Forums Discussions Pink Responsibly

  • Sarahb69

    October 30, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    Descalzada the comment was aimed at me…and not to worry, my conscience was and still is clear. 

    Webmaster, I agree with everything you said also, and it was very nicely put.

  • Maria-Elena Kadala

    October 30, 2011 at 6:11 pm


    There was no attack on Pink Pole Power or Sean (no one was "demonized", as you yourself put it) … a couple of people mentioned simply chose to spend their money differently, and the information they provided was from the web-site, not a careless accusation.

    The vehemance of the defensive response still bewilders me.  I saw this remark on Facebook:

    "Somebody with the wrong information about Pink Pole Power spread this on facebook, Caution and go to Pink Pole Power wall."

    and yet I have not seen any "wrong information" posted anywhere.

    Veena donated 10% of her June subscriptions to this cause, and thus $1160 (thereabouts) went to help a woman whose story inspired so many of us!  Terrific!!!   No one is questioning anyone's right to make a living for him/her-self; as it is anyone's right to decide how to spend their donation dollars.


  • chemgoddess1

    October 30, 2011 at 8:02 pm

    I think there are several situations happening here and they just happen to be similar and a misunderstanding may have happened.  I do not think the original post was aimed specifically at anyone but rather posted as an FYI.  

  • Webmaster

    October 30, 2011 at 8:56 pm

    Descalzada – Just for clarity we gave $10 per new subscription which totalled $1160 dollars, and it was given directly to the Rochester Breast Cancer Coalition.

    Chemgoddes – I do believe you are right.

  • Maria-Elena Kadala

    October 31, 2011 at 9:28 am

    Webmaster, thanks for the clarification … wonderful that you were able to help the woman who inspired us so much.  I was happy to renew my subscription in June, thinking it would count toward the effort … and I'm happy to have Veena's lessons, period, so I would have renewed (in June) anyway!

    Chem, you're right that the original article was an FYI, relevant to all charitable giving.  I haven't seen any of the "wrong information" or even harsh remarks posted anywhere, just plenty of harsh  negativity directed toward whoever the "wrong informers" are.

    I'm a bit out of touch at the moment, power is still out from the snowstorm.

  • Anonyma

    February 17, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    yeah talking about pink pole power…..what a scam, am i the only one thinking this whole "pretty pink story " is in fact a facade to get attention, cause the guy certainly not makes any money with that, even if he  s tryin to look like he does

     this guy should be kept away from all the pole dancers lol, i mean wtf is that. At first it was free, even I had one picture pinked with the pole. NOW the guy decide to give only 5% of the money to cancer….OK, 

    my point is, he is using cancer and womens to build his "business" , i can photoshop a pink pole in less than 10 minutes, and he charges 20$ for that, pretending he did enough, uhhh im sorry but using cancer is wrong

    the girls in the industry are starting to talk about it more and more, i honestly am DISCUSSED  by pink pole power, i will have my pics removed and i encourage you ladies to have them removed as well, because of course i bet none of you signed a released for the pictures, so you can ask to remove them from the site or stupid slideshows he makes

    he just needs attention, posting the same old videos from zoyara and felix, i bet if they ve known a little bit more about whats going on they would ask for that to be removed and not to use their names anymore FOR SURE theese womens are strong and proud, they wouldnt allow that king of use of their image! 

    if your opinion is different than mine, fine, but im sure A LOTTTTT of girls think like me and they wsont speak up , but hey, no one here pays my bills and im free to speak my mind 


  • chemgoddess1

    February 17, 2012 at 12:17 pm

    And when you come on the forum and post the exact same thing in 2 different places it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth for your agenda.

  • Anonyma

    February 17, 2012 at 12:20 pm

     it is my opinion about a precise subject , and i needed to share it, i think its more visible if it has its own thread

    im sorry for the taste in your mouth! i send you a pack of gum 🙂 

  • studio409

    February 17, 2012 at 12:42 pm


    When giving bad intentions to someone, When you encourage people to boycott a company, when using words like "scam" "stupid" about a company and a person, it is not give a opinion. It's called making the public nuisance. This is a  lack of ethics and maturity. This site does not encourage women to give their opinion at any price, if you have nothing positive to say about pole fitness, find another place to unload your anger.




  • chemgoddess1

    February 17, 2012 at 1:01 pm

    Aas I stated in the other thread that you started, please let us know why you are so bitter towards Pink Pole Power instead of just getting on here and bashing it.


    That is like me getting on this forum and bashing Webbie and Veena because I think they got in the business just for attention.  I have no facts that I have stated, just that I think they are pathetic people for even starting this website and I think you all should remove yourselves instantly.


    This is exactly what you just did.  No reasoning.  No facts.  No nothing but you getting on and posting a rant.  Give us specific reasons:

    I don't like Pink Pole Power because Sean used to date a friend of mine and he hurt her and I just cannot support anything he has his hands in. (not saying this is the case…this is me posting an example of reasons behind your dislike of PPP)


  • Veena

    February 17, 2012 at 1:18 pm

    I don't see any purpose to posting negative opinions…..If you have an issue with someone please contact that person to work it out.

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