to muscle strength. -
A lot of strength and grip are obviously required. When I started, I locked everything in place with the inside arm (feet in a side sou sou) and placed the outside arm across my chest to grip the pole. Slowly lose the feet then the outside arm. Make sure your shoulder is super engaged all the way to the end – I find that ‘relaxing’ even a bit before I land or regrip causes problems (think stiff as a board lol). Hope that helps some.
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