Forums Discussions Pole Sleeves- Good idea or not.

  • Pole Sleeves- Good idea or not.

    Posted by joni1 on February 26, 2013 at 12:10 pm

    So, I have been debating if I should purchase the pole sleeves which is removable for my pole or not. I want a good grip which I heard the pole sleeves is great for but don't want to get dependant on it that I wont be able to feel safe on metal poles. I do use grip aids and have also used the mighty grip gloves occationally for those extra slippery no grip days. What do you guys think? Your opinions would be greatly appreciated.

    CD Hussey fka Jivete replied 10 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • chemgoddess1

    February 26, 2013 at 12:45 pm

    Why are you poling?  Do you hope to compete one day or are you only looking to do it for yourself?  Do you like static tricks or do you like spins?  These are the questions you need to answer.

  • joni1

    February 26, 2013 at 1:01 pm

    I don`t  plan on competing but I often perform freestyle at a local dance club with my poling friends. I feel confident in my spins but want to get stronger in my advance static tricks. I find I get scared of some advance tricks because my hand is slippery and can only do the tricks with the mighty grip gloves on. So during practice, I constantly often put grip aids and or the mighty grip gloves on and off. I don`t know if using the pole sleeves will help me get stronger with the advance static tricks or will I have a hard time going back to a regular metal pole at a club. I would like to be able to do advance stuff at our local dance club.

  • Dancing Paws

    February 26, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    I don't like people thinking they are becoming "dependent" on something. If you need to do something because of safety, then do it. 

    On the note of the sleeve, why not get it and use it when you care having grip issues? Like in the summer when you are sweaty, it can be a good alternative since it grips clothing. On days you have tacky skin, use the pole without it. Do what you need to to grip the pole. Whether you use a sleeve or grip aids, you still need to engage the muscles to hold a trick, so yes, you will become stronger. It's better to be safe and secure than struggle with grip and injur yourself.

    The sleeve could potentially make you feel comfortable in an advanced trick, which you can then practice on the regular pole. It's mioght be a good wheening into advanced pole, ya know?

  • CD Hussey fka Jivete

    March 24, 2014 at 8:04 pm

    I just thought I’d add my two-cents on the pole sleeve. I did not find it removable on my brass pole. I used a leaf-blower to put it on (no easy task), tried it, didn’t quite care for it, went to remove it and… nothing. No matter what I did, I could not get it to budge. Finally, today, after a year of a useless pole, I cut it off.

    So, if you have an old pole you wouldn’t mind turning into a permanent pole-sleeve pole, maybe. But it was too expensive and too thick, and not removable in my experience. Right now, I kinda pole sleeves.

  • Polefit Korea

    March 24, 2014 at 10:05 pm

    Pole sleeves are good for certain moves and practices for sure. Absolutely not slippery.
    But it is NOT easy to remove. They say you can put it on and off. But well..
    It is a good idea to have pole sleeved pole and a regular finish pole at the same time. But turning into your pole into a pole sleeved one, and remove the sleeve whenever you want? This is not an easy task. Almost impossible I would say.

  • Dancing Paws

    March 25, 2014 at 10:00 am

    I put mine on a brass pole too. It was very difficult to get on, probably because brass is so grippy. When I took mine off, I had my man hang onto the base of my pole while I pulled the pole sleeve from the top. It slid right off. I was surprised it came off that easily. I couldn’t get it off on my own though. I tried, hence recruiting my partner to help.

  • Emikoisabella

    March 25, 2014 at 10:57 am

    Jivete – I had the same experience as you! I had my pole sleeve on my chrome pole and because it shifted down so much after using it over the course of a month the sleeve was too close to the base making it impossible to roll up exposing the adjuster screws so I had to cut it enough to take down my pole. Even after I took it down I found it impossible to remove the sleeve so I ended up cutting off the entire thing. I was very disappointed 🙁

  • PoleNika

    March 25, 2014 at 7:26 pm

    Pole Sleeves provides a strap that you can attach at the top to keep it from sliding. Surprised you had that experience Emikoisabella 🙁 They can be slid on and off without even using air. did you contact Pole Sleeves for help before cutting it? They are always helpful and Victor is easy to reach by phone. He talked me through getting it on my pole the first time. I’ve never had any problems with it sliding down (of course, I use the strap to keep it up). I watched Victor slide a sleeve on and off an xstage pole with only his two hands – it just takes some finesse and practice. Once it is on and being used it is designed to self-adhere to the pole like a chinese finger trap. If you don’t release this grip it will be extremely difficult to get off. That is why a blower makes it easier (to release this grip) but it is possible to shimmy it with your hands to release the bond. And, of course, some helping hands are nice. Brass is super grippy, so I imagine it sticks more to the pole sleeve. I love mine.

  • Emikoisabella

    March 25, 2014 at 7:44 pm

    PoleNika – I did use the velcro strap that came with the sleeve but unfortunately it didn’t prevent it from sliding all the way down. I probably should have called Victor but my boyfriend and I tried for hours to get it off (using a leaf blower) but we couldn’t get it off. I really loved my pole sleeve, but I just don’t see it as being “removable.” I would love to buy another sleeve one day when I have the space/money so I can have a permanent chinese pole along with my chrome pole 🙂

  • CD Hussey fka Jivete

    March 26, 2014 at 7:44 am

    I used the pole strap and my sleeve shifted. I also used air (a leaf blower–the same one I used to put the pole sleeve on). I also contacted Victor twice, and watched the scrunch and slap removal video. I also had assistance. I still could not get the thing to budge. Trust me, I was not happy about wasting $275. I wanted to get it off in one piece.

    Not that this really matters, but I’m also an engineer and so is my husband, who struggled right along side with me to remove it.

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