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Opinions on overstretching
Posted by Catsanctuary177663 on October 13, 2015 at 11:03 pmWhat do people think about this article?
I polekat I replied 9 years, 4 months ago 6 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
The article had a good point: don’t force your body into these crazy contortion positions without proper knowledge and training bc you see ppl on social media doing it. But I think there should have been some information on the different types of stretching (active, passive and so on) and how to be safe while stretching to round out the article.
I actually shared this here yesterday! Here’s the other thread with my thoughts and a few others too. It’s a great read, this article and so important.
I see a lot of flexibility tutorials on YouTube being taught by 8 year old gymnasts. That’s the first problem for any adult dancers using YouTube , you’re not an 8 year old gymnast. Kids can just throw themselves in crazy chinstands and back bends pretty easily, but even most of them have been training since they were 2 years old, almost every day of their life. I’m scared when I post my chinstand videos and people who I know can’t even do a backbend start asking me questions. I’m afraid they are go back try it themselves. People don’t see the hours, weeks, years of training. They only see a final product in the form of a video or picture.
aaarrgghhh i know i have seen those videos, the girls are going ‘yes just hurl yourself from standing position face first down like this ! and now you’re in a chinstand weee!!’ and my spine is wincing just watching them…..
yes stretching for kids and for adults are 2 totally different beasts! its aaaalll about active flexibility =) I’ve just started going to an adult gymnastics class and it makes me so jealous seeing the kids who have a class beforehand; bending and flicking all over the place without even blinking haaahaha …. kids don’t have any bones it seems….!! and of course you only appreciate that when you are no longer a kid… 😉 -
Maaaaan, I really could’ve had this knowledge dropped on me like a year ago when I first started “training” for splits. Knowing what I know now, every youtube video I see of some kid gymnast titled “Middle Splits in One Day!” I’m like, yeah bullshit, moving on.
As a 49-year old never-been-flexy woman, I wonder if trying to force these poses now is inherently dangerous and if I should just accept what I can do within reasonable limits. Even when I was figure skating I had flexibility problems. I am going to ask my dr what he thinks.
Catsanctuary, it’s always good to talk to your doctor about drastic physical activities you may want to take on. No matter what, I think almost anyone can improve their current flexibility if done right. Adults just have to take a different approach. I really recommend veenas flexibility lessons and also the fit and bendy DVDs. Also watch the fit and bendy Q&As on YouTube where you will learn a lot about flexibility for adults. Most can probably drastically improve their flexibility if they are very dedicated. I don’t think everyone should or can attain some of the very exaggerated poses. And you have to really evaluate what is important to you and why. Some people may think a rainbow marchenko is really cool but may not want to put in the possible years of training to get it. And do would you really need to do a rainbow marchenko? Most will be perfectly happy without ever achieving that. I’m just using a rainbow marchenko as an example. Your goal maybe splits and if your anatomy is fine, no hip problems , skeletal issues , etc- then splits may absolutely be possible for you. It really does require several days a week , consistently of doing the right program to get it and full splits may take a year or longer. That being said you may get close enough to splits that you don’t mind if it’s not a perfect flat split. It may be low enough for you to use in your dance . There are ways to cheat the illusion of a full split even without a full split. And that may be an option that will make a lot of dancers happy enough.
I want it all! Now! Lol, yes, you are quite right. I want splits so I can do a bad ass Jade and I want a needle because at some point I am going to start figure skating again and that move makes awesome spins and spirals. But I am willing to put in the work and be patient.
Hehe! I want it all too! 🙂 I’m about to turn 37. Never had splits as a kid or teen, was never particularly flexible but I can do splits now. They’re not perfectly flat and squared but I’m gradually working towards that. For me, I just keep plugging along working on my flexibility and am just seeing how far I can take it. I also want a needle too if my body will allow. I’m not putting any limitations on what I may be able to do but I’m also being patient and not having any expectations either. I’ve already exceeded what I thought was possible and I’m pretty amazed. Makes me think of I keep doing what I’m doing I will be able to gradually progress more. The good news with jade is that you don’t need a perfect split to get a good one. 🙂 I think ice skating is beautiful! Very cool
yeah its definitely not impossible to get more flexible no matter your age =) i am 30 and in the last 2 years i have become stronger and more flexible than i ever dreamed of, and im just getting started. i want it all too haha!! 😉 its just a case of taking it easier and slower and not forcing your body into anything. i second what phoenix hunter says; veena’s lessons and fit n bendy are 2 of the best sources for safe stretching particularly focussed on adults, kristina from fit n bendy only started contortion training after the age of 30 and she is incredibly bendy now so it is definitely not an impossible dream ! there is a fountain of good flexy knowledge on youtube as well it’s just finding it amongst all the kid gymnasts haha : kit laughlin, antranik, kino yoga, monika volkmar (dance strong) are some of my other favourites for very well-knowledgeable approaches =)
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