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Pole Convention 2012 – I know its early!
SweetFitJess replied 12 years, 8 months ago 48 Members · 173 Replies
Bummer, there is a convention in Michigan this weekend….. thought that may be closer for you, but still a LONG way. 🙁
Im down with being anyones roomie, and for $25/night in LA you cant beat that!!! Plus I like meeting new people! Let me get my flight booked then I am in!
ok so I have contemplated going since november… I kept saying why go because I am too beginner to get anything out of it and am not strong enough… Well I decided- why the hell would I tell myself that- any level is invited to this event and can benefit from workshops. I have my plane ticket and hotel booked and paid for- so its official now… I have to stay at the Hilton next to the Marriot because the Marriot didn't have any rooms left.
I wanted to do a VIP workshop with Alesia Vazmitsel but I firgured I will stick with what I have because I think its fair to let the advanced polers has the VIP Spots
Friday- I am doing Lou Landers Beginner Polesations 8:30-9:30pm
Saturday I didnot book anything yet mostly because I am contemplating on what workshop would be best for my level. I may not do one at all. I obviously wouldn't throw myself into a VIP workshop with Felix Cane or Cleo. LOL
As soon as Jessalynn posts the price for the Costume Design with Amber Ray- I really want to sign up for that
There are a lot of the speaker siminars I would like to go to. And of course I want to watch all the performance that day and night.
Sunday- I am doing the Pole Star Workshop with Anatasia and I have an Alethea Austin Private
I am excited I am doing a private with Alethea- I figured since she will be my last workshop at the Convention I want to focus on strickly stretching and floorwork.
I have seriously been working hard the last few weeks to build as much strength as much I can for the convention and just for pole in general. I have noticed improvement in my strength and hope this is a good idea for me to go.
I would love to meet some of you Veeners.
Also- Jessalynn has added a TON more workshops for those of you who weren't able to buy what you wanted due to everything selling out.
Hi Ladies!
We're still looking for 1 or 2 more roomies for our room we have secured at marriot for thurs(maybe), fri, sat, sun
It will be me and another roomie I just met from Colorado.. super down to earth chica! Lemme know!
I keep eyeing the headstand/handstand workshop also. I have panic attacks at the thought of handstands 🙁 I tried beginning steps few years ago and keep wanting to try every now and again with no luck. I recently got some help and am getting the hang of headstands. So is this workshop for people like me who have not accomplished it yet??
I've also ordered my sv buttons for pole convention!! Anyway else we'll be identifying each other for those who don't have buttons?
I’m signed up for that workshop although the name has now changed to “hand balancing” which is a little more intimidating! I don’t do hand or head stands only elbow and shoulder. I say DO IT!!! Your headstand is looking GOOD Hooked and it’s a workshop to learn how to make it better 🙂
I saw this just now on Karol Helms facebook page and wanted to share with you ladies.
Click this link for all the workshops being offered during pole convention weekend at BeSpun. They have some with Karol Helms and many others. Posted for you ladies just in case there is a workshop you really wanted to try and make it to. =)
one workshop that really stood out was Nadia and Mina's double workshop on the Saturday of the convention. I know some of you participate in doubles and there is not a doubles workshop being offered at the convention
I will be booking my flight out there this week. The cheapest flight for me is the leave Thurs night and arrive around midnight LA time, also PS wants to do some promo stuff with me on that Friday so I can catch some sleep and then do all my biz work!
azblanco – YAY! so glad you're coming! come and say hi! I went as a beginner last year and had a blast. There really is something there for everyone.
So excited to meet all of you ladies! It's coming up so quick! Is anyone staying after the convention? A few gals and myself are staying from the Friday (start of convention) until the following Friday. Would love to hang out with everyone on and off the pole 🙂 We were thinking about checking out some studios across LA while we're there.
Lemme know lemme know! 🙂
Sair! My friend and I (both Canadians too) will be staying until Thursday. We were thinking of checking out Be Spun for sure, maybe Tuesday morning?
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