Forums Discussions Pole Farts

  • Dancing Paws

    April 15, 2011 at 6:13 pm

    This thread reminds me of the "queef" episode of South Park where the guys are all horrified over the girls queefing.

  • Ember

    April 16, 2011 at 1:39 am 

    best comment on here "I loled so hard I queefed"

    PS, I can't believe I never saw this thread….best thread ever!!

  • Hazi411

    April 16, 2011 at 6:56 pm

    This thread is hysterically funny – Iaughed so hard I had tears running down my face 😉  Just a thought, if you release gas when you're spinning round the pole, would it increase your momentum 😉

  • Veena

    April 16, 2011 at 7:28 pm
  • TinyDancer04

    August 14, 2011 at 2:49 am

    Lol I just discovered this thread and it’s hilarious!! Literally cannot stop laughing!
    Glad I’m not the only one this happens to, I thought it was just me!
    Luckily I dont get the dreaded qeef too often- mainly from a headstand.
    But I have had it happen on stage before when I was a dancer a couple of years ago- OMG!!!
    I don’t think anyone heard (I hope) but the customers were seated pretty close to the stage- so its possible- eek!

  • PlatinumAni

    August 14, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    Oh lord. Something to look forward to! I have never let one on the pole, but def after sex if the lady has been in the air lol. I am by nature not much of a farter, but my belches will embarass the man. If I do happen to rip one he thinks it is the funniest thing ever, I think he keeps count. Gas and poop are familiar topics for me as Bryce (the fiance) has Crohn's and my mom has UC (ulcerative colitis). Great topic!

  • MaliciousMynx

    August 15, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    I had my first one last week when I was dismounting from an invert.  I was mortified because I was webcaming with a friend to show my progress.  Luckily at that time, my dogs were in the room and heard something else outside so they were barking already so that kind of muffled the noise.  I hope my friend didn't notice because I didn't say anything after that LOL.  Great thread and thanks everyone for sharing your stories. 

  • Angie La

    December 6, 2011 at 1:32 am

    The worst is when air gets trapped and decides to come out later…ohh say at the physical therapist’s office. It was little bursts so i tried to just talk over it. I wanted to die!

  • JhennD

    December 7, 2011 at 2:37 am

    To share, on topic, yes. Yet ONLY when in the studio pole "lip service"  (anything from queefing  (has anyone used this term, is it wrong?) to pulling a wedgie out and showing any skin) has happened; during conditioning and while I learned some inverts, since I had a pole without the best mirror placement I asked my instructor to reposition myself and as nervous as I was I gave some lip service = laughed so hard I didn't focus on the correct muscles but holding on to save a fall. No one knew, yet I 'had to just share' with the new inverters.

    I wish during studio conditioning time whenever someone, ie me, gives that kind of lip service we can make light of it and say something to break the tension- break the tension, focus, condition, have a great time. Overall no embarrassment. I think.

    It happens and whats the best way to deal with it in the studio. Take a break, follow to a sit, hold? During private sessions I work thru it. I can relax myself more alone when it happens. I think distracting someone else embarrasses me to uncomfortable point.

    When I'm with bf , and it happens, I just say I'm finally back to my normal size, then its a good laugh. That says something about my relationship with my bf- gross? I'll show you gross.

  • Kayla007

    December 7, 2011 at 8:49 am

    I just discovered this thread, haha omg I love you ladies..haha @PoleSkivves"Now we know the real reason the music is turned up so loudly in the clubs." Pole queefing hasn't happened to me but I must say I have let air out of the rear end when poling. Last night I was freestyling and I was so relaxed and I was pushing up from the floor out of a floor dive and all you hear is "toot," my husband just stopped what he was doing and we both started laughing hysterically. Stuff happens, lol. 

  • Shellectra

    December 11, 2011 at 3:52 am

    OMG this thread is just what I needed!! I tend to have pole fart prone days, I can never tell when they will strike but they can be loud! I'm too scared to go to workshops or pole jam with other chicks incase I do one, what can I do? 🙁 I did a Jenyne butterfly workshop and did a small one which no one seemed to hear THANK GOD, but I don't watn to do social pole things cos there's a chance I'll shake up the room with my lady bits trumpet! LOL.  IT sucks 🙁


    April 12, 2012 at 8:41 pm

    OMG sooo funny!!!! Last night I was playing around on the new pole, busting out some moves to show my man and his mate how clever i was…LOL…..when the dreaded fanny fart (yep crazy aussies:0), went flying out whilst doing the nasty girl.  One says to the other laughing hysterically, "What the hell was that?" in response, the other says "Mate that was a fanny fart!"  My gorgeous man then says to me, "No wonder you have to have music on all the time at class…….imagine if it was silent!….It would be total fanny farting in unison….PMSL:)))))

  • Shellectra

    April 13, 2012 at 6:26 pm

    Lol!!! Omg trust it to happen when your showing them moves!!!

  • TinyDancer04

    April 13, 2012 at 7:00 pm

    Omg I almost spat out my coffee reading this! LMAO
    I’ve done it on stage before…thank god the music is loud!

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    April 15, 2012 at 3:14 am

    Thank goodness someone was brave enough to introduce this topic! I have to say sometimes pole farts aka "fanny farts" are more embarressing than bottom farts, even though bottom farts actually inconvenience people by smelling! The annoying little sound that likes to surprise in the most awkward sistuations had occurred to me a few times…. First, while having sex, second, during yoga and pilates, and now while pole training. I tend to know which moves will result in air being trapped/released etc, so if Im poling with someone and theres no music on, I'll avoid doing those moves (handstands are the worst!). Its just a nuisance worrying about it, but at least if we talk about it and admit that many people share this, then it will take some of the dread and embarressment away. It would be so great if we could just shrug our shoulders and laugh about it whenever it happens among other polers in future. In the meantime, I try to remember to do my kegel Pelvic Floor exercises…  which unfortunately is only like once a month! haha

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