Forums Discussions Over 40 polers!!!

  • Over 40 polers!!!

    Posted by Kaylie on March 4, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    Hi ladies (and men) !! I am just starting my pole journey and I love it!! I am 45 and even though I have always taken care of myself, I think that I may have more limitations (like flexibility) I would like to here from you and get your opinions!!! Thanks

    Joanna replied 12 years ago 43 Members · 64 Replies
  • 64 Replies
  • hookedonpole

    March 4, 2012 at 11:46 pm

    First of all, WELCOME!  Lucky you for starting "young", I wish I started at 45 or so πŸ™‚  I started four years ago at 52 yrs old.  I've been at it more consistently in the last couple of years since I found studioveena.  I have always done some sort of fitness and was very active at the gym and weights when I found pole.  However, it was soooo different that it was as if I'd never gotten off the couch.

    I've gained a lot of strength to accomplish a lot and stil have more work to do.  For me, flexibility is a big down fall.  There has been improvement but I don't stretch and work at it like I should.  I've accepted the fact that I may not accomplish as much as I'd like, but what I do makes me happy.

    Make sure not to compare yourself to others, we've learned that everyone accomplishes different things at different pace.  You will find great support andd encouragement here.  Join us in Friday chat if you can.  Again, welcome πŸ™‚


  • jade s

    March 5, 2012 at 12:46 am

    Well said Hooked! I started poling at age 44, and I had no previous dance, or athletic ability. I used to be pretty flexible 20 years ago Lol! Even though I wish I could’ve started this when I was in my 20’s, and although I may have my limitations, I’ve already accomplished way more than I ever thought I would and you will too : ). Happy poling!

  • chemgoddess1

    March 5, 2012 at 5:36 am

    43 here and started when I was 38.  One thing I can say is that at this age you have a lot more respect for your body!  There are so many moves that look cool but are not good body positioning.  I think it is easier to come to terms with not being able to do things because you don't want to be in pain the rest of your life.  When you are 20 something and have some pains in your back or shoulder you think you are invincible so you push through…..not so much when you are in your 40's.  I also think it is easier for older ladies to get in contact with their sexy.


    There is a group called the Grande Dames of Pole Fitness.  You may want to check them out and join the group.  Here is a story about them and also the link to their FB page.  I know the Midwest had an over 40 or 45 comp last year.  Amazing!

  • RoseMay

    March 5, 2012 at 6:07 am

    chemgoddess, which moves aren't good body positioning that can cause problems? Apart from twisted grips of course ..

  • chemgoddess1

    March 5, 2012 at 7:50 am

    Yes, most twisted grips.  There are a lot more moves that use this than you would think.  Also bracket holds when you are not engaging properly and even if you do not have proper conditioning for the move.  Many of the moves that require some sort of contortion training if you are not flexy enough.  I know quite a few people who have cracked or bruised their ribs trying to get into Allegra.  As you get older extreme flexibility is more difficult and takes much more vigorous training.  Even common back problems from inverting and shoulder problems from reverse grabs can haunt an older body much more than a younger one.  I hurt my shoulder practicing a handstand 4 years ago and that will never ever go away.  Add to this the amount of people teaching pole who really should not be teaching pole and it is so easy to get injured.  Basically it comes down to knowing your body.  Know your limits and know how much you can push it.  Above all else, research your instructor.

  • Tovah

    March 5, 2012 at 8:08 am

    I didn't know there was that many of us.


    Kudos Ladies!!

  • poleclimber

    March 5, 2012 at 8:10 am

    I'll be39 in April.  Can I consider my self in this group ;)?

  • teelee

    March 5, 2012 at 8:22 am

    42 and just starting to be consistent with pole, started when I was 40 with my first class.  I've found Alethea Austin's flexability dvd's to be fabulous.  The one thing I find is that I just don't have the hormones available to build the muscle the way I used to so diet is very important and getting enough protein for muscle building and recovery.  I don't do powdered supplements but am talking with Nic Judd, (like him on facebook) Zoraya's husband for help.  He's great about answering nutrition questions on there.  I think we will get to the point where we see Senior's comps.  I personally think the uspdf should have the professional, amature, and over 40 division in competition.  I've got great smoothie and green drink recipies if anyone wants them as well. 

  • Sarahb69

    March 5, 2012 at 9:07 am

    Welcome Kaylie!

    I'll be turning 43 this year and I started poling at 40. This was something fun to do as a workout and I fell in love at my first class, haven't looked back since.

    Flexibility has beena big issue for me. I'm not naturally flexible and never have been. I came to pole with no dance or athletic abilities other than some cycling for family fun. I have accomplished more than I ever thought I would be able to, and that includes the very first split I have ever done in my life.

    I hope you enjoy your pole journey…it's amazing what you learn, both physically, mentally and emotionally from this wonderful form of fitness!

  • DaniDuB

    March 5, 2012 at 11:32 am

    Welcome!! I’m 43 and started a year and a half ago. So far no problems and flexibility is not an issue for me at all. Knock on wood. πŸ™‚ A friend in one of my classes says I’m very “bendy”. :))) I think it’s a matter of not pushing too hard, too fast and just let yourself progress at a nice pace.

  • RoseMay

    March 5, 2012 at 1:36 pm

    Thanks Chemgodess! I belong to the group of 20 something polers but I'm still interested in knowing which moves I should be careful with πŸ™‚

  • Paunobs

    March 5, 2012 at 1:46 pm

    Hi and welcome, I am 49 my pole journey began in June 2010 , I too had no dance background although I have also kept in reasonable condition through sports or going to the gym! I had spinal and knee injuries from motor vehicle accident in 1984, my back has never been as good as what it is now, my flexibility continues to improve I know I have limits but I’m sure as heck going to give everything a go! Whatever you can dream can become a reality I believe!yes it is hard although I don’t believe it is any easier for the younger ones I have watched them and find their difficulties lie with other issues which may be body image so we all have our different battles! But we are still able to build muscle, flexibility, stamina, dance ability , I am extremely proud of my achievements I love to show them off and shock people, I have worked hard for it and will continue to ! This is one of the best things I have done for myself in my life, I look forward to following your journey! Warning!! You will become addicted and there will be no turning back!Γ°ΕΈΛœΕ“

  • Paunobs

    March 5, 2012 at 1:46 pm

    Hi and welcome, I am 49 my pole journey began in June 2010 , I too had no dance background although I have also kept in reasonable condition through sports or going to the gym! I had spinal and knee injuries from motor vehicle accident in 1984, my back has never been as good as what it is now, my flexibility continues to improve I know I have limits but I’m sure as heck going to give everything a go! Whatever you can dream can become a reality I believe!yes it is hard although I don’t believe it is any easier for the younger ones I have watched them and find their difficulties lie with other issues which may be body image so we all have our different battles! But we are still able to build muscle, flexibility, stamina, dance ability , I am extremely proud of my achievements I love to show them off and shock people, I have worked hard for it and will continue to ! This is one of the best things I have done for myself in my life, I look forward to following your journey! Warning!! You will become addicted and there will be no turning back!Γ°ΕΈΛœΕ“

  • shimz

    March 5, 2012 at 2:44 pm

    wow.43 here and started pole 2 years ago,in my room and made my first pole with a diy stainless with a hole on the ceiling and floor.lolz.studied thru you tube then veena.

    no dance background but love to dance, and i hate gym and other excercise diet when i stumbled upon pole,i got addicted instantly.

    now im running the only licensed poledance club in the western area of tokyo, just for fun and strip show.i got titanium xpole now though,.but i dont know if its my age or other factors,or maybe because im all alone. seems that im getting afraid of some super advance moves.

    im teaching my young staff and some customers.they all are enjoying it.

    pole is fun.hope i known it much younger,i was always thinking,but then again in my age with this strenght pole gave proud.

    we are doing it simple and no pressures but we are not advancing fast.and im not good at choreography so we do it free style.

    hope i can meet you lovely polers.i cannot ask anyone for other advance moves.

    if anyone of you comes to tokyo please please let me know.we can have some plans for your trip and for pole.




  • nymphdancer

    March 5, 2012 at 3:10 pm

    44 here and started when I was 39. Sort of lol. Didn't pole much for many years so my "flight time" is way less then my years.

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