Forums Discussions Pole Rage. Help Me!

  • poledanceromance

    April 21, 2013 at 8:49 am

    LOL. I would ask that rotten commenter if she would feel comfortable having sex with her husband or even just chatting with her female friends in front of her dad or brother. Probably not. Doesn’t make it wrong. How ridiculous…it irks me to no end when people try to reduce complex moral issues down to weird adages/standards like that which NO ONE would meet 100% of the time and then go spouting that nonsense to anyone they don’t agree with. Sigh. Lol.

  • Krista Bocko

    April 21, 2013 at 9:53 am

    fascinating thread. I liked your post a lot. How do you get to the place where you take it in stride? Just do what you do. No one has to 'get it', but those that DO 'get it' are in your circle. I have a separate fb account, because dammit, I want to geek out about pole with people who get it. 🙂 

    I post occassional pole stuff on my regular account, but I don't try to change people's minds or debate it. I'm just being me, doing what I love. The dissenters have no power over me. 🙂

  • PlatinumAni

    April 21, 2013 at 9:57 am
  • PlatinumAni

    April 21, 2013 at 9:58 am
  • MrsNaughtywed

    April 21, 2013 at 10:20 am

    Stay strong ladies! Keep fighting sexism, misogyny and patriarchy! 

    One day we will be equal to men! 

  • Invertedmonkey

    April 21, 2013 at 12:07 pm

    I just have to join in on this discussion. Obviously I think your post was great and I too cannot believe the comments your friend is making. She clearly has some issues of her own. It's especially interesting to read as I just 'came out' about my poling on FB this week by posting three pictures of me on the pole. I was actually half expecting some of the same comments you got but I have had nothing but love and support. One of the reasons for this might be that my FB is full of Swedes as I'm originally from Sweden (now living in London) and as a country we are quite a bit more relaxed about nudity and sexuality than a lot of other places. We even dance around a giant polethat looks like a penis with balls for midsummers (google midsommarstang!) so maybe that gives us a natural acceptance of pole! Part of me was actually hoping for some ignorant comments as I am very outspoken and would have loved to bring whoever said anything down a pegg! I'm way too stubborn to have a separate account where pole is permitted though. If people don't like it, they are more than welcome to remove me as a friend. 

    Don't let it bring you down! Some people are just always going to have opinions we simply cannot understand. Trying to change the mind of someone like that is probably as pointless as trying to argue with a homophobe or a racist. If she is bringing you more grief than joy, perhaps it's better to cut the ties with her? Life's too short to deal with ignorant people!

  • Sarah Brace

    April 21, 2013 at 3:51 pm

    My ex certainly didn't 'get it' he even threatened to cut my X pole up with an angle grinder if I continued to use it, needless to say he didn't last very long in my life! Luckily my wonderful fiance thinks it's great, he's even had a go himself.

    My motto these days is simple: Love me, love my pole!

  • KenzieCaliente

    April 21, 2013 at 4:29 pm

    I really like this girls early comment about so many newbies posting their "skills."  (Yes, she put it in quotes). Seriously? Someone works hard, and they get put down for showing it? No one starts with amazing tricks and grace, so let those newbies be happy they're on the road to greatness! I saw a thing on Pinterest that said "No matter how slow you learn pole, you're still climbing higher than everyone on the couch."  

    I know that's not the real point of the discussion, but just a line that rubbed me the wrong way.

    i think the clothing argument is ridiculous. These women are serious athletes and have worked hard for their bodies. Let them be proud and show it off! I'd be in midriff tops all the time if I had those abs!

    People who are this judgmental over pole dancing are probably this close minded over all new things in life. Get pissed, have a great session then have a moment of sadness for them when you realize all the things they're going to miss out on life, because they're too scared to try anything new. 


  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    April 21, 2013 at 8:14 pm

    Honestly, I don’t really get the actual outrage over what we wear to pole. A pair of booty shorts and a sports bra covers more than any bikini I own, and no one bats an eye at the pool.

    I used to get really defensive about pole dancing, but I don’t feel the need to defend myself any more because I am living a better life due to the benefits of pole dance. I am in great shape, I’m happy, and I love what I do!

    I’ve finally just come to terms with the fact that I freakin love pole dancing. And I will continue to pole regardless of what people think or say.

    Hold your head up, smile and ignore those who try to talk down about pole. They are the ones missing out on a amazing community of fabulous and talented people!

  • PrincessPeach

    April 21, 2013 at 9:42 pm

    I’m very open with pole on fb. I post pics and statuses etc. I told my list they could lick my stainless steel flavoured arse crack if they didn’t like if.

    I use my Facebook as a platform to educate. In a way I try to provoke response and get somebody somebody asking questions about the “nudity” etc so I can explain. This also deals with the issue of the Aunt that doesn’t want to hear our side of the arguement. If its on fb, bet she reads it!

  • Krista Bocko

    April 21, 2013 at 10:04 pm

    My school of thought re: Facebook is I keep it separate b/c I don’t think, in general, people really get it. Just like I don’t ‘get it’ when friends post about their football team or their swim or run, or why I should do/like/be x, y or z. I gloss over those types of posts, personally.
    I also teach pole and so have a lot of students friend me.. I like to communicate with them on my pole profile. Plus, I am mortified at the thought of my dad seeing me pole! 🙂

  • LillyBilly

    April 22, 2013 at 5:50 am

    "But I would ask if you would feel comfortable doing it in front of your dad, brother, or Jesus?"  

    Um… Yup, I would feel comfortable doing it in front of my dad. In fact, I have done it in front of my dad. Twice. He said I had the sexiest style of all the girls in the show, and that he is very proud of me.

    Your move.

  • Invertedmonkey

    April 22, 2013 at 5:56 am

    Lillybilly, I so agree with you! My parents are coming for a visit in 2 weeks and I’m dying to show them both my moves!! They’re both on fb so they see everything I post anyway 🙂

  • phedre

    April 22, 2013 at 6:07 am

    I delete people who use the temptation for men excuse for our rape culture. These people are just making it easier for women being considered the lesser gender. That being said, I’m a jerk. I don’t think people like this are worth time and effort.

  • Emikoisabella

    April 23, 2013 at 11:51 am

    Serzi & Crystabel – Having been part of both the cheer and pole community, I just wanted to follow up on your points about cheerleading. Just like pole, cheerleading has that stigma attached to it. I was a competitive cheerleader for 6 years – although there are some "cheerleading" teams that wear skimpy clothing and dance suggestively, most cheerleading teams perform routines that include difficult stunts and tumbling that show a great deal of strength and flexibility. Honestly, not very different from pole. The cheerleading community gets just as much shit from ignorant people as the pole community and it's important for both communities to be accepting of each other

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