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Pole dancing and breast implants
Posted by Angie La on June 6, 2012 at 8:44 amI mean, they sound like they would go hand in hand right..? Only to my family and people who have no clue what we do, and just how much the muscle sucks the mammory tissue right out of you. Then again, maybe I am just speaking for myself…
So, before 1 year of poling and being a small boobie chick for 30 years, I did not imagine I would ever have smaller, saggier boobies than I did before. I also did not imagine I would actually open a discussion about this…haha. Nonetheless, the date is set for June 18th (12 days) and I am really getting nervous and excited. Maybe this sounds crazy but 99% of my fears are pole related! "How will I ever make it back to the pole without ripping it out… causing the whole capsular contraction/hard boobie problem…?" "Will I ever be able to do an extended butterfly, again??" Becoming flabby during my 6 weeks off is a silly, yet very loud fear, since I will be going to spend 3 weeks at exotic beaches in August–the 7th-10th post op.
Does anyone want to share their experience with this, and perhaps help to ease my fears? I always said that if I had the opportunity, I would get a new set of ladies. Well, my opportunity is hear and all I can think about is my pole, my pole, my pole…haha.
mishamishamisha replied 12 years, 8 months ago 8 Members · 15 Replies -
15 Replies
I wish you the best!! I know I'm very young but have sturggled with my self image since I was a child, my breasts being a big(rather small 😉 ) part of it…I was once a well proportioned C cup and lost quite a bit of weight in high school and dropped to an small unproportioned A cup. Big difference. My weight has fluctuated over the years and am finally now reaching a point in my life where my weight and body conformatin seem to be agreeing(thank you pole!) but still my teeny boobs make me very uncomfortable to the point where it affects my relationship. I definitely want to hear all about your experiences! before, after, healing and returning to pole! Keep us updated, stay well and take it easy 🙂
sorry for the typos … I wish I could edit them. It drives me crazy, sorry again.
Ha! Typos is my middle name ;). I will certainly keep an update, then, if it will help a fellow daring soul later on. And hang in there! I lost a lot of weight after my 2nd baby and it was such a big accomplishment that I never imagined I would be up against. Gaining a losing weight certainly does a number on the boobs… I was just so happy I lost the weight that it didn’t bother me as much as not lost it. That just made no sense, but you know what I mean? Haha.
Hi! I was a small B but after breast feeding 3 kids, my smallies became small, saggy empty bags. I HATED looking in the mirror and cried almost everyday at the sight of them. Getting a breast aug was the best thing I have ever done for myself, I am so happy with my boobies! I am so excited for you! Yay! Boobies!
I actually started pole dancing about 4 months post op. My Dr gave me the ok to go back at it SLOWLY(meaning mostly dancing, floorwork, a few spins here and there) at around 3 months but I waited an extra month. During my healing time off from pole, I did alot of walking, streching and floorwork stuff and just dancing with and around the pole–diff ways of walking around the pole sexy, body rolls, piroettes, back slides etc.
But you should really talk to your Dr about your poling and ask him what he thinks would be a good time that you can start getting back on the pole again. Make sure to explain to him that it involves alot of lifting your own body weight, inverting and using your upper arms and chest muscles to execute moves, so he can give you a realistic timeframe of when you can start poling again.
But here's what my Dr told me and I followed it to the tee. 6-8 weeks post op you can go back to the gym and walk on the treadmill, do elliptical, ride bike or do spin bike or soulcycle. No aerobics, zumba, lifting weights or running/jogging. Around 10-12 weeks you can jog(not run) with a high impact sports bra but take it easy if you normally run 3 miles only run 1 mile for a couple of weeks. You can go back to zumba or aerobics with a good high impact sport bra around 12 weeks. Lift weights around 12-14 weeks post op but start with low weights like the little hand 5 pound weights, then you can work you way back up to the machines if the Dr thinks everything is healing well at your 6 month check up. My Dr said that it's important not to rush back into the heavy weight lifting before 6 month post op to give your breasts plenty of time to settle in and heal. Around 4/5 months post op is when he gave me the okay to start doing some of the inverted and more intermediate stuff again.
I've been poling for 2 years and my boobies are still super soft and perky. But I think alot of that has to do with the vitamin and care regimen that my Dr put me on to while my breasts were healing. He advised me to take vitamin E for a year post op (I still take them 2-3x a week), which I did and he gave me homepathic pellets , which deter scar tissue and hardening that I took for 6 months post op and I still pop them from time to time. Also my Dr is a big beliver in massage every day a couple times a day for the rest of your life to keep them soft and natural looking, so I do that religiously.
I've noticed that my friends who pole hardcore every day (two of my close friends are exotic dancers and are pole maniacs who work 6-7 days a week) with breast implants seem to have more hardening and/or tightening issues with their breast implants, so I just stick to poling 2-3x a week to keep my boobies from having problems and so far it's been working.
Just follow your Drs instructions to the tee and you'll be fine. Good luck and keep us posted on how your healing goes! 🙂
Thanks SO much for your feedback!!! I’m in Germany so there is a lot that I have to imagine they are reeeeally trying to tell me since there is a lot that can get lost in translation. I told him about what I do and he just seemed to cringe at the idea of doing “extreme sports.” haha! I never thought of pole dance as extreme but I kinda like the idea of being a bad @$$! ;). I forgot to mention what I was having done since I guess it does make a difference… They will be under the muscle, full B (I am pretty sure), round, high profile, textured silicone cohesive gel (the gummi bear implants). Wow, thats a lot of technical boobie jargon! I did hear about the importance of massage and a little bit about vitamin e. How much vitamin e did you take? I’ll make sure to ask him about it. Oh and what are the homeopathic pellets called? There is a Deutsche Homeopatische Union that I like to order from and maybe I can find the translation for the active ingredient. That’s the tougher part about being in Germany–not knowing which meds/vitamins are the same as back in the States. :-/
I am counting down the days to my consult, July 18th! I was worried about time off the pole too, but after seriously hurting my knee I was off for months, and I figured out other things to do while I was healing. Pole is my passion and I plan to do it as long as I can, so when I look at it that way a few weeks/months isn't a big deal. Plus, it really makes you get creative and try things you may not have thought of, like working on flexibility or fluidity. Good luck with your surgery and keep us posted!
I've enjoyed mine every day of the 10 yrs. I've had them. Congratulations ladies! @JelliCrew-keep us posted, I'm curious about the 'gummi bear' ones, they're supposed to feel really natural.
I agree with pretty much everything calipolepixie said. I had breastfed two children and having been a full C cup before kids and a sad floppy B after was hard to take. And i postponed having them done strictly because of pole! I didnt want to take that much time off. But finally last Spetember I did it. I got a fantastic surgeon in Michigan who specializes in breast reconstruction and is excellent in BA. I got 400cc High Profile Cohesive Gel Implant (gummi bear). I was finally back poling –inverting and everything–Feb 2012. I took it slow. I also am a firm believer in massage. The couple minutes it takes are well worth it.
Good Luck. I have never looked back 🙂
Scar Formula Multiplex by Scientific Bio-Logics they come 100 pellets in a bottle and you have to take 4 pellets 3 times daily for the first 6 months post op, then after that you can take them 2x a day for the next 6 months and after the first year post op for maintenence take them at least 2x a week. You place them under your tongue and let them dissolve.
They are pricey but I really think what my Dr had me take during the healing process really made a difference in how fast and how well I healed. But know that no matter what you do that sometimes womens bodies just reject the breast implant and CC or other issues still can occur. But the more preventative measures you can take the better. 🙂
The vitamin E 400 iu.
Also forgot to mention that my Dr also thinks it's important to take antibiotics prior to having any dental work done within your first year post op. While some Drs believe you should take antibiotics WHENEVER you have dental work throughout your lifetime. There is an unsupported/unofficial tie in to/belief by some plastic surgeons that dental work raises the risk of bacteria getting into the bloodstream and may be one of the causes of CC, so many plastic surgeons out there believe in antibiotics just in case before getting dental work. I've read up on it and while like I said it hasn't actually been proven to be the case, I still ask for antibiotics from my plastic surgeon prior to any dental work just to be on the safe side. Hey, I paid over $6,500 for these boobies and I willl do anything to protect them! lol
Hmmm… I have read about implants rupturing but it is something that seems to have happened with other generations of implants. I did ask about the benefits of having the implants above or below the mookies (German slang for muscles, haha), and he said that is his preferred place to have implants–about 90% of the implants he does are under the muscle. He said that if I had them over the muscle, that the impants would "show more" when I contracted my muscle, and would have more of a chance distorting. He also said that I would "feel" them less if they were over than if they were under the muscle, but that there would be less distortion.
Do you mind me asking which kind as size you have..? I am a short person so I am thinking of just going to a B–the exact size is to be determined on Tuesday. Something to fill the floppy skin is the idea in mind..haha. These are going to be the cohesive-gel implants (gummy bear impants, sounds silly) from France, "Perthese" who was bought by Mentor. Since i only use pole-related stuff as my means of exercise, I am just wondering how strenuous of activity it really is. I am just not so sure anymore… Handsprings, extended butterflys, flag mounts… are these considered strenuous? I know when I am learning them it can seem difficult, but it is usually because I am not ready, strength and technique-wise, to perform those moves. So I usually just revist them later. This is all I know anymore, so I am just wondering what others think of as being strenuous. If anyone wants to see my videos, and let me know if what I am doing is considered strenuous excerise… then maybe that is helpful to know. I plan to be doing pole for the long haul, and I don't see myself training for any competitions, though I try not to say "never" for anything.
I sound like an airhead, but I swear I am only sometimes.
Thank you so much ladies for sharing your experience!!
Yes all the moves you mentioned are strenuous on the chest muscles. I got under the muscle, small D's (I'm 5'7 & 135#s) but they look like C's in most regular clothes & HUGE in tight dresses and low cut tops lol its awesome to be able to tone them down when I want or flaunt them, most people are shocked when I wear something low cut and there they are in yo' face because in normal clothes they don't look that big lol. They are saline…I notice a little bag ripplage every now and then when I bend in certain positions but it really is not a big deal to me. My PS did an excellent job, people always think they are my natural breasts–and that's what I wanted…them to be perky but not so perky that they don't look natural.
I am friends with quite a few exotic dancers and porn stars who pole dance with breast implants and never heard of them rupturing one from pole dancing. I have heard of however displacement of the implant from poling too soon after a breast aug tho. It's natural to worry but as long as you follow your PS instructions on post op care and don't try and jump back on the pole too soon you'll be fine. Yes you may loose a little strength and stamina after being off the pole for a few months but you will gain it back quickly.
Hi ladies! I also have breast implants. I got mine done in 2005…after dropping a lot of weight I went from a D to not even a B. I also have the cohesive gel implants (aka the gummy bear) under the muscle and am now a DD. Shortly after getting them done I developed a capsular contracture in one of them and had to have it fixed twice. 7 years later, the same implant has been bothering me again, especially with the amount of poling I do. I put off getting it fixed again because I was dreading taking that much time off again. But, as lovesit put it, in the long run i guess a few months won't be a big deal. I'm scheduled for surgery on August 2, and my surgeon is taking both implants out from under the muscle and putting them over the muscle. I'm kind of excited because it'll be like getting a whole new set of boobs!!! And i think I'll also take that time to work on flexibility and floor work! Good luck to those also going under the knife!
my BA is scheduled for October 17th 2012! I'm from Toronto-ish but am going to Fort Lauderdale to see Dr. Revis 🙂
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