Pole Studios in Europe?
Attention Veeners in France and Germany:
This July I will be traveling to visit family in France (Rouen specifically) and Germany (Berlin, and various locations in the Rheinland ( around Koln, Bonn)). Please let me know what studios are available in your area. So far I've found one in Rouen and another in Berlin. Would love the opportunity to meet you in person, and do some poling to stay in training during my travels!!!
Sadly, this trip won't include Marseille (I lived in Cassis as a child), it's just too far out from the itinerary, but I do follow Pole Marseille on FB.
I speak German, and am learning to speak French (but I can understand it pretty well, because I speak Spanish and Portuguese); some Canadienne Veeners are helping me with the French …
Looking forward to hearing from you, and meeting you!
Maria aka "descalzada"
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