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Pole Resources
Posted by pole-twista on December 27, 2008 at 9:47 pmHey everyone, was wandering if someone could help me out am fairly new to both pole and having the internet
( yes been living in the dark ages ) and am looking for web pole resources such as pole dancing web sites, communitys, pole shops, and especially any website that can help me locate things in my area
( Mass. / Rhode Island -USA) The only class in my area is in Boston which is over an hour drive one way
Would like to be able to take a class so can meet other woman who enjoy this sometimes go weeks with barely any time on pole b/c have no one to get into it with Have tried using Myspace and Craigslist to search for people with similiar intrests, but only results i got were long distance I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person doing this within the whole Southcoast area Any links or suggestions would be greatly appreciated Also looking for websites with shoes and clothes that offers free shipping and has an exchange policy ( never know for sure til you try it on) Thanks so much Happy holidys! replied 16 years, 1 month ago 6 Members · 10 Replies -
10 Replies
If you want to find some shoes, Amazon has a good selection, free shipping and returns depends on the seller. "Pleaser" is a good brand that can take a lot of abuse.
If you have trouble finding a local pole dance studio or a support group online, what about a trusted friend to be your cheerleader? Someone your comfortable around who won’t judge, get jealous, and help you through the bloopers?
My hubby has been great for constructive criticism, and has helped spot me, and has been patient watching the youtube videos, (even when I know he’s not interested). I think its very important for you to be comfortable with this "pole partner" because sometimes we overestimate our physical abilities when we feel pressure to succeed…just my opinion though.
the thing is most girls I know either have no intrest whatsoever, or get frustrated easily and act in a jealous way towards me I am very patient and encouraging and I know first hand how it feels to watch somebody breeze through a move you have been trying for months, so understand the looks or attitude I get sometimes but as try to explain I have pole books, videos, on-line lessons, and a pole in my house of course I’m going to learn a little faster than someone without those resourcesbut just cant seem to find anyone who gets into it
I really thought when got the pole girls I know would be dying to try it but… could be fear? feeling intimidated? misconceptions about pole dancing? I love poling no matter what, but having people to do it with, like most activites, makes it more intresting and fun am planning on making and posting first pole video the first weekend of the new year (finally) so maybe having a video posted will give me a little encoragment and motivationdid learn 2 new moves on Christmas Bow n Arrow and sitting on pole upside down
(pic sitting on floor with legs out in front crossed at ankles, but upside down with no hands
anyone know if there’s a way to get into Jade Split this way?
sorry to be so all over the place with this post
will have to try to catch some time in fri chat! -
i have the same issues actually pole-twista, the girls i know here at school are either repulsed by it, or are interested. But as soon as you show them a move or something they get intimidated or jealous or frustrated.
I remember I was teaching my friend how to give a lapdance, like how to do inverts onto a guy and stuff and she was so excited. Then as soon as we were practicing on her guy friend (who graciously agreed to "help us out" and let us practice on him) she became so jealous and frustrated that it ruined the entire evening. So I completely understand what you’re saying pole twista. That’s why I’m so thankful for a site like this, because you get to "meet" other people who love what you love and you all encourage each other.
congrats on your 2 new moves btw!!!
thanks! yes i just had a party here last night and some of the girls wanted to try the pole, but it’s like they expect to be doing the kinds of things i do within minutes of being on the pole i try to explain how when i first started i could barely hold myself up it took months, lots of bruises, and lots of patience to get where i’m at now i get dirty looks and get called a "lucky b**ch" in HALF joking way
it’s really not cool cause these are friends and yuo would think they would be proud of what I have learned but they get frustrated and I actually feel like i either have to feel bad about being able to do more advanced things, or acting like things are really difficult for me to do even if they’re not so I don’t have anyone upset I just wish the girls would consistently practice (as have told everyone am almost always up for jumping on the pole and am more than willing to break moves down, spot, ect) so they can build the strength to advanceI really am so grateful for this studio it’s so great to know my accomplishments will be encouraged and celebrated, and that other peoples accomplishments out here inspire me
Well hope you all had a great new years eve and here’s to a new year of poling and all the new moves we’re going to learn!!!
Ahhh!!! I completely understand EVERYTHING that you posted. A whole bunch of girls from my classes want to come over to learn a few moves; but with past experience they assume they’ll just hop on the pole and be a pro on their first time. People think it’s so easy until they actually try it. Then when people find they aren’t experts on the first time they get frustrated and stuff….I’m wary to bring girls over because I don’t want friendships tainted or anything….if that makes sense. I know it sounds extreme but that’s how it’s been in my experience trying to show other girls. At Christmas even my SISTERS wouldn’t try because they were too intimidated lol.
It definitely gets frustrating, I know exactly what you’re talking about Poles because I’ve felt the same way; having to pretend that a move took forever or you downplay your achievements to appease their insecurities. Oh well.
Anyways, I hope everyone had a safe and happy NYE last night! I know I fell asleep at 1030, woohoo!
Ya it’s really too bad because it can be so much fun to get together with your friends and learn routines and such but I do get tired of feeling like I can’t be proud of myself or make a big deal when I learn a new move if there are certain people around or that I just have to act like it was just luck that i can do a move
i love learning and I love teaching so am disappointed that I really can’t seem to share this with anyone in my own area or there were atleast classes so could do this with a group… Well it’s a New Year so time for some changes I just decided I am going to be proud of what I have learned, am going to accept compliments (even the not so sincere ones), and celebrate any way I feel when get a new move regardless of company
I love poling so it doesnt seem like work, but have put in amazing amount of time, energy, and recourses into studying moves on you tube, watching video lessons, reading books and forums,sweating/bruising ect to have come to this point and it’s just going to keep getting better so people can just get used to it and maybe learn to have some fun with it or they can go find a corner to sulk in I had to get that off my chest vent time ya know? well thanks for reading and thanks for your earler reply was nice to see I’m not imagining this
so how was everyones New Years? I had wanted to post resolutions and read others, but havent found a post site for it yet has anyone else?
I remember I was teaching my friend how to give a lapdance, like how to do inverts onto a guy and stuff
What is this about inverting onto a guy during a lapdance? Sounds cool! how do you do it? Any vids or pics??
I’m guessing that’s where you put your head between his legs and grabbing his thighs you basically do a headstand in his lap.
Your head is between his legs, your shoulders are resting on top of his thighs and your hands are holding around the outside and underneath this thighs and your back is to his chest. If he is sitting in a chair you could arch your back and bend your knees behind his shoulders and give him quite a close up and personal view!
I saw it first in a strip club where the girl dove off the stage into a guy’s lap head first and had her but up on his face and her legs up in the air…it looks amazing but it’s not nearly as difficult as you would think.
Just make certain the guy you try it with understands what you wish to do the first time so he can spot you and not let you fall.
I have a pic of it but it’s REALLY racey (no nudity) and I’m not certain I should link it here? PM me and I’ll send you the link if anyone wishes to see what the move is.
Look for this Chair Invert move coming soon in the new lessons!!!!! Oh the fun things we have planned for SV!
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