Forums Discussions Pole Journal!

  • Pole Journal!

    Posted by kittyface on August 4, 2015 at 2:59 am

    I just wanted to share something I’ve been doing lately that I like 🙂

    I actually got the idea from the Pole Dancing Adventures comics (this one: ) to start a pole dance journal. Since my wife and I have a number of blank journals in our house – I like getting new journals but never really know how to use them since I don’t like keeping a traditional journal – I found one with a pattern I liked and made a list of everything I worked on in my most recent pole dance class. Right before my next class I wrote down everything I had worked on (when practicing at work) the week prior and everything I wanted to bring up with the instructors to work on in class.

    I really like having a record of my progress that I can look back at, especially considering how forgetful I can be sometimes. It’s also good to remind myself of what I most want to work on so I don’t forget anything during the week and come to the next class thinking “oh I totally wanted to work on that!” It’s mostly lists at this point with a few stick-figure drawings, since I was never all that good at drawing people, but maybe I’ll have to get better at sketching the human form so I can have better (and less confusing) sketches in my pole journal 🙂

    Anyone else thought about doing this, or have another way of recording their progress? It would be cool to have more videos, my phone is just crap and I don’t have a separate camera.

    XxMyztikxX replied 9 years, 6 months ago 6 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Girl On A Pole

    August 4, 2015 at 4:42 am

    Yes I do. I’ve been poling a year exactly and have just started my second volume. It has records of all my classes, breakdown of moves learnt and troubleshooting moves. I draw the trick, stick ladies mostly. I also keep a “thoughts” section, on how I am feeling after a session. I’ve started keeping basic routine notes (at moment, flatline to butterfly to extend to titanic). I also record my home training and the open pole sessions I attend. It’s fab to look back and see just how much I’ve learnt.

  • I polekat I

    August 4, 2015 at 8:56 am

    yep i do the same!! write down everything i try each session, with comments on how good or bad it was, and i put little doodles and stars for the very first time i ever try something, and the first time i NAIL it =) then a page in the back for dream moves – love ticking those off =D
    ive been pretty slack the last few months i havent kept up with it and i have noticed my pole sessions are a bit more all-over-the-place haha, its definitely good to help keep u on track and it means there is always some inspiration for the next thing to try. plus i film all my poling so i can watch and critique myself =) i have been poling just over a year and a half and definitely agree it is amazing to go back and watch my first videos, its really inspiring to see your progress =D

  • Strawberrysmoothie

    August 4, 2015 at 1:03 pm

    I’ve only been doing pole for 8 months and I’ve started keeping a journal in the last week or so and I’ve already found it invaluable. I can keep track of the moves I’ve mastered, the moves to revise and the moves to learn. So far I’ve aced 5 moves in 3 days.

  • Veena

    August 5, 2015 at 5:10 pm

    I’m glad you brought this up and I hope others try it too!! Pole journals are great ideas, and I often suggest them.

  • XxMyztikxX

    August 5, 2015 at 7:37 pm

    I have so much written down lol but it’s so fun going back and trying things you havnt in awhile.

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