Forums Discussions Over 40 polers!!!

  • jade s

    March 6, 2012 at 9:27 pm

    I love that there’s so many of us over 40 polers!

  • Beccaz

    March 7, 2012 at 1:57 am

    Hi Polers,
    I started Poling at the age of 35, I’m now 42. I have no dance or gymnastic many Mature Polers I have become stronger and more flexible through Poling. There are some advanced holds I cannot do, I don’t know if I ever will be able to, however with no experience as mentioned before, I’m very proud of my accomplishments. Yes, be smart. Know your body. I have lots of friends who I have met through pole who are over 40. We are “Pole Pumas”. You can find us on Facebook.

  • shimz

    March 7, 2012 at 2:55 am

    thanks teelee.hope to see u that would be nice.u can brief me on that too..have a grand time with pole.muaahhh.


  • Vdub

    March 7, 2012 at 6:04 am

    Started poling when I was 40 and today I turn 44…woo hoo!    I'm not very flexibly and have given up on trying to mimick the 20 something year old "bendy" girls in class.  I've also added more protein to my diet to help with recovery and that's working out very well.  So glad to see so many 40 plus polers!

  • debra007

    March 7, 2012 at 7:33 am

    I love all the over 40 ladies!!! I'm the grandma of my class at 41. I too had no dance or flexibility. I did rock climb, so I did have an advantage for the upper body strength part. I just started working with a flexibility coach (She's 72!) and it has helped sooo much. Doubt I'll ever bust out some of the contortion moves, but my back feels so much better, so it's worth the work.

    I remember when I first saw an Ayisha and though there was no way I would ever get that. The pride I had at getting that move and more keeps me addicted.

  • LindaLu

    March 7, 2012 at 7:35 am

    I'm 43  and have been poling for about a year.  I was a successful career woman in my 20's and 30's.  Then became a stay at home mom for over 10 years.  At 41 I started back to school to start a new career in IT.  Then, I found pole dancing….

    I dropped out of college to be a pole dancer. Opening my own studio soon

  • cupcake11

    March 7, 2012 at 8:09 am

    Another! I started poling after my birthday last year…I’ll be 43 in June. We should all be proud of ourselves!

  • Grande Dame Marilyn

    March 7, 2012 at 8:30 pm

    I started poling at age 50, Now 57.  Totally my passion.

  • PJ Piglet Poles

    March 8, 2012 at 7:47 am

    WELCOME!  I started poling 42…and I'll be 45 in June…I'm seriously addicted! I was a slug prior to 40 but then I discovered Skiing and poling and now I'm consumed by both!   I too have to work at flexibility *sigh*

  • Saphyre

    March 8, 2012 at 12:44 pm

    I am 47 and can't believe how much I love pole! It is the best upper body workout I've ever done. I have some issues with forearm injuries, sore shoulders, weak wrists, etc, etc..but that hasn't kept me down. I am easily the oldest in my class, but I feel that I can keep up with them. At least for now. Just started in November so I'm sure there will come a point where my age will hold me back. Doesn't matter. What I can do is enough to make me feel strong, sexy, and confident!

  • stylynzy

    March 8, 2012 at 2:01 pm

    Hello everyone. Im happy to see so many of us over 40 here. :*

  • Beccaz

    March 8, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    Pole Pumas just aired on TV today, Please check it out!

    Pole Pumas Inside Editon on Facebook

  • Lyme Lyte

    March 8, 2012 at 9:24 pm

    45 here, but feel 80!

  • smalltownboy

    March 9, 2012 at 3:49 am

    You can add an old man to the list! I started at 47 and I am heading towards 51 this year. I’ve never really stuck at any type of “keep fit” although I would swim on a regular basis over the years which I think has helped me with flexibility.

    I found poling very frustrating to start with as I just couldn’t seem to grip the pole and any attempt to climb the pole would result in me just sliding back to the floor. I knew it wasn’t a lack of strength but it took me nearly a year to learn the little nuances that made it possible to get a sturdy grip. Once I got that my confidence grew and so did my strength and flexibility.

    Like the rest of you, I am completely hooked on poling. I realise I will not achieve the flexibility that younger polers have and that I am using joints and muscles that are 50 years old so I cannot expect them to do the same as 20 year old joints and muscles.

    My posture and confidence has grown a hundred fold since starting to pole.

    My golden rules for me are:

    Do not compare yourself to other polers.

    Little and often! It is better to pole for 15 minutes a day rather than 2 hours once a week.

    Take at least one day off from poling each week.

    Always warm up, always cool down – jumping straight into poling with out warming up is just asking for trouble.

    If it hurts……Stop! You may not be doing it correctly – it is well worth paying to get some professional training with an experienced teacher. Injuries at our age do take longer to heal.

    Remember it is pole DANCING – so don’t just concentrate on tricks after trick, use music you love and interpret the music through your movement. Try and have a full length mirror so you can see how it looks. Dance as if no one can see you.

    My confidence and posture has grown so much since I started poling. I know I will never be a competition winner, I know I will never have the success, or the body of someone like Rodney James, but when I am poling, in my mind I am better than the lot of them put together!

    Hooray for older polers!

  • Hazi411

    March 9, 2012 at 4:40 am

    Hi everyone.  I am 56  I started poling just over two years ago, and became addicted to it from my very first lesson.  

    I am lucky in that I am fairly flexible (partly genetics I think), and possibly also because I did ballet and acrobatics on and off as a child. 

    I have gained so much strength (and confidence) since I started poling.  It took me *month* to invert, and even now it's a bit "hit and miss" but I'm aiming to gain more strength along the way, and to progress with pole as far as I can. 

    I am also lucky that I don't have any aches & pains in my day-to-day life. 

    I think that once you've been poling for a while, you somehow know which moves you'll be able to do straight away, and which ones will be a "work in progress".  Never never never give up.  Celebrate and focus on any achievement, no matter how small, and focus on what you *can* do, not what you can't (or can't yet) do.

    Be careful to make sure you feel secure on the pole, and know what your "points of contact" with the pole should be.  Do not pole if the pole is slippery, and don't automatically do what your instructor says, if you don't feel comfortable about doing it – seek their advice if you are in doubt, or ask for a "spotter" to watch you if you are unsure.

    Have fun! That's what it's all about 😉

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