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Pain in between my ribs.
Posted by poletrickster on October 17, 2012 at 11:37 amI have a stabbing pain in between my ribs (I guess its sternum?) when I take deep breaths or lean over. I have tried certain movements to try to trigger the pain and see if it's something I did lifting weights but it only hurts with deep breaths and leaning over.This is day two of the pain, if it continues I will go to the Dr. but I really don't need the medical expense right now. Any ideas what it could be?
megan12 replied 12 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 27 Replies -
27 Replies
No idea at all, I just woke up yesterday morning with it.
It could be, but if it persists, get it looked into. It could also be kidney, liver, or gaulbladder oriented. I just had all this looked into. Mine appeared to be gas. I have gastritis and I get those sharp pains EVERUWHERE. Places you would not imagine gas could even go.
Definitely not gas. Its a bruised achy pain when I breath in that gets sharp and stabby when I lean over.
Sorry. If is in the middle, it probably is none of the things I listed. I was confused with the pain area. It could be gas or an ulser. Or something lse digestive related. Not eating enough can cause it too. I had an endoscope done and they found I had abrasions all over (gastritis) I took Nexium and it is good today. I take the Nexium only as needed now.
I had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago. I know gas can be everywhere but this is a soreness like I injured something somehow.
There are muscles in there too that can be pulled from pole stuff.
I did 90 minutes of p90x yoga the night before, but I did not strain and it felt great but maybe it still tweaked something that I just didn't feel at the time. thanks everyone
I hope u are not having heart attacks. Please call a doctor or clinic
I had something kinda like that when I was taking prescription naproxen. My voice started turning all froggy and it hurt to breath in my chest. Turned out to be really bad heart burn.
Katana I have high blood pressure and it has been staying high with the p90x workout load b/c my medicine has not been bringing it down like it should anymore, I hadn't even thought this could be related but you could be right! I have had angina before but it was in a different location. I will call and see if I can get into my Cardiologist today. feels like a different pain than that though.
If you can't get an appointment, go to urgent care or something!
I've had the same pain in the past (prior to pole) and also recently within the last few months. This last episode was bad and didn't stop killing on inhales/forward/side bends/laughing for about a week (was on muscle relaxants and although everything was relaxed and numb, the sharp stabbing pain was still there).
Learned a few days in that I had two rib subluxation (slipped ribs), t4 and t5 at sternum. Nothing you can do about it (except have them manipulated back in place by a high, everage, physio or chiropractor).. Even when back in place though, it'll take a good 4-6 weeks for the tissue to heal. Once mine were back in and pain was pretty much absent (about 2 weeks later), except at the end of very large inhales (mild pain), I could feel my ribs wiggling around near sternum at the end of a large inhale (sort of like gritting teeth back and forth), since that's when theyd be maximally spread.
Im not saying this is what you have, but you might want to bring it up as an option when getting checked out, to rule out anything else. (slipped ribs can be fairly common-as I said, I've had them in the past, unrelated to pole)
Also, mine was a more to the left of sternum, in heart and general breast region (but mine involved two ribs). Symptoms mimic those of angina or pleurisy. And same onset, I just woke up with it.
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