Forums Discussions Original DVDs for sale/ wearables

  • Original DVDs for sale/ wearables

    Posted by velvetvixen on November 24, 2009 at 2:17 pm

    For sale:
    ORIGINAL DVDS w/ original cases-
    Leign Ann’s Beginner Pole Dance Workout-perfect condition. The DVD is a good introduction for beginners to pole dance as well as more experienced dancers who are having difficultly linking moves together through smooth transitions. The focus is heavily towards creating a smooth, flowing dance routine as well as demonstrating basic spins, poses and climbs." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; Its normally $30 plus shipping, I’m asking $20 plus shipping.

    Sfactor 1- The Beginning-lots of floor work, NO pole moves. There is one part that skips but if you go past that part then its fine. I’m asking $12 plus shipping.

    Original VHS w/ original cases-
    How to strip for your husband, lover, or partner-Sexy secrets of strippers revealed-I got it at a adult store, it has some nudity but is instructional (not pornographic). I honestly don’t remember whats on it and I don’t have a VCR. Best offer plus shipping.

    The dance-volume 1 A complete belly dance course – I took an actual class from the belly dancer and I got the tape to practice with. I thought the tape was better than the class b/c of the detail and whats included for the price. One of the most comprehensive belly dance ones I’ve seen that’s done correctly. Best offer plus shipping.

    If you have any questions, feel free to Private Message me. Thanks.

    I wasn’t sure if wearables were appropriate to post or not. If anyone is interested I also have true corsets, corseted looking tops, bras, and accessories. A lot are victoria secret and good brands. Most are barely used and some have tags b/c I always think I’m bigger than I am. I’m XS or S, so sizes for sale are S-M-L. Bra tops are usually 36, A or B. I finally got a proper bra fitting and I’m a 32 A or B depending. I have cleavage for once now that I’m wearing a proper size. lol! I have no concept of size. I now show my husband everything I buy with the tags on for this reason, no more surprising him though… but its better than having a wardrobe of stuff that don’t fit properly.

    If you have any questions, feel free to Private Message me. Thanks.

    velvetvixen replied 15 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
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  • velvetvixen

    December 3, 2009 at 9:09 pm

    I forgot to mention I can take any form of payment including credit cards since I own a business (non-pole related one) if that helps with convenience.

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