Forums Discussions Pole dancing in the Olympics

  • Charley

    February 24, 2010 at 4:57 am


    From the stand point of teaching this to women (haven’t had the pleasure of training poledancefan yet!) part of the reason we like it is because it’s a little naughty. It’s fun and yes athletic…but it’s sexy and makes us feel sexy (over time) Many of us say we want the tricks but after we get a few, how many of us want to dance better to make those tricks look better?

    Everyday we as women are told to buy this product or that product to look or feel our best. Well, let’s face it – we all want to look great, be in shape and we do everything we can to LOOK sexy and beautiful but how many of us FEEL sexy and beautiful. Doesn’t pole dance makes us feel graceful, fluid and beautiful over the time that we out into it?

    I’d hate to see some of the beauty, not just sexiness, but beauty go away. It already seems like no one wants to watch basics anymore and it’s already leaning towards all power moves.

  • anngiern

    February 25, 2010 at 4:56 am

    here is another story on msn about pole dancing and the olympics. one of my friends forwarded to me today.

    sedusa studio is hot! i hope to take a lesson there someday as well when i get to cali again.

  • anngiern

    February 25, 2010 at 5:12 am


    I’d hate to see some of the beauty, not just sexiness, but beauty go away. It already seems like no one wants to watch basics anymore and it’s already leaning towards all power moves.

    charley….well i for one love watching the basics. even though i love the high power moves and looking forward to the uspdf and workshops, i love seeing a simple pole dance with creative tranisitions, musicality (something pole dancing is extremely lacking) costumes, power of eye contact, interaction with audience, and theatrics. to me its all about the energy and self confidence that someone can put out there and that makes it a powerful dance. ive seen many pole performances with super hard tricks but they were boring as hell. i have seen some very basic pole dances that were so full of energy and much more entertaining. i do enjoy watching Marlo from NYC…she does the hard stuff but her energy is amazing. and i love how she mixes her music to show she can do a little of everything from rock to hip hop to a booty pop.
    the winner of polesque 2010 that was held in NYC was awesome. she did do some hard tricks but she also had a good overall performance incorporating everything that makes a dance. plus her booty pop during the final four challenge was the bomb! she had so much personality and was an audience pleaser.

  • ottersocks

    February 25, 2010 at 6:24 am

    here is another story on msn about pole dancing and the olympics. one of my friends forwarded to me today.

    sedusa studio is hot! i hope to take a lesson there someday as well when i get to cali again.

    Yes, the sedusa ladies are very hot. If you want to learn how to feel yourself up like a champion, that’s the place for you. If however you get to Cali and want to learn how to do some *real challenging pole moves* and how to combine them with fabulous dancing, come visit Fleur and me at Poletential.

  • Veena

    February 25, 2010 at 6:45 am

    There’s a little person named Veena who lives in CA too. I could maybe show someone a trick or two…..

    I always tell people there are 3 categories of pole dance..

    All POLE DANCE but different forms

  • ottersocks

    February 25, 2010 at 6:49 am

    There’s a little person named Veena who lives in CA too. I could maybe show someone a trick or two…..

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Excellent point!! God knows you’ve shown me a dozen or two, at least! xoxo

  • anngiern

    February 25, 2010 at 6:57 am

    you ladies are funny!!! yes i am taking 2 of ambers workshops in NYC for USPDF along with 7 of my instructors and we are super excited. the girls voted on who they wanted to take workshops with back in December and Amber won hands down! i so want to take a pole dance sabbatical and just travel to all the studios in the US.

    but you california girls are lucky!!! you have so many studios to pick from. i hope to get out there before the end of the year is up. i want to take classes from everyone pole dancing is fierce out on the west coast. but i will definitely make a stop by your studio ottersocks!

    i lived in san fran for 7 months as a travel nurse and loved it out there.

  • ottersocks

    February 25, 2010 at 4:12 pm

    Oh, Anngie, that’s so awesome! You and your girls are going to have such an amazing experience with Amber. I’m so blessed to be able to learn from her every day. Can’t wait to meet you in NY!

  • SissyBuns

    February 25, 2010 at 5:29 pm

    They were talking about this on the radio this morning. I heard it on my way in to work and I had to call in LOL. They were asking people to call in and give their opinion on whether or not they think it should be in the olympics and people were calling and saying "No" of course. They were saying the olympics is a family program and kids watch it and they don’t want their kids seeing and stuff like that. So I called to let them know that what they have in mind when they hear pole dance is not what they would see in the olympics. I told them it would be the more athletic side of pole dance. I told them to youtube some people like jenyne and felix to see what Champion pole dancers do.

    No ass popping and booty shaking there. The olympics would never allow that kind of stuff. Like I’ve said before….if pole dance did make it into the olympics (in my opinion) the name would be changed to pole sport or pole fitness. The dancers would be now be called competitors or gymnasts. They would wear little shorts (like the volley ball players wear) and sports bras (complete with sponsors logos LOL), bare feet and basically do gymnastics on a vertical bar. All of the flair of the club will be taken out of it (because you can’t put a number on sassyness) LOL.

    I think the pole world would split off into 2 different directions and there may not be anything wrong with that. There are lot’s of polers that don’t dance. They just focus on tricks and stunts and they would be able to compete in "Pole sport" type competitions and those artistic dancier dancers would still be able to compete in "Pole dance" competitions. And then get a job working on Pole dancing with the stars

  • minicoopergrl

    February 25, 2010 at 5:38 pm

    Im not 100% sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I would love for my passion to be reconized as a sport. We all know its hard work and dedication to do what we do. But then again, I feel like women like me who can dance like crazy but cant perform wild and crazy tricks will never have a chance to win a competition. Like alof of us have said, that if they broke us down in different catagories then I think things would be different.

    Like Sissy said, alot of the sexiness would be removed. The music would be clean, the outfits would be mild etc.

  • Dayanara

    February 25, 2010 at 6:07 pm

    I don’t feel we pole dancing needs to be in the olympics, I do think it needs to be an organized sport, but as it is, why change it to gain acceptance? Pole dancing weeds out the weak, mentally and physycally, polers are women with strong personalities who stand up for their passion no matter what others say or think about it, we have poles in the middle of our living room for f’s sake, if Pole is even in the olympics it would be just another apparatus in a gymnastics routine, like others already said, it would be 16 year old gymnasts competing, flipping on a vertical bar, there will be no dancing,I think a lot of polers are under the impression that our pole dancers would be competing, I do not believe that’s the case, already made gymnasts would be training on pole and that’d be it, it would be unaccessible for all of us, one of the things that is so awesome about pole dancing is that women of all ages, all sizes all shapes, who get hooked on poling and are really serious about can and do get incredibly strong and take stages by storm all over the world, they are stars. I dont think being in the olympics would gain us acceptance either, well….only if you train barefeet and in a sports bra, I am pretty we, polers in 7inch heels and small bikinis will still be looked down on, there will be the "Pole athletes/gymnasts" and those other "dirty whores" who refuse to take off those stripper heels. hahahahahaha. that’s how I see it anyway.

  • SissyBuns

    February 25, 2010 at 6:14 pm

    Im not 100% sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I would love for my passion to be reconized as a sport. We all know its hard work and dedication to do what we do. But then again, I feel like women like me who can dance like crazy but cant perform wild and crazy tricks will never have a chance to win a competition. Like alof of us have said, that if they broke us down in different catagories then I think things would be different.

    Like Sissy said, alot of the sexiness would be removed. The music would be clean, the outfits would be mild etc.

    It’s already that way though Mini. You’ll never get into the big competitions (Like USPDF or the international comps) without tricks. Never. Dancing usually doesn’t have anything to do with it. Some would argue that the pros even dance, like at all. LOL

  • RoxyPink

    February 25, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    I don’t feel we pole dancing needs to be in the olympics, I do think it needs to be an organized sport, but as it is, why change it to gain acceptance? Pole dancing weeds out the weak, mentally and physycally, polers are women with strong personalities who stand up for their passion no matter what others say or think about it, we have poles in the middle of our living room for f’s sake, if Pole is even in the olympics it would be just another apparatus in a gymnastics routine, like others already said, it would be 16 year old gymnasts competing, flipping on a vertical bar, there will be no dancing,I think a lot of polers are under the impression that our pole dancers would be competing, I do not believe that’s the case, already made gymnasts would be training on pole and that’d be it, it would be unaccessible for all of us, one of the things that is so awesome about pole dancing is that women of all ages, all sizes all shapes, who get hooked on poling and are really serious about can and do get incredibly strong and take stages by storm all over the world, they are stars. I dont think being in the olympics would gain us acceptance either, well….only if you train barefeet and in a sports bra, I am pretty we, polers in 7inch heels and small bikinis will still be looked down on, there will be the "Pole athletes/gymnasts" and those other "dirty whores" who refuse to take off those stripper heels. hahahahahaha. that’s how I see it anyway.

    I completely agree… I posted something similar to this in a previous thread. Besides…Ballet is very artistic and very physically demanding but you don’t see them petitioning to get into the olympics. I think it would completely change the ambiance of it. We all agree that pole is athletic and that it is a form of self expression (artistic) but how is it any different from any other form of dance…which btw are not olympic sports? If anything…pole dance would probably be the last form of dance to be accepted into the olympics just because of the stigmata behind it. I think we as a pole community should take baby steps in getting the recognition and acceptance…like in our own homes and neighborhoods then shoot for our cities and states and the country…i

  • SissyBuns

    February 25, 2010 at 6:20 pm

    I don’t feel we pole dancing needs to be in the olympics, I do think it needs to be an organized sport, but as it is, why change it to gain acceptance? Pole dancing weeds out the weak, mentally and physycally, polers are women with strong personalities who stand up for their passion no matter what others say or think about it, we have poles in the middle of our living room for f’s sake, if Pole is even in the olympics it would be just another apparatus in a gymnastics routine, like others already said, it would be 16 year old gymnasts competing, flipping on a vertical bar, there will be no dancing,I think a lot of polers are under the impression that our pole dancers would be competing, I do not believe that’s the case, already made gymnasts would be training on pole and that’d be it, it would be unaccessible for all of us, one of the things that is so awesome about pole dancing is that women of all ages, all sizes all shapes, who get hooked on poling and are really serious about can and do get incredibly strong and take stages by storm all over the world, they are stars. I dont think being in the olympics would gain us acceptance either, well….only if you train barefeet and in a sports bra, I am pretty we, polers in 7inch heels and small bikinis will still be looked down on, there will be the "Pole athletes/gymnasts" and those other "dirty whores" who refuse to take off those stripper heels. hahahahahaha. that’s how I see it anyway.

    Well then I’ll just continue to be a dirty whore! LOL

    I’ll still cheer for and watch the "stiffs" compete in the olympics…and try to think of cools ways to incorporate their awesome stunts into my ‘dance’ routines. LOL

  • Dayanara

    February 25, 2010 at 6:25 pm

    LOL, @Sissy! you KNOW I’m all full of dirty whorism!!!. hahahaha.

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