Forums Discussions Pole Goals

  • Pole Goals

    Posted by Runemist34 on September 19, 2011 at 10:25 pm

    Hey guys!

    It's been quite a while since I posted! But, I'm getting back into things, and having gone through some of my Learning skills class (to help me learn how to study and stuff, because I never learned it previously, and for my own curiosity!), I've learned a lot more about goals, and how important they are for my continued motivation.

    I remember Veena once saying that one should create concrete, attainable goals, and I totally agree.

    However, I wonder…what about long term goals? Like, when you go into University, often you do it with the long-term goal to get a degree, and eventually the career you want. You may take up sewing in order to achieve the "make your own clothing," like I'd like to do. I find it's usually the reason you undertake the thing in the first place (though, not always do we undertake things for the long term goal, sometimes it's the curiosity, or whatever!), the grand idea we have in our heads!

    So, I wanted to know…do you guys have any long-term, or grand goals for pole dancing? What keeps you motivated? What's your prize to keep your eye on when you get horribly frustrated?

    CalBear replied 13 years, 5 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • JeHanne

    September 19, 2011 at 11:26 pm

    My long term Pole Goals?!? Be a Sexy Rockstar Pole Dancer, or at least look like one.  ; ) 

    I get really frustrated sometimes. Especially when I was just beginning and didn't realize I needed strength and flexibility to get to where I want to be. Now I train for those things and my pole stress has greatly decreased. Long term goals would include making a routine look effortless, feeling the music and executing moves without thinking about them, having the upper body strength I need to pull off the tricks I admire. 

    I stay motivated by seeing the progress I am making such as increased strength or subtle changes in my body. I have a long way to go but I don't focus on that… I focus on where I am. Its like a journey for me, not a race. When I am at a place where I can not see my progress I watch videos of dancers that inspire me. When none of that works I just call it a day and rest.

    My prize that keeps me going is that I want to do this. I have a passion for it. Its the hardest thing I have ever done and that challenges me to keep working at it. I keep in mind that any skill requires pratice. A lot of it. Regardless of it being soccer, mathematics, pole dancing or painting… talent must be formed, tweaked and built. 

    Its nice to see you posting… had not seen anything from you for some time. Hope all has been well. 

    : ) 

  • karebearstare

    September 20, 2011 at 12:33 am

    Thank you JeHanne.  You took the words right outta my head.  I beat myself up way too much sometimes but I have to keep reminding myself that it's a journey and not a race.  One thing that I find hard is going to progressive /workshop classes and keeping up with everyone else in the class.  I don't have a hard time doing that but sometimes I want to be the A++ student!

  • Runemist34

    September 20, 2011 at 12:38 pm

    Jehanne, I think I see what you're saying. It's not terribly easy for me to be able to go for something when there isn't really an "end" in sight. You know, like "My goal is to win such-and-such competition," but…when you finally do that, where do you go?

    I think it's difficult for me to stay motivated without the shining star at the end (Make cookes = Delicious cookies!), and with me wanting so badly to get into real aerials on the pole, and really feel like I'm progressing, I'm trying to find a way of keeping that motivation up, even when I just want to walk away for a while.

    So, thank you 🙂

  • AmazonLady

    September 20, 2011 at 1:06 pm

    I agree with Jehanne!  She said everything I was thinking.

    What keeps me motivated is a combination of little goals and big goals.  My little goals are to be able to perfect a certain move or series of moves.  My big goal would be to get to a level where I can perform in front of a room full of people and watch their jaws drop in amazement!  🙂   I think that's one of the things that got me addicted to pole in the first place.  Every class I go to, I accomplish a new small goal.  I've seen my body begin to change and my strength increase by leaps and bounds.  I am constantly overcoming my fears (fear of inverting, fear of letting go in a cross-ankle release, etc.)  It keeps me wanting to do more.

    I also agree with LeahRose.  I struggle not to compare myself with others in class.  I'm not very flexible, so I tend to compare myself to that girl that can drop into the splits like it's nothing.  I feel bad for a moment, but then I remember that everyone has their strenghts and weaknesses.  I may not be the most flexible, but strength moves are pretty easy for me to pick up, plus I have long legs which make my fan kicks look awesome.  I just have to keep reminding myself of the positives, while trying to improve on areas where I'm not so strong.

  • JeHanne

    September 20, 2011 at 9:45 pm

    Thanks ladies!!!

    Karebearstare, I know exactly what you mean! Want to excel and then get all the 'oohs and aahs' that come along with it. Dont beat yourself up! It's so bad for us… I am guilty though. 

    LeahRose, I love your focus and determination! Some of us just have a habit of comparing. If we use it to motivate it can be a tool to help us improve. If it falls on the other side of that it can tear us down. 

    AmazonLady, well said! I had a teacher once say that bodies tend to be either more flexible or more strong. I fall in the more flexible category. With lots of hard work and patience I am building strength. I also work hard at flexibility to improve what I have. Ever onward… I want to make those jaws drop in absolute awe too!

    Runemist34, I want some cookies now! If it helps motivate you to make the goals, get to setting! I found this page… I was looking for the 'S.M.A.R.T' goal technique and I found that and then some here… 

    I have the attention span of a drop of rain so I do not spend a lot of time focusing on the deatails. My personal pole goals are to increase sterngth and flexibility. My weekly goals are to have specific flexibility training 5 days a week, to do 1 very demanding upper body strength training workout ever four days (sometimes that is once a week others two) and to do Core strengthening every other day. If I get overwhelmed or tired I allow myself a break. If I get too structured I will burn out. Now I have fantasy goals like pop into a Jade without batting an eyelash… but I have to be hella strong and flexibile for that… so I go back to main goals, increase strength and flexibility. 

    Let us know what works for you with your goal setting. We are here to cheer each other on! 

  • Tara

    September 21, 2011 at 12:27 am

    I know that since practicing pole, I have had a lot of "AHA" moments.  The one that stands out to me the most, and keeps me motivated is the reality that the more I do it, the better I get, and the more fit I become.  Every time I work past something that I would normally place (mental) blocks that would keep me from progressing, I become more confident, and happier with myself as a whole.  When I first started to see myself as "better" or "improved", I believed that I was going to compete.  I attended the competitions, and could name the performers before they touched the pole.  I still go to the competitions, and watch countless hours of YouTube, and Veena vids because they inspire me to continue.  However, I now have a better sense of reality…

    See, I work full time.  I don't have the time I desire to be a gym rat, and my work schedule is so unpredictable, and restraining, that I can not even commit to taking classes more than 1 day during the week. That one day, I am usually working early… then I head to the studio, and may take anywhere from 2-3 hours of pole, and a Zumba class.  I have no intention to over-exert myself- I simply enjoy it! What I don't get in class, I highlight in my journal, and add it to my "homework" list, for home training.

    I am also married. My hubby and I go to the gym together.  It's kinda "our thing".  So, there goes more time and energy.  And lets not forget anyone: I am raising my kid brother.  Who is also athletic (he play baseball for 2 teams), so I have to make time for him, and his games. Lets just say, the friends I have LOVE me.  I have committed to spending some time with them, and a text is sometimes all I have time to give- But they stick around.

    All of that was to be said that my Pro Career is limited. LOL!!

    So my long term goals are to be healthy. I want to move beautifully, and inspire fellow polers. I want to walk into a room, and for people to wonder: "What the hell does she do? She looks terrific?!?".  I think about teaching pole, and to never stop learning. I want to be a 70 y/o hot home poler.  Sound crazy??


  • CalBear

    September 21, 2011 at 8:12 am

    I think goals are good for certain things such as educational goals, life goals, etc. But for pole dancing, I do it for the sheer enjoyment of it. It's not a means to an end. I am very much there to be in the moment and I find it very liberating. I don't feel like I have to have any goals w/ pole dancing. In the sewing example, yes, you sew and the product of sewing is that you have your own clothes, but I would think you would enjoy the act of sewing by itself (that it's pure enjoyment), and having your own clothes is merely a by product of the enjoyment of sewing. That's how pole dancing is for me. 

    I would like to compete one day, but I'm not always thinking about that when I pole dance. Sometimes I have tiny goals though, for example, I keep a list of moves that I work on until I feel comfortable with them.

    Also, I never get frustrated with pole dancing because it's just something that I purely enjoy (esp when I'm with other pole dancers 🙂 I love everything that I can do and look forward to accomplishing that which I can't do now.

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