Forums Discussions Please help! New brass pole slippery?!

  • Please help! New brass pole slippery?!

    Posted by TinyDancer04 on July 18, 2011 at 5:55 am

    Help, I just got my new 45mm brass and it’s great on my hands but I can’t hold on with my legs- I just slip off! What am I doing wrong?

    Sublime replied 12 years, 9 months ago 23 Members · 37 Replies
  • 37 Replies
  • solsticedark

    July 18, 2011 at 6:54 pm

    Have you cleaned it yet? Most ship with a film to protect them. 

  • TinyDancer04

    July 18, 2011 at 7:46 pm

    Yeah I have! I tried glass cleaner first and this made it worse! Then gave it a good clean with water.
    I haven’t poled since before I had my baby (1year9monthsago) so I’m wondering if maybe it’s just a lack of leg strength ? Weird thing is I have great grip with my hands and can even do handsprings! It’s really frustrating!

  • isisandshiva

    July 18, 2011 at 9:54 pm

    is it the new brass x-pole? I remember a long time ago Alethea used one somewhere and she commented how slippery it was, which is why I'm holding on for more reviews, but you could try some brass cleaner and see if that eats through any coating that might be still on it.

  • TinyDancer04

    July 18, 2011 at 11:38 pm

    Yes it’s the new xpert.
    Grr it’s so annoying!
    Bit of a worry if alethea mentioned the slipperiness!
    It’s strange because I stick really really great with my hands but not with my legs?!
    Veena has suggested getting warmer and using a lotion for my legs a few hours before – I’ll give it a try and hopefully it’ll work!
    I’ve got sweaty hands and a great grip with them- just bad grip on legs. Very frustrating!

  • Madfelice

    July 18, 2011 at 11:46 pm

    Hi.  When I first put up my brass x-pole it was indeed a little slippery, but I wiped it down with acetone and now it is super grippy.  It also works for when the kids get greasy fingerprints on it as kids will do.

  • Dancing Paws

    July 19, 2011 at 1:05 am

    This is just a suggestion. Maybe try using rubbing alcohol to wipe it down first. Give it a good rub down with the alcohol to get any residue off. Also, did you use a 50mm in the past? If you are used to gripping 50 mm poles with your legs, that might be the problem.

  • TinyDancer04

    July 19, 2011 at 1:18 am

    Madfelice- great idea, thanks very much I’ll give it a try 🙂
    Ss- thankyou but yes I tried rubbing alcohol too! Ahh
    I used to dance on both 50mm & 38mm so I don’t think it’s that. It’s just slippery. So frustrating.
    Plan of attack- warm up pole and myself, moisturise a few hours before and clean with acetone! Fingers crossed 🙂
    Thanks ladies, really appreciate your help!

  • reenie aka Mysfit

    July 19, 2011 at 1:48 am

    Depending on how they have made it brass—–

    I own a brass pole…..Luv him. But I will tell ya—-the dirtier he is, the grippier he gets. I find he is at a perfect grippiness when he borders on being green from the tarnish. When I clean him, wow….he is slick unless he is super super warm. Once he gets a bit gooey again(lol) I can stick on him…..

    I haven't seen the details in the brass xperts yet….Are they brass plated, dipped etc? What is the inner sleeve constructed from?

    My brass pole is dipped enough that I can not get a magnet to stick to it(which is important when selecting cleaners) Brasso is really only meant to be used on actual brass/thicker coated mm from what I have been told.

    My recent cleaning buddy courtousy of the wonderful boards—-Magic Erasers……work great—but he is still slick until I get him a bit dirty again.

    So, has anyone got the full specs on the Brass Xpert construction?

    Does a magnet stick to it or fall to the floor?


  • Dancing Paws

    July 19, 2011 at 9:51 am

    Xpole told me that the main poles are solid brass.

  • TinyDancer04

    July 20, 2011 at 8:09 pm

    Well I think I found the solution! Thanks to everyone who commented!
    I tried cleaning the pole with acetone which cleaned but didn’t make it too slick.
    I put lotion on the day before.
    I put a heater on in my pole room 10 mins before i went in there.
    I spent some time doing spins to warm myself up and the pole a bit more and voila – no more grip issues!
    Think the main thing that worked was the heater as it is winter here. I kept the heater on throughout my whole work out which kept me pretty sweaty but no grip issues 🙂 YAY!!

  • Madfelice

    July 20, 2011 at 11:14 pm

    Reenie, the magnet falls to the floor on the pole itself, it is only the dome and the cover over the adjustment piece that are TG.

  • moonflower

    July 22, 2011 at 5:27 pm

    I got my new brass xpert and x stage today and I'm having the same problem!

    Unlike the all the other brass poles I've tried, this one is very slippery. I've wiped it down with alcohol but it's still slips. I hope it gets better and more similar to the othe rbass poles with use. I'm worried about the brass stage beign too slippery to use until it is borken in.

    I was really lookign forward to today since I usually love the way brass feels.

  • BootyCampDiva

    July 22, 2011 at 5:35 pm

    Try GoJo, I don't know if it messes with the condition of a brass pole…. but I've learned that if U slather it on with a paper towel and then wipe off with a dry paper towel…. then do U'r normal cleaning with alcohol…….. it works. Had the same issue with a friends pole, except hers was stainless steal. 🙂

  • Shellectra

    July 22, 2011 at 7:06 pm

    I find leg grips a bit trickier on my brass pole too but I have gotten used to it! The biggest issue I had when I got it was yes I had GREAT hand grip in terms of slipping DOWN the pole, but I would suddenly drift sideways AROUND the pole with my hands, putting me off balance in split grip ayshas, elbow grips etc!! It actually worried me a lot but I actually forgot I had that issue now – I think I've accustomed myself to holding myself a bit different 🙂 In terms of grip I barely wipe my brass down and haven't even cleaned it to get tarnish of cos it hasen't tarnished.  I wipe it with glass cleaner.  I loooove my brass so much 🙂 

  • sapphiresky

    July 23, 2011 at 4:27 am

    Brass poles are awesome… we always clean them with a spritz of a methylated spirits + water mix on a cloth 🙂

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