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Ouch – pulled muscle – help!
Posted by Foxypink on May 19, 2009 at 7:51 pmI have really hurt my side just at my rib cage. I think I have pulled or torn a muscle at my right hand side. When I breath in its really sore it feels like a cramp. Its been irritating me for about a week now. I had a week off and tonight it was better so I decided to hop on my pole. But then I felt something pull at my side and then the pain came! 1: What’s the best thing to do? 2: How long shall I rest it? 3: Is this common? Help please ladies and gentlemen! This is my first pole dance injury!
SissyBuns replied 15 years, 10 months ago 7 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
aw! that really sucks!
you might put some ice on it for now but you really should go to a doctor to get it checked out. could be nothing but if it is its best to get it taken care of imediately! believe me, you do not want to fool around with your muscle health.
get well soon!!! frida -
Oh, that sucks girl!!! I just took a health and fitness class this past semester, and whenever you have an injury follow the acronym RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. If it hurts when you do certain things, that is your body’s way of saying stop. Apply ice to the area to prevent swelling, which can cause pain and slow down the healing process, 2-3 times a day for no longer than 10 minutes at a time. I guess you really can’t apply the last two concepts since it’s your side, those are more for appendages. I can almost guarantee that you didn’t tear it, if you did you would be in immense pain, and it would hurt to move at all. So you probably just pulled something. Be sure to LIGHTLY stretch that side every day. I mean VERY LIGHTLY. Stretch to the point of discomfort, but not pain. This will also help with the healing process. You can do all these things, but it will just come down to you giving it time to heal. Give it at least another one to two weeks before you try to bear weight on it again, you could injure it even further. I tore my abductor earlier this year, and doing all these things helped it heal. I couldn’t be on the pole for 2 months, so I know a week sounds like a long time, but that’s not really that long in retrospect. Take care of yourself
If you see bruising around the area, it could indicate a tear, so you would need to see a doctor right away. To treat a muscle pull, R-I-C-E
Compression (which might be difficult around your area)
If you have swelling use the RICE method and take Ibuprofen to help to reduce swelling. If the rest and ice isn’t helping at all go see a Dr. ASAP. Better safe than sorry. -
My friend strained her intercostal (rib) muscles (pretty common injury for pole in my mind, description below) a while back cause she was playing on the pole way more than her body could take. Her doc told her to rest them about 3 weeks but she ended up needing to rest a month or so for full recovery (I think she might have cheated and tired to pole to early and that’s why it took longer). Ice packs and Advil in the beginning help. Although some say you should only ice an injury that is 48 hrs old or younger and then apply heat, but I think a mixture of the two is good. Minimize swelling and relax the muscle. And then just rest (and Advil if it’s bad). But mostly go see a doctor. They’ll know best (hopefully). Hope you feel better soon!
Intercostal strains – intercostal muscles allow the ribcage to move up and down. These muscles can be strained by any activity that involves extreme or forceful twisting of the body or swinging of the arms. Sports that commonly cause this type of injury include golf and tennis.
LOL looks like all three of us posted at the same time with the same advice…hehe My girls rock!
Aunty Rouge with her 2 cents (with currency conversion Kiwi 5cents)
Go see a Doctor, the pain shouldn’t be there after this long.
Women have been known to dislocate ribs inverting, that is why we try to put it off until you are strong enough.So, go see Doctor and leave inverting for crazy folk like Veena and Fleur and Berty and Glitz and Sascha and all the others who do it strongly and safely.
Come, join those of us who refuse to invert.
Thank you ladies for the advice. It is much better today so I think I have just pulled a muscle rather than torn something. I know that it is not 100% so I am going to rest it. I think I have been over doing is so I am going to have a couple of weeks off, boo! However as you have said it is better to be safe than sorry. This is my first pole injury and hopefully my last!
Aunty Rouge with her 2 cents (with currency conversion Kiwi 5cents)
Go see a Doctor, the pain shouldn’t be there after this long.
Women have been known to dislocate ribs inverting, that is why we try to put it off until you are strong enough.So, go see Doctor and leave inverting for crazy folk like Veena and Fleur and Berty and Glitz and Sascha and all the others who do it strongly and safely.
Come, join those of us who refuse to invert.
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