Forums Discussions People shouting at performances – a rant

  • Lina Spiralyne

    December 14, 2012 at 4:31 am

    It's hyper annoying when watching a video and someone who sits close to the camera makes loooong wolf-like howls throughout the whole thing! I mute, and then it's not the same thing anymore, so the video becomes kind of destroyed:(. I don't know how the performer experiences it, I guess not as bad as the ones watching the video with someone screaming right into the mic.

  • Hazi411

    December 15, 2012 at 6:31 am

    High pitched screaming really really annoys me.  Shouting, not so much, but the ear-splitting screeching?  Sooooooo annoying – especially, as others have said, when you can't hear the music.

  • GiedreB

    December 15, 2012 at 6:54 am

    Oh thank goodness for this thread, I thought I was the only party pooper here, lol. The loud wolf noises irritate me so much, specially when they're made at an inappropriate time, like, when a performer is just walking around the pole or whatever… Seriously, WHY??? Usually, it is a nice performance and all that screeching ruins it, and I just end up not finishing watching the video…

  • Sublime

    December 15, 2012 at 10:35 am

    Pole fitness is trying to move forward and gain respect in the athletic arena as well as the general public. When outsiders view pole videos and and hear woot-woot shouts from the crowd it seems to cheapens the sports and works against our goal of being seen as athletes….. Just my personal thoughts. 🙂

  • PippiParnasse

    December 15, 2012 at 12:38 pm

    I also thought I was the only one. 🙂 I attributed my aversion to the screaming to the fact that I hang around with men a lot, and you know, they don't, like, scream.

    Nonetheless, I do appreciate the support. Audience enthusiams is really rewarding.

    Oh, also? It's really awkward when people are screaming and then you do something that YOU think/know is cool/difficult, but the more vocal members of the audience don't "get it" and all of a sudden the room's quiet and you lose your morale… but then that's part of knowing how to work a room, I guess.

    Incidentally, I have a background in opera, and audience members definitely do shout "brava," but typically the ones who are passionate enough to yell also know the music so well that they know the exact times when it's appropriate.

  • pantherchild

    December 15, 2012 at 7:45 pm

    I have mixed thoughts–I enjoy hearing people enjoy what I'm doing, but I hate that sometimes even I can't hear the music.  Sometimes it's just too loud.

    When I have a recorded preformance, I add the music back in over top of it so that you can hear it, regardless of the yelling and screaming.

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