Ouchy ouchy allegra pinchy
This is something that’s been puzzling me for awhile. The allegra is my newest nemesis, and I can’t believe I’m saying this but the problem is not too little grip but too much! I’ve seen the SV lesson, which has got me closer, but not close enough. I usually enter from a flatline scorpio. I grab the pole behind my top (outside) leg, keep my chest up, keep my top leg bent, place my other hand below the pole twist my body and hips so my back is facing the pole…
And this is where I run into trouble, and incredible pain. My top leg gets “trapped” behind my hand, and can’t rotate against the pole. After just 1 attempt my thigh has a blue diagonal line all the way along it, and the bruising is horrific for weeks. Plus, when I try to turn my body to get my back to the pole the skin/fat on my side gets pinched and stops me from rotating. I know the allegra is meant to be a painful move, but seriously? I have tears in my eyes, and instant mega-bruises!
Most girls I’ve seen doing an allegra seem to be quite slim. Now, I’m not that big, but I’m bigger than most allegra-doers, plus I have naturally large thighs (even when I was clinically underweight they were still big). But that can’t be the problem can it? Surely upper-end-of-the-healthy-weight-range plus short-waisted hourglass figure with biggish thighs isn’t too big to allegra?
(BTW, I am very lucky to be one of the rare women without major body image issues, so this is not as emotional a discussion of weight for me than it might be for others. My apologies if I’ve accidentally said something triggering or insensitive).
Is there anything I might be missing technique-wise?
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