Forums Discussions Pole Dancing? Not On Facebook

  • Pole Dancing? Not On Facebook

    Posted by horsecrazy12987 on June 18, 2010 at 3:49 am

    I am SO unbelievably irritated right now. I logged in to my Facebook account Tuesday, and got a message saying the account had been disabled. Facebook gave me absolutely no prior warning that this had been done, and also did not give me any reason as to WHY it had been disabled. I had to actually go to an entirely separate area just to contact them and find out why the account had been suspended, which pissed me off a little. If Myspace freezes your account, they at least tell you WHY.

    So anyway, I contacted them asking why the account was disabled since as far as I knew I had not violated any rules. I thought maybe my account had been hacked or something, since the FAQ said that accounts are sometimes temporarily disabled for security reasons.

    Well, I finally got a reply back from them today, and they informed me that my account was in violation, and that I had uploaded photographic content that did not comply with their rules. The message told me they had reviewed the case and removed the content that was in violation, and that they had gone ahead and reactivated my account.

    The only pictures I have uploaded to Facebook are some pole dancing pictures. I’m wearing just a normal bathing suit, and I’m not even doing any spread-eagled poses or anything!! If anything, the pictures show the more athletic side of pole dancing rather than the sensual; there aren’t really any sexy poses or anything. In fact, I’ll post the pictures here:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

    These are the ONLY photos I currently have up on my account. I completely fail to see what is obscene about them!! There is no nudity or graphic violence, obviously. The only category it could even possibly fall into is ‘sexually suggestive’ and if that’s all they can think of when they look at those pictures, they’re the ones with the problem, not me. It’s not like I’m leaning against it with my hand down my bikini bottoms! There are much worse photos on Facebook, not to mention plenty of other pole dancers with pictures up.

    I don’t know what the hell Facebook’s problem is. And on top of that, they actually DIDN’T reactivate my account–I’ve tried several times throughout the day to log back in, and it still has it listed as disabled. I don’t know if they just took one picture off or removed all of them since I can’t get back on it right now.

    I’m wondering if someone complained and they took them down just to be politically correct because they didn’t want to ‘offend’ anyone, because I don’t really see how they could have looked at the photos and decided that they were in violation. If I was totally naked in them, then that would be different, but clearly I am NOT. I wrote them a rather strongly-worded e-mail pointing out to them all the reasons why I didn’t believe the pictures to be in violation of their rules and asking them to reconsider, and also pointing out that they hadn’t even reactivated my account. They haven’t replied back yet, but I’ll let you guys know what they say.

    Lilypad replied 13 years, 6 months ago 19 Members · 54 Replies
  • 54 Replies
  • Jenn

    June 18, 2010 at 4:03 am

    I’m guessing someone flagged your photos and Fb just removed them automatically. I have heard of this happening to others. I have my pole photos under private albums that only my pole friends can see. I have lots of different people as Fb friends and everyone has an opinion so I figure better keep it safe and only allow those that respect pole dancing have access. Sorry that had to happen to you! That sucks!

  • horsecrazy12987

    June 18, 2010 at 4:21 am

    The thing is that my photos ARE supposed to be viewable by friends only. I made all of them private so no one could see them who wasn’t on my friends list. I’ve only got about a dozen people on my friends list, and all of them either already knew about my pole dancing and are fine about it or even dance themselves, so I highly, highly doubt it was someone on my friends list. The only thing I can think of is that I missed a setting and someone who wasn’t supposed to was able to see my profile picture and complained; other than that, I’m not sure.

    What ticks me off is that if they’ve reviewed it, then they should have seen that the material fell well within their guidelines. It’s not like I’m uploading pornographic material, for God’s sake.

  • miss fern

    June 18, 2010 at 6:55 am

    Facebook is massive.

    I don’t know how many people they have working for them, but think of this… How many people do you know?

    How many people do you know that are NOT on facebook?

    I bet it’s a tiny percent. So that goes to show how many users Facebook has to cater for. And chances are – your stuff was deleted routinely after it was flagged or something.

    I would get back in contact with them, and play dumb. Be polite and say someone told you your account would be active again, but for some reason you can’t get back in still. Do they know what has happened?

    Facebook doesn’t have a problem with pole dancers. There are thousands of pole pics, pole vids, pole groups and pole profiles, pole ads, pole events – the list goes on.

    I’m sure you can get in straightened out soon.

  • horsecrazy12987

    June 18, 2010 at 1:11 pm

    I’m sure if something is flagged they probably just automatically lock the account–but what is the point in even reviewing the situation if they are just going to remove the content even when it doesn’t violate their rules? Now I’m not sure what I can even put up on my account without getting it disabled again and not being able to use it for at least a week, possibly more depending on how long it takes for them to actually reactivate it again. I’ll check my privacy settings when I can log back in, but I really thought that everything was set properly so that all the pictures were private. On the very small chance someone on my friends list reported them, I have no way of knowing who did it, because I’m not on bad terms with anyone and like I said, it’s a very small list, and most of the people on there are interested in pole dancing themselves–several encouraged me to put up pictures and video so they could see them. I think one of my friends was more pissed than I was when Facebook took them down. It would be very strange for any of them to report the photos.

    It just seems to me that if you are going to have guidelines, if someone flags pictures for being in violation, sure, temporarily lock the account until you can make sure review it. (Although letting me know what’s going on would be nice.) But then once you review the situation and find that they are NOT actually in violation, why then would you go ahead and delete them anyway? What’s the point of even having rules then, if you’re not going to follow them yourselves? I could go around and flag any pictures I want; it doesn’t mean they are actually in violation.

  • chemgoddess1

    June 18, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    Are you friends with anyone under 18?

    All that had to happen was someone you know being on facebook at the same time someone else walked in and possibly saw your photos. If the person that walked in was some how offended by your pole pics they can report you to facebook and facebook will disable your account and remove any photos they deem inappropriate.

  • horsecrazy12987

    June 18, 2010 at 2:09 pm

    Nope. Everyone on my friends list is at least 21 or over. I suppose that could have happened–obviously I don’t know everyone who is friends with those on my friends list and whether or not they would be offended. It just really annoys me that Facebook would review the situation and find the photos to be offensive, since they’re not actually violating any rules. If they are going to have rules, than they need to follow them–which would mean NOT removing photos if they’re not actually violating the policy, regardless of whether someone didn’t like them. I saw a picture of a very unattractive baby on there the other day–should I be able to flag that and make them take it down because I find it ‘offensive’ even though it’s not violating anything?

    I can’t control who walks into a room at the same time one of my friends is looking at my account. How am I supposed to be able to put up videos and pictures now without worrying that my account is going to be shut down for who knows how long? I don’t want to put the pictures of on Myspace–the whole reason I made the Facebook account in the first place was so that I could share my poling progress with friends who were interested.

  • Charley

    June 18, 2010 at 2:38 pm

    Problem is they do not actually look at the images they just remove them. Theoretically you could flag a pic of a cute kitten and they would remove it.

    I had a ton of my pics removed from photobucket because someone didn’t like me and Bertysbooboo doing doubles tricks.

  • poledanceromance

    June 18, 2010 at 2:39 pm

    Go to your privacy settings and be 100% positive you don’t have "friend of friend" checked for any reason. Moreover you cannot put anything like that as your profile pic because you can’t control who sees that. I don’t disagree with you, I just want to point out that facebook now considers a lot of your info, pics included, to be public information and you can no longer control who sees it. So if some under 18 out there sees it and gets offended, there’s not much you can do. You can’t even post pics of yourself breast feeding your baby on fb. Personally, I deleted my facbook because of how scary their privacy settings are now. They give you the illusion of control, but really you have virtually none. In fact if you log into your facebook account and then go other places on line, facebook records where you go for advertising purposes. As in, let’s say you log your fb and then go listen to something on pandora. Facebook will know what songs you listened to. Or if you went to a news website, they would know what stories you read. And they allow third parties, like advertisers or those hiring job applicants, to search everything on your profile totally unfiltered. So it really does NOT matter what your settings are. Everything you post is ultimately fully public. And PLEASE do not post any professional pole pics to facebook. All pictures you upload become the sole property of facebook. I shoud post some info on facebook since I know a lot of people here use it. They are very deceptive about the service they offer.

  • aWiiPeanut

    June 18, 2010 at 6:01 pm

    I’ve also noticed that even if you have a group of people that are blocked from seeing certain pic folders or whatever, it doesn’t always work. I blocked everyone from seeing my pole pics except my pole friends and family…but then everyone started commenting on the pics…people that were not supossed to be seeing them. I’ve had to routinely go back and check that the setting stays the same. Privacy settings change alot on their own when they change their layout…which is now every few months or so…so check your privacy settings often. I think its bullshit about facebook but there really isn’t anything we can do about it. Fb has gotten so big…even ads in papers have fb and twitter logos at the bottom to show that you can stay ‘connected’ to them. I personally would love a new community website. I quit myspace because there was too busy and too much loading and crap on people’s pages…then fb has all these privacy issues…i thought we used to have to approve pictures that other people tagged in our folders but thats not so anymore. I can’t stand it when you have a picture up and everyone and their momma tags themselves in it when they are not in the pictures….i don’t like friends of friends clicking on a profile to see tagged pics and pics of me pop up. I guess i’m more of a private person and I like to know where my face is gonna be posted y’kno?

  • Danielle Tillie

    June 18, 2010 at 7:05 pm

    I recently had a photo removed as well. I still haven’t figured out which one was removed, as I seriously have hundreds of pictures on facebook. I generally don’t care what people see, to be honest. It bugs some people around me that I’m so open with my image but I figure if someone doesn’t like what they see they can choose not to associate with me. My future employers care more about what comes out of the bell of my horn than anything else, so that argument doesn’t work with me either. I know that I have a lot of sexy pictures on facebook from my modeling endeavors. I love the pictures, I think they’re wonderful, edited well, good composition, colors, tones, lighting, etc. I don’t have anything on there that I would consider trashy, slutty, or even close to pornographic. Sometimes I forget though that children can now be on facebook. When I joined facebook 7 years ago it was college students only. I have one friend on there who is the daughter of a family friend and she is 13… if her mother disapproves of her seeing my pictures then she should have the password and be able to de-friend me. I can’t be responsible for the comfort of all of my 500 friends. Ugh.

  • Ginger Kitty

    June 18, 2010 at 7:44 pm

    I’m sorry that happened to you. I’d be PO’d too. Here is a link to a website where you can scan your privacy settings on facebook:
    It’s also a good idea to "Like" this page as they try to update their scanner every time fb updates there settings.

  • horsecrazy12987

    June 18, 2010 at 10:46 pm

    Go to your privacy settings and be 100% positive you don’t have "friend of friend" checked for any reason. Moreover you cannot put anything like that as your profile pic because you can’t control who sees that. I don’t disagree with you, I just want to point out that facebook now considers a lot of your info, pics included, to be public information and you can no longer control who sees it. So if some under 18 out there sees it and gets offended, there’s not much you can do. You can’t even post pics of yourself breast feeding your baby on fb. Personally, I deleted my facbook because of how scary their privacy settings are now. They give you the illusion of control, but really you have virtually none. In fact if you log into your facebook account and then go other places on line, facebook records where you go for advertising purposes. As in, let’s say you log your fb and then go listen to something on pandora. Facebook will know what songs you listened to. Or if you went to a news website, they would know what stories you read. And they allow third parties, like advertisers or those hiring job applicants, to search everything on your profile totally unfiltered. So it really does NOT matter what your settings are. Everything you post is ultimately fully public. And PLEASE do not post any professional pole pics to facebook. All pictures you upload become the sole property of facebook. I shoud post some info on facebook since I know a lot of people here use it. They are very deceptive about the service they offer.

    That’s ridiculous; I knew Facebook was kind of stalkerish, but I did not realize it was THAT bad. I was considering deleting my account a while back, and after reading this I’m going to seriously re-consider it. I would normally not have put a pole dancing pic as my profile picture, but I didn’t have any others uploaded to Facebook and there is actually a setting (supposedly, although now I’m in doubt of it,) to make it so only friends can view your profile picture.

    I also had NO clue that Facebook considers any photos you upload to be their property. That is some really, really scary information. I bet a lot of people don’t know any of this. I think you should definitely post some Facebook info, because I’m sure there are a lot of people like me who didn’t know most of the stuff you just posted.

    Sounds like there’s a lot of BS going on with them. I’m not sure where to post my pole stuff now (except here, obviously,) for friends that aren’t a part of this community to check out. I don’t want to use Myspace because one of my friends on there actually works with my dad, who does not know that I dance. I wouldn’t lie to him about it if he found out somehow, but I’m also not going to mention it to him because there is a good chance he might freak out and I don’t see the point of unnecessarily adding drama. She might mention something in passing to him without thinking about it.

  • miss fern

    June 19, 2010 at 1:54 am

    In fact if you log into your facebook account and then go other places on line, facebook records where you go for advertising purposes. As in, let’s say you log your fb and then go listen to something on pandora. Facebook will know what songs you listened to. Or if you went to a news website, they would know what stories you read. And they allow third parties, like advertisers or those hiring job applicants, to search everything on your profile totally unfiltered. So it really does NOT matter what your settings are.

    Fortunately, this isn’t completely true. Facebook tracks where you go on other sites ONLY IF those other sites have set up facebook tracking on their end, AND ONLY IF you click through to that site FROM facebook. So…. if you just type it into the address bar or whatever, facebook can’t track it. If you click a link in a facebook post, or click a facebook ad (and IF that web site owner of that link has installed facebook tracking script on their site) then yes, facebook can record the sites you visit.

    Although this might sound like a violation of privacy, it’s nothing to be concerned about really. Your ISP can track every site you visit. So can you network administrator at work or at uni. Hell, so can your Dad or your flatmate if they’re the one in control of the modem at your place. Facebook tracks this information to provide a better service to their application developers, and advertisers.

    So for example, I place adverts on facebook for my work, and we like to know what pages on our site people go to after clicking the facebook ad. This helps us know which pages to improve, what services and articles of ours people are interested in etc., and how we can improve our targeted advertising campaigns. It doesn’t reveal personal information such as your username or IP address to us. It just says how many people went to which page, how long they stayed on there on average, how they found the page in the first place etc. These are very useful stats and I believe it is okay for facebook to release these.

    As for the advertisers and job applicants thing – that was just a scare tactic that was being spread for a while. Facebook does NOT release your profile to anyone, even if they pay. Employers can only see what you have set to ‘public’ or ‘everyone’. Advertisers can target their advertising to be displayed to be whose interests are ‘skating’ and ‘rollerblading’ and who live in Canada, for example – but they can’t actually see your likes and interests themselves (unless they are your friend of course).

    I’ve also noticed that even if you have a group of people that are blocked from seeing certain pic folders or whatever, it doesn’t always work. I blocked everyone from seeing my pole pics except my pole friends and family…but then everyone started commenting on the pics…people that were not supossed to be seeing them.

    This has happened to me before, and it’s because we accidentally didn’t set the privacy correctly. For example… even if you set your album to only be viewable by ‘Certain Friends’ and then chose the list ‘Pole Friends’ say, you probably forgot to untick the ‘All My Networks’ box. It would look something like this:

  • Ginger Kitty

    June 19, 2010 at 8:20 pm

    I’m not sure where to post my pole stuff now

    There is a website called where you can share photos. You can even give your friends/family a guest a password so they can access your photos. There is a free account and another that you pay for. You can upload vids too. On the free option the vids are limited to 2 mins. I can’t remember off the top of my head if there is a limit on photos but I don’ think that there is.

  • horsecrazy12987

    June 19, 2010 at 9:57 pm

    Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll look into that.

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