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LOL that's why I'm a HUGE believer in using descriptive names for moves. Outside leg hang, inside leg hang, inverted V (or straddle), hip hold and variations….. there are so many things that have a dozen names!
Side V
Leg position for Cradle…only bottom hand changes
Not true Veena…look at your leg positioning. Side V one leg is on front and the other behind. The cradle is what you call the thigh rest
And yeah….Gemini –> Iron X….in pretty much all our dreams!
huh? I thought that's what you guys were saying that the side v has one leg in front and the other behind??
The thigh rest is a thigh rest, and you can do leg varations such as a V….the cradle is a not the same thing to me, it's a spin. The pole is placed a bit higher up by the hip bone for the cradle spin and the focus isn't to rest the pole on the thigh, but rather use the arms to hold you.
Sorry….mis read what you had written (I thought you meant the only difference between side V and cradle was that your arm position changed).
My bad….
i've heard: cradle, cradle V, thigh rest, apprentice. to me, they're all the same hand positioning. if i'm understanding correctly, people are saying that in the cradle, both legs are on the far side of the pole in relation to the head and upper body, while in a cradle V/thigh rest/apprentice the outside leg is on the same side of hte pole as your upper body? So then, by moving my leg (which is straight) about 6" it becomes a completely different trick, when nothing else is moving?
in the combo that lillybilly posted, isnt the last part then (if you're differentiating between a cradle and a side V) cradle- side V/cradle V- butterfly?
sooo confused. are cradle V and side V the same thing? and are they the sme as apprentice or thigh hold????
I agree with Veena and Amy. I think the confusion lies with "Spin" versus "Pole Trick" versus "Leg Variations". Check out my last video. At exactly 1 minute I start a "Cradle Spin" with my legs in a "tucked" variation. Without moving my hands, I then change my leg position to a "V". I am still using my arms to hold me up. So, it is a "Cradle Spin" with my legs in a "V" variation. Then you will see my hands shift as I move my weight onto my thigh into a "Thigh Rest/Apprentice", which is a "Trick". If I had opened my legs into "V" again, it would be Thight Rest with a "V" variation.To me, a Side V is a trick, much like the Thigh Rest is a trick. This is an interesting thread, but I think it moved out of what the original intent of it was! Leave it to us!
I think they are all variations on the same thing?
you have your arms one high and one low and your body is in between the arms BUT your legs are different. i think the top leg can either be free so you can fold out into a back hook (so that would be cradle or thigh rest/ apprentice or it can be inbetween your top arm and your body (what i've seen called side v here) and from this move you go into a superman.
eg. gemini–> SIDE V–> superman –> dove –> dove drop!
eg. cradle–> extend legs to thigh rest/ cradle v –> hook top ankle and push up into butterfly –>extended butterfly —> iron x 😛
I hadn't heard anyone refer to the static hold as a cradle before. I only thought of it as a spin!! LOL That's where my confusion came in.
So I have added the Cradle and Cradle V to the AKA for the Thigh Res and it's V variation, t is that correct?
Thigh rest (tuck)
Thigh rest (V)
It's not that confusing, Cradle, jamilla, thigh rest, anchor are all the same move….and all can have leg variations. Moving the legs into a V variation doesn't change anything but the legs.
Side V is different.
Nice combos beaniegoesnuts!
I know a lot of people around me that call it a cradle, which makes sense to me because if you do the same move on a spin pole, but you are staying still, it's still called a cradle, just like there's a no-hands cradle on spin pole which is the static hold and NOT a spin. oy, it's so much easier to just show pictures instead 🙂
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