Forums Discussions Pole Unity

  • Pole Unity

    Posted by minicoopergrl on December 15, 2009 at 1:43 pm

    I dont think its been brought up yet. I worked up the nerve to ask KT if there was any room for me. SHE PUT ME ON THE LIST!!! im kinda sorta freaking out b/c I want to go really bad. The downside is that Will wants me to go w/someone since I would be traveling all alone (trying to get him out of the house is pulling teeth, nevermind a whole new country). He also doesnt want the movie Taken to happen to me (who doesnt want to be saved by Liam Neeson? LOL). So who is on the list, who has gone before and who wants to go w/me???

    Share everything!!!

    onepinkprincess replied 15 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Mary Ellyn

    December 17, 2009 at 3:16 pm

    I went to the first Pole Unity in 2006 and it’s an incredible experience!

    This isn’t about competing or being the best…it’s about celebrating everyone’s love of pole dancing! All styles – all levels of ability – just our love of the pole.

    Everyone is cheered on throughout their performance – it’s an incredible high when you are done.

    I got out on stage and could tell after a few minutes that everyone was chanting something…with the loud music I couldn’t tell at first what they were all saying…then it came through clearer and I realized the entire room was chanting "Empy- Empy – Empy…" I actually started crying while I was dancing! Then I started laughing!

    It was great. Afterward it’s a lot of socializing and getting to know everyone, some pole jamming. It’s a very profesionally done event.

    It was also the inspiration for my event Dance Wicked For A Week…I didn’t want people to compete but to perform together and support each other just for the fun of it no matter what your skill level is.

    You definitely should do it. Unfortunately I don’t think we can afford it this year either otherwise I’d definitely say we’d meet you and watch out for you there.

  • minicoopergrl

    December 17, 2009 at 4:02 pm

    Jessalynn got me thinking about Pole Unity when she went the first time. I love the fact that is a celebration of pole and a good way to have a fun performance.

    I really want to go but ive got to fork up the $ (esp that plane ticket).

  • Mary Ellyn

    December 17, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    We got lucky when we went…the plane fair went on sale after the new year and got our tickets for $740 each!! We had to stay two weeks to get a better fair but traveled on Virgin Atlantic which had GREAT service.

    We also lucked out by staying with KT and Stacey….saved us a ton of bucks. However, we still spent around $8000 on that trip and we bought very little in the way of souveneirs. London is VERY expensive!

  • PoleGrrrrl

    December 17, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    hey yay I spoke to my instructor at class last night and she really wants to enter our studio in pole unity next year as we’ve never been in it before. Poletickles mentioned there was an Irish one in march first so we’ll probably do that one first and then hopefully head over to london in May is it?

    Also I do believe Deetron mentioned she might also get her girls together for a performance…

  • onepinkprincess

    December 18, 2009 at 12:51 pm

    My pole school are going to try and get a place next year at pole unity too. We were too late last year didn’t realise how popular it is. I think it’s January before you can register though. It’s in Potters Bar on June 26th and sounds like amazing fun. We’ve come up with a theme, music etc so lets hope we get a place.


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