Forums Discussions Pole Making Creaky Sound?

  • Pole Making Creaky Sound?

    Posted by MommaBear on May 3, 2010 at 1:41 am

    Okay, I am a bit paranoid considering this XPert has been nothing but an expert pain in the as$ so this may be nothing, but just in case, I wanted to ask.

    I have noticed lately that the pole is making creaky sounds while in stationary mode – I don’t know if this is normal and just a part of me "breaking it in" and before I call Xpole in freakout mode, I figured I would ask for your feedback.

    litlbit replied 14 years, 10 months ago 5 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • megs982

    May 3, 2010 at 3:11 am

    I had that in my xpert..i promptly took it down cleaned it real good and put it back up..dont know what i did..but the noise went away lol

  • tiffthebest

    May 3, 2010 at 10:46 pm

    my xsport makes a creaky noise but I kinda just ignore it lol. Is yours loud? I know mine you can only hear if you listen really hard.

  • MommaBear

    May 4, 2010 at 12:39 am

    Not abnormally loud, but when I am just stretching and there is no music you can definitely hear it. At first I was scared that the pole might come down (and that creaking was the pole working itself off of my ceiling ) but the more I listen and try to peg down the location, it sounds like it is coming from the X-Joint between A & B.

    Yet another mystery surprise from this pole

  • megs982

    May 4, 2010 at 1:35 am

    watch your xjoint where a&b come together..i think i figuared out where my noise is comming from and had to take my pole down for the 2nd time this week bc it wasn’t aligned with the hole again..just watch that for a heads up…and to make matters worse i dont know how to stop it..i tightened it well so i dont know whats up with it

  • Serzi

    May 4, 2010 at 5:42 am

    I find that my X-Stage (pre-Xpert model) makes a creaking sound in stationary sometimes. Not 100% sure, but it seems to do this most when there is a change in humidity or temperature. Would kinda make sense, I suppose, due to how temps can effect expansion. It doesn’t concern me too much because it’s not a clunking noise, my pole is level and secure, and it’s just a slight creaking on occasion. Does that sound like what your pole is doing or is it something different entirely? =)

    ? ~*Serzi

  • MommaBear

    May 4, 2010 at 11:31 am

    Serzi – That sounds about in line with the noise I am hearing and tends to happen more when I am bearing a lot of side weight – maybe that is why I notice it so much when stretching because I am using the pole for resistance while taking the bulk of my body weight out to the side. The temp and humidity changes do make sense, but when I am relying of this sucker to hold me and my weight it does make me a bit nervous when it starts creaking It reminds me of walking out on ice or something.

    Megs – I have heard people refer to the XJoint as being misaligned, but not quite sure I follow what that would mean. How would I know if my X Joint is misaligned? I don’t think I am having any issues with misalignment because I am always able to use the hex key because the holes in the pole line up with the holes in the X-Joint – so would that equate to being aligned? If so, would misaligned mean that the insert for the hex key would disappear and that the holes is the pole would now be useless because the holes for the hex key in the X Joint will have floated off to underneath of the pole where they couldn’t be used? Dang, how would you even get that joint out with no hex key access hole to loosen it?!

  • megs982

    May 4, 2010 at 12:47 pm

    yes, thats what it does..Mine made the creeking/popping sound for about 2 weeks before it misaligned..I went back and watched my vids and ill stop midway through the turn at one point bc it almost sounded like someone was unlocking my door 5 feet away (i had music on and barley heard it) and then realized it wasn’t that so i became paranoid thinking i was breaking my pole Then last week i noticed it was slightly misaligned..i couldn’t get my hex key in all the way and had to twist it back around (hard to explain had to pry and not mess up the hex joint and strip it..and finally got it lined up again..Just make sure you watch it..I did notice when i took mine apart the first time it had made a indent to where the screw in the part that connects A&B together ..made a indent to where it slid inside my tube..which is probably why it keeps next time you take yours down and clean it..inspect that area really good make sure its not doing any funky stuff in there. I’ve read about other ppl having the same problem with the xpert unfortunetly

  • MommaBear

    May 4, 2010 at 12:59 pm

    That sounds all bad! I’ll make sure to watch for that

    Thanks for the heads up.

  • litlbit

    June 8, 2010 at 3:19 am

    I just got my 45mm x-pole sport today, my niece and I put it up…it made such loud creaking noise! I took it apart and did it again…same thing, it was so loud! It was really loud when I would spin or stretch, I called x-pole because we did everything right and by the book, the noises were coming from the joint and the base. Spoke with Chad at x-pole, he asked how much distance I had between the nut and the rod hole…well I knew that wasn’t the prob cause it was only 3 inches overall…he said that sometimes they are not lubed well in manufacturing…so he said to use engine gunk on it but absolutely NO WD40! and if I have any probs after that to call them back and they will replace the joints. I have to wait til tomorrow to get the lube stuff…so FRUSTRATING!!!

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