Forums Discussions Pole dance calendar to support the National Kidney Foundation

  • Pole dance calendar to support the National Kidney Foundation

    Posted by lolorashel on November 30, 2011 at 1:19 pm

    This is our second year of doing a calendar at Twirly Girls to benefit the Lovely Rita fundraiser and the National Kidney Foundation.  Rita is one of our students and she has had three kidney transplants.  We can mail calendars out to you!  Just $20 for the calendar.  Please add $2 for shipping and $2 if you want to pay with a credit card.  Otherwise, you can e-mail me for my address to send a check. 

    ALL MONEY RAISED GOES TO THE NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION.  The girls in the calendar donated money to help with printing and the photographer was paid very little for his time. 

    Please support your pole sisters!!  🙂

    Check out a preview here:

    lolorashel replied 13 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Terpsikhore

    November 30, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    Perhaps I'm being totally blind, but I couldn't see a link in that video to donate? Can you help me out? I'm so technologically inept, I can barely work my hairdryer!!

    I'm not fussed about receiving a calendar – I'm English, so it would cost you a lot more to post my calendar and I don't want you to end up out of pocket. But as someone who was born with kidney problems, who has grown up used to regular urologist appointments with men sticking probes in unpleasant places and who will have to live her life with a range of unpleasant effects of those problems, you're more than welcome to my money… if I can find out how to give it to you!

  • lolorashel

    November 30, 2011 at 5:10 pm

    I tried to embed the video and it wouldn't let me, so here's the YouTube link:

    Rita would love to hear your story!  You are a fellow survivor!!  🙂

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