Forums Discussions Pole Rage. Help Me!

  • Serzi

    April 23, 2013 at 12:06 pm

    Exactly my point. Cheerleading is not that different from pole and is usually an amazing display of agility/athleticism. However, it is considered socially acceptable. Such that it is a time honored tradition to have cheerleading squads as early as middle school. My point is this:

    If seeing upskirt shots of underage girls performing cartwheels/backflips and such can be disregarded for the sake of their athleticism, then what is it about pole that is such a danger to society? Not a damn thing.

  • Emikoisabella

    April 23, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    Serzi – Oh ok, I see your point now. Yes, yes I completely agree. You're right – cheerleading has come a very long way and it is FINALLY becoming mainstream and more socially acceptable for the most part. I only hope that the same thing happens with pole dancing in the near future!

  • Serzi

    April 23, 2013 at 12:17 pm

    And, yes, if you detected a tinge of bitterness then you are correct. I got into an argument w/ a cheerleader bitching about pole shorts vs. spanks and I am still rather pissed off. But I don’t hate cheerleaders, I just hate double standards and hypocrisy. lol

  • Emikoisabella

    April 23, 2013 at 12:21 pm

    Lol. Spanks are just as revealing, if not more, than pole shorts. But pole shorts are much much cuter hehe 😉

  • Serzi

    April 23, 2013 at 12:28 pm

    My sentiments exactly, THANK YOU. lmao

  • PrincessPeach

    April 23, 2013 at 12:57 pm

    This may interest some of you. A page where somebody has collated revealing images of gymnasts for men to sexualise.

  • korinne

    April 24, 2013 at 4:42 am

    That site's kinda disturbing… what a creepy guy. 

  • MissSKR

    April 24, 2013 at 5:07 am

    I think your friend seems to have an issue with sexuality and not pole dancing as such and to be honest shes clearly not going to change her opinions so i'd just swipe her off my list. I personally don't like performing with my stomach out, therefore when i perform i wear leotards which have pvc sides to them allowing me still to grip. HOWEVER thats my own personal choice and i would love to feel confident enough to wear hotpants and a bra and perform (plus it would be easier) there are options for those who don't want to wear the skimpier of costumes but if you've got a wicked body then why not. if your happy with it why not? its no less than you'd wear on the beach and thats what i always say if people comment on it. I always actually say pole dancing is really unsexy because it is, burns, bruises terrible dismounts when learning moves. To make this look good takes a lot more work than the initial strength to do the move!! and unfortunately your mate can't see that but then she also can't appreciate any other sports either because anyone where the athlete is showing they're figure is clearly looking for sexual attention. Personally i don't give a crap if blokes are staring at my pictures of my pole dancing and they can make really rude comments too if they wish because all i respond to that crap is that it takes a ridiculous amount of strength and i'm probably stronger than they are. Most appreciate that rarely do i get the pervy lads now because they know its not just a spin and sticking your arse out. Some people wont ever change or open their minds to it, but thats their problem because the world is moving forward and we're not stuck in the 1920s anymore. Keep positive your doing something you enjoy and will be really strong and as you progress you'll be surprised how many people comment at how impressed they are. x

  • Hazi411

    April 24, 2013 at 9:24 am

    Princess Peach – that guy sounds really creepy.  Ugh!


  • mel919

    April 24, 2013 at 9:47 am

    I just recently started to expose my facebook "friends" to the fact that I pole.. starting out with my place of employment (a pole studio in town).. then slowly but surely pictures of tasteful tricks and even aerial silks photos to sort of lighten the blow.

    I found myself spending about an hour perusing youtube looking at "pole fitness in the news" just to see how different regions accept it. Overall, it's amazing how under-informed the public is about it. Even on an episode of the Anderson Cooper show, about the childrens' pole classes, it's like they weren't even given a fair chance to defend what it really is.

    I'm sure everyone on this site can vouch for the fact that people "just don't get it".. and it's a shame. one day though!!! 🙂

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