Forums Discussions Pole Dancing lessons.. Do I carry on with them..

  • Pole Dancing lessons.. Do I carry on with them..

    Posted by unicorn on May 12, 2011 at 10:56 am

    I am so confused as to what to do, I currently go to pole dancing lesson an hour a week..

    I don't  feel I am getting anything from them, I have missed three weeks as the time is right on tea time and being a single mum find it hard to leave the house at that time..

    There are only four of us in the class, Its all very serious,..I find it hard remembering the names of moves and each week roll on to more moves with me not remembering from the weeks previous

     I am now on level 2. just about to start level 3 but am debating whether to pay for another level if I feel I am not getting anything from them

    Just do not enjoy the classes really . other classes I see online or Interest  seem so much fun and all have a laugh..

     were on class 7 and I still stuck on moves from lesson 2.. I need to catch up And wandering if I should just teach myself..



    LoneStarDiva replied 13 years, 10 months ago 8 Members · 12 Replies
  • 12 Replies
  • unicorn

    May 12, 2011 at 10:59 am

    Internet not interest.. lol!

  • LoneStarDiva

    May 12, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    Gosh, Sues, from what you've said this is a 'no brainer', dear. 😉 😉

    I mean..  you say, 1) the time is inconvenient, 2) class moves too fast you feel, 3) Paying and not feeling it's worth it, 4) you really just don't enjoy the classes

    See what I mean?? lol :):)

    Veena's video classes are outstanding.. EVERYTHING you'll ever want to know about poling is HERE! 🙂  You can go at your own pace, have lots of support, AND do it when you want to on YOUR schedule.  I'd also wager it's a lot cheaper, as where your going, as well?

    What more could you want?  (Well, okay.. companionship of others in person.  Mmm.. Maybe in the near future host a pole jam? 🙂

    Okay… good luck on your decision.  (Oh, yeah… I also think some on here have Chat room pole jams on fridays?  Or at least use webcams, etc in chat.  I'm still learning about that!)


  • Mechie

    May 12, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    @ sues – not sure if you read any of my post….but I'm sort in the same boat.  I LOVE interacting with girls in class….but I think the pace is going TOO fast…(learning inverts after 2-3 one-hour class??)

    I'm looking forward to Veena's lesson once my pole arrive

    I might still hit the studio every once in awhile…but I'm not going to sign up for regular classes anymore….TOO expensive!!

  • dustbunny

    May 12, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    I stopped going to my old studio not for the same reasons, but for other reasons I didn't feel like I was getting my money's worth.  I do miss the social aspect of it, but other than that I feel I've done really well on my own.

  • JessesGirl96

    May 12, 2011 at 1:48 pm

    I feel the same way…. I am still in the beginner class because I have yet to master an invert but they just teach the same moves every time I go to class so I don't feel like I am making any progress.  The only classes I enjoy are the Blacklight ones where we learn a routine.  Unfortunately though I am stuck in a one year contract with my studio and I don't feel like I should buy a subscription to Veena's lessons until I'm not paying for the others.  I really wish there was an option on here to just purchase a kind of punch pass for 20 different lessons or something instead of a time limit subscription.  I don't know if that's even something that is a possibility to set up though, just wishful thinking.

  • unicorn

    May 12, 2011 at 2:08 pm

    I didn't go tonight and I dont think I am going to go back.. 

    Our teacher  doesn't show us any strength exercises , all we have been doing is spins/walking which is all well and good I guess , When we finished level one it was just so bla………..

    no well done girls etc. no cert as some get.. no nothing

    Not even are you coming back to next level.. we have to book it online and just turn up. only three girls in the class.. this is the only pole dance studio around..

    No contact with other polers..she slated sv and suggested I did not use the internet or sv for teaching myself pole.

    She has not even showed us what she can do on the pole.. obviously she shows us spins but she says she will not invert or anything more..??

    Its not cheap and I too feel I am not getting my moneys worth.. 

    mechie… Inverts after 2-3 one hour classes…????

    I have taught myself to Invert pole climb sit. etc from Sv.. i HAVE GOT MYSELF IN TO A MEGA POLE RUT..since hurting my wrist n shoulder and cannot get back into it..

    Everyday I say COME ON SUE, SORT IT OUT. I get so jealous seeing girls progress whil I am in this rut.

    I will get out of it.. I WILL!!!         

    Thanks for replies girls   x 

  • Veena

    May 12, 2011 at 2:59 pm

    @ Jesses…you can see ALL the lessons and watch them as many times as you like for only 20 dollars!! Just cancel before you subscription is up and you will not be charged again….but most people end up realizing they don't want to stop.

    You wont find a better deal then SV for hours and hours of lessons. You don't have to worry about what to do first…I tell you. You'll get conditioning exercises to help you avoid injury and routines along with stretching lessons and the new foam roller lessons are about to be posted. And you can ask me questions on any of the lessons and I'll reply back. Here are some free sample lessons incase you guys have missed them. 


    Butterfly lesson

    Pole Sit lesson



  • LopsiJulie

    May 13, 2011 at 2:53 am

    hmmm I might give your lessons a go.  The main benefit I find of the studio is that someone is watching you and can point out what you are doing wrong….


  • unicorn

    May 13, 2011 at 4:12 am


    My teacher I found flew through the lesson even if one of the girls couldn't get a move she would say  don't worry about it and move on to the next move.. not being corrected on that weeks lesson, to turn up the following week to learn more moves and not being able to get last weeks.. It was getting silly I was dreading going in for a lesson as I felt I was way behind, My problem was remembering names, so when she shout the moves out I was blank on the move..The names she uses are different to the names on sv.. it was a bit confusing

    And at £80 a level which is 7 lessons is a lot of money, were due to start level 3 next week and I am not paying 80 quid for another level when I am still stuck on level two on moves…

    Feel upset really to be honest..Wished there was another pole studio.

  • Poleluver

    May 13, 2011 at 4:55 am

    I am way frustrated with my pole progress   found I was doing my best when I combined lessons here, practiced at home AND going to the class and getting help , a variation, being around other girls, wood floor, and permantly place poles. But for financial reasons I've gone back and forth with both seperately  and together. If you are motivated enough with out going to class then Veena's lessons are perfect.  I'm struggling with motivation on the pole and working out in other ways when I can't get to the gym.  I've always loved checking up with Veena's help in a particular lesson and getting what else I forgot as soon as class was over. Especially what I think of as "secret hints" to get certain tricks. Veena tells us them! LOL

  • LoneStarDiva

    May 13, 2011 at 1:00 pm

    Good for YOU Sues!!  Decision well made, I think. 😉  Veena's lessons are the BEST as far as form, correctness, etc.  Self paced in proper order goes a looong way to success.

    (I mean.. if an old beat up 57 year old Disabled broad can do a bit of this stuff?? LOL  They've GOT to be good lessons! :):)

    Have fun!  We're all here for you!

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