Forums Discussions Pole Dancing at a Bar – reactions

  • Pole Dancing at a Bar – reactions

    Posted by stars2shame on July 19, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    I was just wondering if any of you have tried pole dancing at a local bar with a pole? There are a few non-ADULT bars/clubs in my city that have poles and after pole dancing for about 9 months I decided to show off my skills one night while out with my friends. I went over to the pole and waited for the stripper wanna bes to stop grinding on it and I did some tricks, like the butterfly, gemini, scorpio, flat line scorpio, CKR, and some spins (no sexual dancing). Afterward the guys in that place started to act all weird. Some would ask if I was a dancer, some would offer me money, some would follow me around all night talking to me, touching my arm, asking me to come back to their place (and with my BF like 10 ft away, and getting very annoyed at all the attention) So i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and how they deal with it. It was exhilerating to perform infront of people, and I loved it, but I didn’t like the afterwards male attention so next time I’m gonna wait until I’m almost ready to leave before showing off my skills. Has anyone else had this happen to them?

    horsecrazy12987 replied 14 years, 7 months ago 9 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Dayanara

    July 19, 2010 at 8:25 pm

    We have several clubs here with poles, one of them has 5! Lol, they are not strip clubs, just regular clubs/bars, every time I go there I make sure I dress appropriately to pole, (formal shorts, or pole shorts under a dress), but I’ve never gone alone, I am always with my other pole friends, so it is not just me, we get attention for sure, male attention, but never bad, ie.calling us strippers or anything, I am sure they think about it, I honestly tell them all I have a boyfriend and they usually stop trying, the other kind of attention that we get is bad female attention, and I dread that one the most, a pole friend and I got in a fight once and got kicked out of a club (classy, I know, LOL) because of two girls fighting us and calling us “whores”. Just because we could do some tricks, I have noticed it’s always those insecure girls that ruin some pole dancing nights, not the male attention, we ALWAYS get dirty looks from groups of girls, we also get the ones that hog the pole just to block us from doing anything on it, LOL. Some girls are really nice and talk to us and ask us where to take classes, but some others are just bitches. The bottom line is, if you are going to pole in public, you are going to attract attention, male and female, good and bad, you have to be prepared to deal with it, you wont go unnoticed, tell the guys off, walk away from the girls that want to fight you, and if they hog the pole, let them, they want attention, but they will never get even a third of the attention you got during the time you had the pole, if you don’t feel like dealing with attention that night, then don’t go on the pole.

  • pole-twista

    July 19, 2010 at 8:54 pm

    going to have to agree .. if you pole in public you WILL get attention male and female, good annd bad. girls will almost always give you dirty looks and /or try to start something. i was in this situation over the weekend. i just took it up a notch when got female haters and had fun, but it does get soo frustrating. i would say if anyone gives you unwanted attention tell them polietly, but firmly that you do not want to talk w them and if they don’t stop, get a boucer or talk to the bartender. not worth taking a chance on someone who may go violent over something stupid. never go out alone and remember if your not sticking together and watching out for ea. other you mine as well be alone. dress appropriate, don’t be overly sexual, and don’t worry about the rest! POWER2THEPOLERS!!!

  • chemgoddess1

    July 20, 2010 at 12:51 am

    Any guy that tries touching me will get their asses kicked!

    I have had all sorts of reactions. Most ask if I am a stripper (as if I have the chest for it). Had 2 girls in Old Orchard Beach Maine get really pissed because they no longer were getting tips once I got up on the pole. It was great too because I could have been their mother! There are those that want to learn and those that want to keep you off the pole. Luvlee has videos of when a bunch of us were in Columbus…I had one girl push my shorts higher on my butt while I was in a CAR. One girl untied my boots. Two ladies were outside talking and I heard one say something about the one in the boots…I turned around and said "What about the one in the boots"? I am not sure what exactly was said but they got really nice and were talking to us the rest of the evening.

    Most of all…get good a reading the crowd. There are times you can get away with it and times you cannot. Even though the temptation may be high you need to know when to walk away.

  • stars2shame

    July 20, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    Thanks for your stories!! It’s interesting hearing how other people handle it.

    Thank you!!!!

  • monica kay

    July 20, 2010 at 2:46 pm

    For now, pole dance = sexy.
    once men start thinking of you in a sexual way they are going to start acting weird and maybe even rude or insulting.
    Insecure women will start to judge you.
    I’m not sure how to handle it without coming off bitchy.
    But I’m a bitch… sometimes
    Maybe if you wore a shirt that advertised a local pole class or school, it would divert unwanted sexual assumptions towards athletics and exercise? (hey- you could work out some sort of commission thing with the school!)
    Also- after awhile of continuing to visit that place, patrons and employees will just know that you should be respected, so people will stop acting weird.

    That’s all i can come up with.

  • joni1

    July 20, 2010 at 2:57 pm

    I once had a weirdo guy wave a $50 dollar bill at me the whole time I was dancing on the pole at a local club. Then he tried to be funny in front of his buddies and stuck the $50 in my shorts. I just said thanks and walked away with the $50 which I use to pay for drinks the rest of the night. He tried to ask for it back saying he was just messing around but I just laughed at him.

  • chemgoddess1

    July 20, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    I once had a weirdo guy wave a $50 dollar bill at me the whole time I was dancing on the pole at a local club. Then he tried to be funny in front of his buddies and stuck the $50 in my shorts. I just said thanks and walked away with the $50 which I use to pay for drinks the rest of the night. He tried to ask for it back saying he was just messing around but I just laughed at him.
    LOVE IT!!!

  • Danielle Tillie

    July 20, 2010 at 7:09 pm

    I have been ogled before by guys and I’ve also gotten the negative attention from girls. I must agree that I dread the negative female attention more so than male attention. We literally had to climb the pole and start doing tricks once, therefore threatening to start kicking heads to get a group of girls off of the pole so we could do something on it. Insecure women either need to get over it and find some balls or walk off a cliff, because aggravating me because I’m comfortable with myself is getting really old. Good responses are always welcomed… like girls asking me how I do that up there, do I take classes somewhere, how do you start doing something like that? If a guy compliments me it’s ok as long as it’s simple and to the point without harassing me. That’s why you always go with friends! I’m also pretty good at telling guys whats what, that I have a boyfriend and they need to leave me alone. Poling in public is always an interesting experience! It’s a rush, it’s exhilarating, but more than anything, it’s a risk.

  • Meleania

    July 20, 2010 at 9:58 pm

    Well unfortunately alot of people still think pole dancing = stripping, of which they think stripper = easy Sometimes I get how bad females can be, most of my friends are guys for this reason. (really, untying your boots chem? thats a safety hazard!) I am so glad I have a community of pole dancing women who arent cut throat witches like the rest of females today! I dont understand why they have to bring others down rather than uplift themselves.

  • horsecrazy12987

    July 20, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    Like everyone else has already said, public poling = attention, both good and bad. And again like has already been mentioned, the worst of the attention is most likely going to come from insecure women. So many women have all these little insecurities lurking, and the second another woman starts getting attention from a man (whether the insecure woman even gives a crap about the man or not,) then it seems to be just an instinct for the insecure woman to go on the attack. Insecure women need that attention on themselves, because they need to feel like they are desirable to men because whatever reason they don’t see themselves as desirable. So if you are doing something that men find desirable, it pisses that woman off because now the attention is getting taken away from her. I’ve dealt with this before, just like many of us have, I’m sure. (Not in relation to pole, just in general. Women can get really nasty if they think men find you more attractive than them. It generally has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with all their own insecurities.)

    One of the local bars may be getting a pole in, and I’m debating whether I want to bother with it if/when it does go up. Part of me wants to perform in front of a little bit of an audience that isn’t my boyfriend or my best friend, but at the same time I really don’t think I have the patience to put up with the potential crap.

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