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Out of the Shadows
Posted by Charley on March 20, 2009 at 4:39 pmHave been lurking here awhile to get a feel for everyone. This is the first forum in a long time where I haven’t been directly familiar with most users. I’m actually quite nervous.
I’m Charley, I teach pole here in Michigan. I’m afraid I’m a better instructor than dancer. I work with mostly everyday women and train the random exotic dancer every once in awhile and at one point had an "industry only" class. Thongs and heels!
Outside of that there isn’t much more interesting about me. My day job (was) audio engineering and broadcasting. I play guitar but in limited quantities since pole. I hate leaving the house because that means leaving my poles so unless I am going to work or to someplace that has poles you’ll find me at home.
DeaconJungleCatPoles replied 16 years ago 10 Members · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
Welcome! Glad you came out of the shadows. You say that’s there isn’t much more interesting about you, but your life sounds pretty exciting to me. Pole and music, what a great combination!
Hey Charley!!!
No need to be nervous with us! We don’t bite! Except on holidays Welcome, welcome! We are a friendly bunch! This is the most friendly pole forum I’ve been on. AND I’ve definitely tried quite a few! This one is my favorite. I love everybody here. Everyone is so nice and supportive. And funny! Everyone is hilarious! We are all laughs and smiles here. So don’t be nervous. Kick off your shoes and rest and spell.
That "industry only" class is funny. Hehe @ Thongs and heels. I would have loved to been a fly on that wall!! I’m the newest resident male but you might find a few ladies on here that wouldn’t mind haven been flies too haha It’s 2009!!!! Wow auto engineering AND broadcasting. What a unique combination. So what’s that like a grease monkey weather girl?! A pole dancing news anchor that fixes cars should definitely be in demand in this economy don’t you think? You should pole dance while playing the guitar in an invert!!! I would love to see that!!
Don’t worry, we are all pretty much pole addicts too!!! When I’m at work, I think about pole. When I’m sleep, I think about pole. When I eat, I think about pole. When I use the bathroom, I think about pole! Oddly enough, when I pole, I think about if a train leaves Chicago at 10:10am, traveling at 75mph going east and another train leaves London, England at 2:05pm traveling at 45kph going west, how far will each train travel and at what time will the 2 trains meet? I’m a lil twisted if you haven’t realized by now!
Welcome to the site Charley and hope you can join us for Friday Chat this evening in the chat room!
Jungle Cat
Hey Charley! I live in Michigan, too- in the country north of Pontiac. Where do you teach? I’m still pretty new to poling, but I’m getting to a place where I could use a spotter and some live direction for the more advanced moves. Welcome to Studio Veena! Jungle Cat lied, we do bite outside of holidays, but only when begged!
Hey Charley! I live in Michigan, too- in the country north of Pontiac. Where do you teach? I’m still pretty new to poling, but I’m getting to a place where I could use a spotter and some live direction for the more advanced moves. Welcome to Studio Veena! Jungle Cat lied, we do bite outside of holidays, but only when begged!
Hi Untamedshrew
I have a workshop coming in CommerceTownship which is *near* Keego Harbor.
I also do privates – have pole will travel, haha.
I also teach in the Downriver, Detroit area.
HI Jungle Cat! I’ve seen you around on a couple of other forums! Good to see more men taking interest in this sport. I am glad you are now a pole addict. I can’t break away from it myself. and twisted is a good thing! I do math problems in my head when I have insomnia. I used to be radio DJ then moved to audio production – editing and producing sound.
Welcome! So glad you decided to join us. You sound like a pretty interesting gal to me! Your industries class sounds cool!
Jungle Cat you are so damn funny with your train riddle! LOL
Hi charley, it’s great to have you on the site with us!!!!! audio editing/engineering and guitar, and poling, you sound very artistic!
Welcome!! I was nice to see you in chat. I hope you stick around. I use to play guitar and bass guitar in high school and into my early 20s but I don’t know if I would remember much anymore. Nice to have another instructor on here tooo!
welcome great to be hearing from you if you have any questions about basically anything feel free to ask everyon is very supportive, helpful, kind, encoraging, & a whole bunch of positive adjectives Altough I have posted alot, I still feel al ittle in the shadows myself as have not been able to post any vids and only pic i could get on my face isn’t really visible the only good thing about having such a problem posting is I have built up an arsenal of videos so when I do post I"ll make up for lost time
do you plan on posting anything? Veena has got it now to where only members can see you videos (as long as you post directly to thr site and not through you tube ect) Everyone is really great about responding to videos and that can be very encouraging I hope to see you in chat sometime so we can talk more about how you got into pole ect take care -
welcome welcome charley!!!!! that’s so cool that you’re an instructor!!!! be sure to come back to chat next week!!
Wow! What a warm welcome!! Thank you so much. So sorry about chat yesterday my cmputer can’t do too many things at once.
I look forward to getting to know everyone much better!
Sasha I liked your floor work and lapdance tutorials!
You play bass? And guitar?…ride a motorcycle! …pole!
I bet you’ve got some amazing stories to tell! You could write a book!
And PS: Charley…I think I welcomed you before…but Hey, we already know each other from PJ’s. Nice to run into you on SV!
Veena has to be from planet Krypton. She’s a superhuman!!
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