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Pole and mental illness
Posted by darling dearest on August 12, 2012 at 10:53 amDoes anyone suffer from mental illness?
I’m wondering if others find pole dancing to be therapeutic.
Serzi replied 11 years, 10 months ago 33 Members · 53 Replies -
53 Replies
Yes, and putting on some good pole music (the right kind) can totally change ur attitude and mood….whether u dance or not. Music therapy is a good thing!
Before I took lessons I was going through a stressful time. Not necessarily mental illness, just events lead to me having severe anxiety. Talked to a few doctors and they all said that since I am breastfeeding they can't give me anxiety medicine. But they were all in agreement that excercise is the best cure for stress/anxiety.
After my first class I was hooked, bought a pole and my anxiety has been cured (as long as I keep up with my practice)
i had drug problems in the past, the pole kept me away from it because i wanted to get up in the morning to do my workout. I am not ashamed of admiting it, everyone knew about it
i am now feeling much better my pole skills have improved I am stronger, Ive re-opened my studio
i think the motivation kept me away from the bad stuff, I am happy now
Yes. All exercise is very therapeutic. I find pole dance especially helpful because it allows us to take charge of our health while conquering new and strengthening challenges. For victims of abuse, pole provides the added bonus of feeling good about our bodies and reclaiming our sexuality. Win win win 🙂
Bit off the topic but I suffer with anxiety and panic attacks and hula hooping has saved my sanity. I love pole but theres something about hooping thats so soothing, it's almost like meditation…
I have the same issue. Once I learned that music assisted me in calming down where my mind was able to rest and not always be in overdrive mode. Once I realized music was my heart, anytime I felt overwhelmed in the past and in the present, If I am able, I listen to music or if not, then I think of one of my favorite songs to humm quietly just to keep me going and not get tensed up. Since adding the pole to my activities, I am overjoyed. I must say, I am too busy focusing on learning the pole that it keeps me busy in my down time and while at work I am thinking of getting back to the pole to learn more. Finding StudioVeena just added to my passion of learning. The lessons here are wonderful and I’m learning more here than attending the studio. The members here are awesome too.
I have suffered from depression off and on since I was 12 years old. Pole hasn't cured me– I still have really down periods sometimes. But poling gives me something to be proud of and a sense of accomplishment that is entirely my own. I don't have to rely on anyone but myself to make me feel good when I learn new tricks or perform. It's a great way to make ME happy. 🙂
I have had major medical problems including 17 surgeries and implants to cover a pain signal as well as a morphine pump that has been removed for 5 years. Dealt with major depression and was in a wheel chair for over 1 year as well as had no use of right arm for more than 10. Poling is healing to me in the worst of times. It reminds me I'm alive inside and out. I can move and live be what makes me happy. Poling is something I struggle to succeed at but know that I can and will reach my goals. They told me I would die….. more than 7 years ago…. I'm here, I'm free, I'm poling…that's me!!!! Never let them tell you you can't!!!! You can!!! Always with health and healing and personal success in mind; I love me today!
I have suffered from depression since my mid-teens, if not earlier (i am now 56.) I started poling after a particularly bad bout of depression. After I got through it, I decided I would take up poling (something I had wanted to try for several years, after I saw a demo of it, when I thought it looked like fun). Poling has changed my life for the better! The music part definitely helps.
….and I second what HotelChick said. I am a survivor of abuse, still learning to live in my body (rather than in my head, with my body being a separate thing)
Yes. I suffer from anxiety wich lead on to a major eating disorder. When I got my pole over a year ago, my weight was on 70 pounds and was ordered on bedrest. I couldnt pole for six months. But everytime I had to go to the kitchen to try and eat, I would pass my pole and get motivated. It was really the only thing that made me want to kick my anxiety and eat. I know wheigh around 90 pounds and Im still working on getting higher on the scale, but I have now been poling every week for six months. It really has helped me alot 🙂
Steffie, thats amazing!!! Stick it out girl we're all here for you. I can't say I know anything about your situation but I know skinny sucks for me… pushing 106 and proud here!!!
Thank you so much echo!
Yes skinny sucks!! I dont know much about yur situation either, but from what you are writting I assume you have been struckling to get u to 106? Thats so great!! I wish I was there too, but someday I will. Muscles wheigh more than body fat, so Im happy that oling is finally a good thing for my body, and not something I should stay away from anymore 🙂
It's so amazing to see there are lots of people in the same boat. I started pole dancing after I returned to New Zealand. I had been living here for a year, and a visit home moved here permanently. But the sadness of leaving my family was heartbreaking, so i started pole dancing and never looked back. A few months later the horrible depression reared its ugly head and the only thing that got me out of bed in the mornings was the hope of pole dancing that night. I was taking lessons at a studio and those girls basically saved my life.
I have since decided to keep my depression at bay, by not only dealing with it, but facing it head on. I have got my beginners teaching certificate, and am working on my intermediate qualifications, and have opened up my own studio. There are days when I cant face the world, but my day job (physiotherapist) and the girls I teach keep me going. I love watching the perfect spins and moves, and by keeping myself busy my bad thoughts stay locked away.
I think anyone who suffers from depression or any bouts of mental illness or addictions deserves a medal for how they overcame their fears. I think pole dancing is a great way to help deal with the day to day stress, the moves, the music, and the constantly striving to perfect everything we try.
Go girls!!!!!
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