Forums Discussions Pole Dancing and Christianity

  • Pole Dancing and Christianity

    Posted by cburzynski3896 on October 1, 2014 at 12:15 pm

    So I am currently working on a project that focuses on Christians who are also involved in pole dancing. It seems to be a hot topic recently, and would love to chat with some people who have positives views on the subject. I believe pole dancing is a unique expression of ourselves and the Christian religion does say we should express ourselves and love our bodies which is exactly in my eyes what pole dancing allows one to do. I wanted to see if anyone feels the same way and if you would be willing to share your views! If you would like to discuss please either reply here or shoot me an email! Look forward to chatting!!

    Rachel Osborne replied 10 years, 4 months ago 8 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Dolce Vita

    October 1, 2014 at 12:33 pm

    Hi cburzynski3896,
    I think it’s really interesting that you’re doing a project about this topic. What type of a project are you doing (just curious)?
    Since I started pole dancing, it’s completely changed how I USED to think about pole dancers, pole dancing, etc. I had a really negative view on it which I think is particularly because of how I was raised and the part of the country I am from. Growing up in my family, sex was a “bad word” and you were expected to wear conservative clothing and to have “conservative-thinking”. It’s sort of unfortunate that I was raised that way because I could have started dancing much younger than I have. Also, now that my family know I do it as an activity (they’re not super supportive and a lot of them think “I just need to get back into church”).
    I feel that sometimes it’s hard to mix Christianity and pole dancers (based on what certain people believe) but I do think it can be done. I don’t exactly consider myself Christian, but I have been saved by Jesus Christ and I’m a believer.
    I think that just because I dress a certain way, or dance a certain way, or love on my body, makes me any less of a Christian than someone who doesn’t pole dance.
    My mother in law is a Christian and she’s incredibly supportive of me. I even gave her my old pole because she’d like to learn to pole dance as well.
    Pole dance is absolutely an expression of ourselves…and I know I feel amazing after dancing and I feel a lot more love towards myself.
    I don’t think it’s “sinful” to pole dance and I think those who think that are just small-minded. It would be nice if some of my family just accepted that I pole dance or just shut up about it.
    But overall, I know I am a better person because I pole dance. It makes me love myself and others a lot more.

    Hope this helps.

  • Dolce Vita

    October 1, 2014 at 12:36 pm

    I don’t think that ^ just because I dress a certain way, or dance a certain way, or love my body a certain way, makes me any less of a Christian or believer than someone who doesn’t pole dance.

    (I had a few mistakes, but that should fix that sentence).

  • cburzynski3896

    October 1, 2014 at 12:56 pm

    Totally agree! We are putting together a docu-series clip show for a major cable network and basically looking for Christians to speak on different topics each episode. One topic we are looking for people to discuss is pole dancing. We are looking for people that are Christians who would be willing to be interviewed about the subject and share their point of view. I don’t know if that is something you would be interested but if so please feel free to email us at Thanks again for the input!!

  • PinkPhoenix

    October 1, 2014 at 4:40 pm

    I was raised christian and now I’m just Spiritual. Here is how I see it. Pole dancing is no different really then any other dance. It’s a way to express yourself by using movement. Anybody Christian or not that like to use the bible or what not to bring you done for simply expressing yourself differently always remind them of the 9th commandment because if they were truly Christian the judgement wouldn’t even be there. To be Christian is to be Christ like and there are some that may not remember that.

  • SpeedyG

    October 1, 2014 at 4:52 pm

    I’m a Christian, Catholic but not a Church goer (4-5 a year ). I have not founded a problem from friends and only some of my closest family were questioning me about it because they did have my same past perseption of pole dancing. I came to a studio to prank my best friend into taking a pole dancing class and I am the one that got hooked with all the fitness involved with this sport! As a Christian, it has not affected my beliefs, but be comfortable more with myself and understand other pole mates and their reasons.

  • cburzynski3896

    October 1, 2014 at 5:04 pm

    Cantetinza17 and SpeedyG we are looking for Christians who are interested in voicing their opinion! If you may be interested please shoot us an email- we would love to chat!

  • scarlet snow

    October 1, 2014 at 9:42 pm

    You should email my aunt, Wendy. She is a published church scholar and owns her own pole studio in Boston.

  • wildroseusana7879

    October 3, 2014 at 12:09 pm

    Im Christian, born and raised! I find pole dance so freeing and liberating. I know and understand the conflict of opinion on beliefs. But if I feel soul and emotions during dance… how is that a bad thing 🙂

  • TigerLily05

    October 3, 2014 at 3:32 pm

    I am also a christian, (whole-heartedly, at church every weekend) and I’ve been pole dancing for a few years now. I believe that it’s a great form of expression- both sexually and artfully- even if it’s just for myself. I am married and have only ever danced seductively for my husband, and I feel that there is that freedom within marriage. I find pole dance to be a beautiful art form that really stirs me emotionally, and I can’t help but feel that it’s natural for our bodies to move like that. Now, keeping in mind that there are different forms of pole dance (seductive vs. fitness/sport), I just feel the sexual side needs to stay between me and my husband.

    Most people view a big contrast between poling and christianity, and it’s based on the stereotypical view of pole dancing (paid seduction). But pole dancing isn’t just that, it can be an amazing form of acrobatics, strength, and beauty. Coming from a biblical background, it can be compared to anything used improperly… a simple glass of wine vs. getting wasted, having money and being generous vs. greedy etc. It’s not the alcohol or the money that is wrong- it’s the improper use of it. In the same way, poling can be either. I am, in no way implying judgement on anyone in this community, (I love them like family!) but am only providing my viewpoint as a faith-filled poler 🙂

  • Rachel Osborne

    October 3, 2014 at 6:01 pm

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