Forums Discussions Pole Pigrimage! :D

  • Pole Pigrimage! :D

    Posted by Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace on September 3, 2012 at 7:23 pm

    I need your suggestions and advice to help me organise my upcoming pole pilgrimage around the world! I am flying to India for 6 weeks in December (not sure if they have pole studios there but I'm going to try and stay fit with yoga, which they definitely have!). Then I'm travelling Myanmar and Vietnam and who knows where else in Asia. Then I plan on flying to America to visit some pole studios and train with some great pole instructors. I already have a short list of must-visit places, including:

    LA, California, The Vertitude

    The Gilr Next Door pole dance SOiree

    New York CIty, Body n Pole

    I think Texas may have a big pole community?

    I'm also going to be visiting a friend in San Fransisco and maybe Hawaii…. any great pole scenes there?


    Then I'm moving to Europe to get a job (prob in UK)

    Need to visit:

    Milan Pole Dance Studio, Italy

    WHere is Oona's studio located? And Anastasia's?

    ALso, what about Tracee Simmons, is she in SOuth Africa or UK? I know she's danced in both…


    SO basically, I need the wonderful global pole dance community on SV to help me plan my training tour. If you know of any place that you think I would find really inspirational and educational in regards to pole dancing, then please let me know! Also, since I'm Australian, I'm not as familiar with overseas pole events/comps/functions/conventions as you might be, so please let me know where and when I should be if something big is happening! My main aim to develop new pole skills, but of course I would love the chance to perform as well! And make friends! 🙂 Any ideas will be very appreciated! xox

    Ly Kieu Le replied 12 years, 3 months ago 12 Members · 22 Replies
  • 22 Replies
  • Eden Body

    September 3, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    Oh my gosh! Soooo exciting! Please take lots of pictures and video footage!

  • Milena Stoyanova

    September 5, 2012 at 3:44 am

    Scarletthoney, what a fantastic project you have! I am jealous :-)))

    If you come to Europe, I think it's a great idea to stop by Paris, where you should definitely visit the studio of Laurence Hilsum.

    Laurence Hilsum: World Vice champion 2011, France Champion 2009 -2011, Winner in the Pole Art 2010 and Vice-champion of Pole Art 2011.

    Manuela Carneirois also in the same studio: Europe Vice-champion 2008, 3rd place at the Europe Championship in 2010-2011

    Manuela is the doublette of Mario Crampe. I had a workshop with Manuela and she is great.

    The only problem you might have is the French??? However, I think it's worth to contact Laurence Hilsum!

  • Milena Stoyanova

    September 5, 2012 at 7:13 am
  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    October 30, 2012 at 5:10 am

    I will definitely be visiting Paris to train in those studios! Thanks for the suggestions Sunshine Diva… I just don't know how I'm going to get through 2 months travelling south east asia without pole! Arrghhh… If anyone else has awesome studios to recommend to me in India, Vietnam, Burma (haha slim chance I know :P), America or Europe, please let me know! 🙂 xo

  • SashaMae

    October 30, 2012 at 12:18 pm

    Unfortunately, Girl Next Door just ended its' season. But I would contact Kelly Yvonne and definitely go the The Choreography House. Also- if you need a place to crash in the midwest just let me know! I'm in northern Ohio- so you probably won't be coming through here, but just throwing that out there!! I wish I could afford to go on a pole pilgramage. I guess it's time to start saving up!!! 😉 

    Good luck and make sure to document this awesome experience!!

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    November 2, 2012 at 12:55 pm

    Wow! That is so awesome! Have an amazing journey!! 🙂 I would recommend Soft Sensuous Moves in San Antonio, TX. IntimateSpins is here on SV, nice studio and super great instructors! And if you make it to Midwest America, you are always welcome here in St Louis!

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    November 2, 2012 at 12:56 pm

    And I’ve also heard of Brass Ovaries in Austin, Tx though I have no first hand experience of their studio.

  • dustbunny

    November 2, 2012 at 1:10 pm

    Are you planning on coming to Canada?  Toronto and area has a bunch of great studios and Studio 409 in Montreal is a place I want to visit over in Quebec.

    I'm sure you'll have a fantastic trip wherever you end up!

  • azblanco

    November 2, 2012 at 1:26 pm

    Dont know when you plan to come to America, but the 2013 pole convention is in june or july in West Palm Beach, Florida

  • Kira

    November 2, 2012 at 3:52 pm

    whereabouts in uk do you plan to settle in? I believe tracey is now permanently based in south africa although she was originally from uk 🙂 ofc London will have most of the most famous polers there – Elena Gibson, Scarlett Aston, Justine Lucas, Bendy Kate etc. BUT Manchester has MPD UK Jess Leanne Norris 😉 and Karen Chaundy, Penny Howarth. Youtube them if you have time. 

    As for competitions/events, they generally run through the spring/summer season with the main ones being miss pole dance uk & uk professional pole. There's lots others that pop up, just depends where you will settle 🙂 keep us updated, maybe one day we can have a pole jam together!

    Sounds like such a great journey ahead of you. Definitely go visit Lolo's studio in Paris, she's my idol

  • CapFeb

    November 2, 2012 at 4:49 pm

    There is a great studio in the sf area by the name of “poletential”. This is THE pole studio in the bay area. I notice like, 40% of the polers from the southwest area have been there. Giant (think three stories) poles, chrome with different diameters, and two or three out of nine spin. Also, they do aerial silks next door, which is really cool if you ever want to get into that.

    I don’t recommend studio botan. I’ve had two bad experiences there.

    I hear good things about sedusa. And then I know there’s one more studio in the heart of sf but I never bothered going because Poletential was so awesome (you can easily get to it by caltrain)

  • flygrlsim

    November 2, 2012 at 6:26 pm

    Yes! I can attest to the fact that Poletential ROCKS. The poles are 20ft and there are 10 I think? Two of them have spinning capabilities. I've been going there since July and LOVE IT!! The instrctors are great and they offer a wide range of classes from beginners to advanced, some that focus on just pole technique and others that incorporate dance. They are all 50mm however, no variety in the diameter. They also have events and workshops throughout the year, always LOTS going on. I have a friend with some valuable pole connections in Maui so if you're going there, let me know and I will send her contact info your way. : ) Best of luck in all your travels, sounds adventurous and fun! : )

  • Ly Kieu Le

    November 3, 2012 at 3:14 am

    @Scarletthoney: I'm from Vietnam and I can confirm that there's no advanced pole dance studios over there. There's only one studio in the Northern Vietnam called ISIS World Dance if you want to practice poling or teach there.

    @flygrlsim: How do you get to Poletential? I'd love to try out the studio if you want us to go together.

  • Ly Kieu Le

    November 3, 2012 at 3:28 am

    @Scarletthoney: Here's a video of one of the instructors teaching at ISIS. You see what level she is.


  • Ly Kieu Le

    November 3, 2012 at 3:31 am

    @Scarletthoney: California Wow used to have some pole dancing classes in Ho Chi Minh City (South Vietnam) but I heard they shut down the classes. Here's the performance of their instructor


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