Forums Discussions Pole Dance on CNN

  • Castleoutsider

    August 21, 2009 at 9:41 pm

    yea ive seen it too. ive actually seen photos of the event and ppl asked em about her.
    he said after she fell she got right back up and kept dancing ^^

    ive poled in pants before.. i even managed to get a butterfly out! and i had only been poling for a bit when i did it ^^

    its kinda odd to mention pole riders but not pole superstar~ (same ppls i believe)

    unless thats an older clip~

  • PoleDanceABCs

    August 22, 2009 at 9:58 am

    There is always more pressing news than "Naked subway riders in NYC" but I heard that CNN is losing a lot of viewers. They are simply using the same lame old theory that sex sells. They think that by spicing up or dumbing down their news they’ll get younger viewers. *sigh*
    Viva NPR and PBS!

  • violet

    August 23, 2009 at 5:09 pm

    And yet ANOTHER reason why i dont watch the news….
    Really, they couldnt find anything better to talk about than bloopers?
    If they are gonna show a blooper of something (and its NOT a blooper/funniest video show) they should show the great side of it as well. That would make for a much better story I think, people actually looking really good doing that kind of stuff. But of course not, always got to poke fun.
    I just feel bad for that poor girl. You know that hurt. I wonder if she was okay with them using her video like that? Not that she has a say anyway….

  • Buterflii

    August 23, 2009 at 10:02 pm

    Yeah, I’ve seen this one a hundred times too. Kind of suprised to see it on CNN, LOL. It’s hardly news.

    Alcohol+Pole+Jeans= Youtube stardom

    aaaaha, ahaha so funny

    dayanara is sooo nice


  • DeaconJungleCatPoles

    August 24, 2009 at 6:02 pm

    I only have 2 things to say…

    1. I really need to stop poling in jeans otherwise I might face plant like that girl hehehe


    2. Where can I find an application to apply for Pole Riders?!?!?!

  • PennyGirl

    August 25, 2009 at 5:19 pm

    Yeah, I saw this video when I first started on the pole 2.5 months ago. It is sad that this video is sensationalized as part of pole dancing. this in my opinion is not a display of pole dancing what so ever. This video is a clip of a woman who clearly did not know what she had gotten herself into, and she got hurt. Would you attempt a gymnastic flip without training? Of course not. People do not realize the strength and hours of training it takes to even pull off the simplest spin around the pole, and these videos really solidify that. I hope people learn from this poor young woman’s experience and start taking this seriously, she was really hurt and it wasn’t right or funny.
    CNN was really irresponsible for making this into a story. It would have been better if they had taken a moment to research and find out who this woman was and whether or not she was actually trained to be doing what she was doing before she got hurt. It might have been better if they had a professional show the audience what real pole dancing tricks look like, so it doesn’t make the sport look reckless and talentless.
    hmmmmmjust a thought.

  • Jonnie

    August 28, 2009 at 12:58 pm

    The guys a douche, hes just trying to find something to laugh at and the fact its pole dancing just makes him feel a little better up there on his smug high horse.
    What a fool.

    as for the girl, im sure she wasnt the first person to do it, and im sure she wont be the last. Shame they didnt pick another video of something that no1 in that studio could have done, and see what matey said then… what a douche.

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