Personalized SV clothing?
Excited for the pole event in March. It got me thinking, I wish we could order a Studio Veena fleece PERSONALIZED with our SV name AND THE SV LOGO. That way we could all connect. I know there are buttons, but they are small, people don't always wear them plus they don't tell us who each other is. All I am saying is I would LOVE to be sporting a SV fleece with Lyme Lyte embroidered on it. And I think it would be cool if a bunch of us had them 🙂 I am picturing a black fleece or shirt with the purple circle at the top of the SV page then our names on the front corner in purple as well. Just a thought…..
In the meantime, I will PROUDLY be wearing my SV pin with some type of Lime green accessory so be looking for me and say HI!
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