Forums Discussions Pole dancing in the Olympics

  • luvlee

    February 25, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    I think there have been some good points made. I just want to put mine in too. I saw a pole studio in an article yesterday that had a few pole dancers training to be in the olympics if it were to make it. Also, I am pretty sure KT Coates would be in it. They dropped a few other popular pole dancer’s names as well. All pole dancers so far! I do think gymnists would also be interested. Pole dancing can be made for the olympics and it can be done sexy. It is whatever you personally make it. I think it would be great to see it in the olympics. Probably no high heels, though. You never know! I will never give my shoes up! I mean. figure skating is getting pretty sexy these days so I don’t think the sexiness would have to be totally lost anyway for the olympics. I can’t wait to see if it makes it and have already signed the petition! Yaaay!

  • anngiern

    February 25, 2010 at 7:50 pm

    Im not 100% sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I would love for my passion to be reconized as a sport. We all know its hard work and dedication to do what we do. But then again, I feel like women like me who can dance like crazy but cant perform wild and crazy tricks will never have a chance to win a competition. Like alof of us have said, that if they broke us down in different catagories then I think things would be different.

    Like Sissy said, alot of the sexiness would be removed. The music would be clean, the outfits would be mild etc.

    It’s already that way though Mini. You’ll never get into the big competitions (Like USPDF or the international comps) without tricks. Never. Dancing usually doesn’t have anything to do with it. Some would argue that the pros even dance, like at all. LOL

    there might be hope….i made a proposal to USPDF about having a category for the more dancey girls (similiar to xpose fitness where they have a floor/chair and pole dance with no inverts category) and a dance studio/group category as well. they said they are giving some thought to this!!! so there still might be hope. i am really trying to push behind this b/c there are so many good dancers out there. but even brook notary who had judged comps say pole dancing is lacking transitions, musicality, and things of that nature. here is her workshop description from USPDF: "It’s been an honor to judge the USPDF competitions for the past year. I’m in awe of the talent.Yet, I believe the area of transitions deserve more attention. In this class, pole dancers will focus on how to create strong transitions on and off the pole, and how to seamlessly create a beginning, middle and end without losing consistency. With choreographic guidance, floor work exercises, and pole to pole transition exercises, I’d like you to leave my class with a better understanding on how to perform a full-rounded routine."

    so just keep sending in those emails to them to push for a category like this. i think its only a matter of time! i am keeping my fingers crossed

  • SissyBuns

    February 25, 2010 at 8:20 pm

    Im not 100% sure how I feel about it. On one hand, I would love for my passion to be reconized as a sport. We all know its hard work and dedication to do what we do. But then again, I feel like women like me who can dance like crazy but cant perform wild and crazy tricks will never have a chance to win a competition. Like alof of us have said, that if they broke us down in different catagories then I think things would be different.

    Like Sissy said, alot of the sexiness would be removed. The music would be clean, the outfits would be mild etc.

    It’s already that way though Mini. You’ll never get into the big competitions (Like USPDF or the international comps) without tricks. Never. Dancing usually doesn’t have anything to do with it. Some would argue that the pros even dance, like at all. LOL

    there might be hope….i made a proposal to USPDF about having a category for the more dancey girls (similiar to xpose fitness where they have a floor/chair and pole dance with no inverts category) and a dance studio/group category as well. they said they are giving some thought to this!!! so there still might be hope. i am really trying to push behind this b/c there are so many good dancers out there. but even brook notary who had judged comps say pole dancing is lacking transitions, musicality, and things of that nature. here is her workshop description from USPDF: "It’s been an honor to judge the USPDF competitions for the past year. I’m in awe of the talent.Yet, I believe the area of transitions deserve more attention. In this class, pole dancers will focus on how to create strong transitions on and off the pole, and how to seamlessly create a beginning, middle and end without losing consistency. With choreographic guidance, floor work exercises, and pole to pole transition exercises, I’d like you to leave my class with a better understanding on how to perform a full-rounded routine."

    so just keep sending in those emails to them to push for a category like this. i think its only a matter of time! i am keeping my fingers crossed

    That would be so cool. I’d so submit for something like that…..*dreams*

  • verucablue

    February 26, 2010 at 7:33 am


    I’d hate to see some of the beauty, not just sexiness, but beauty go away. It already seems like no one wants to watch basics anymore and it’s already leaning towards all power moves.

    … i do enjoy watching Marlo from NYC…she does the hard stuff but her energy is amazing. and i love how she mixes her music to show she can do a little of everything from rock to hip hop to a booty pop.

    Marlo ROCKS!!!! she meshes it all together so well!

  • luvlee

    February 27, 2010 at 7:36 pm
  • SandyBrown

    February 27, 2010 at 7:42 pm

    there might be hope….i made a proposal to USPDF about having a category for the more dancey girls (similiar to xpose fitness where they have a floor/chair and pole dance with no inverts category) and a dance studio/group category as well. they said they are giving some thought to this!!! so there still might be hope. i am really trying to push behind this b/c there are so many good dancers out there. but even brook notary who had judged comps say pole dancing is lacking transitions, musicality, and things of that nature. here is her workshop description from USPDF: "It’s been an honor to judge the USPDF competitions for the past year. I’m in awe of the talent.Yet, I believe the area of transitions deserve more attention. In this class, pole dancers will focus on how to create strong transitions on and off the pole, and how to seamlessly create a beginning, middle and end without losing consistency. With choreographic guidance, floor work exercises, and pole to pole transition exercises, I’d like you to leave my class with a better understanding on how to perform a full-rounded routine."

    so just keep sending in those emails to them to push for a category like this. i think its only a matter of time! i am keeping my fingers crossed

    I just switched to Brook’s workshop because of this, anngiern! I think this would make my choreography so much better! I signed up for the last spot in the workshop, I’m so excited.

  • SandyBrown

    February 27, 2010 at 7:47 pm

    Here’s an interesting blog entry from Yannori (from Express the Sensual) called "No, I Won’t Sign Your Pol’ympics Petition" (I laughed when I read the title)

  • GatorGirl4Life

    February 27, 2010 at 8:06 pm

    I whole heartedly agree with Yannori’s blog post. I do not need the Olympics to accept pole dancing to justify it as a sport for me. I know how much time, hard work and dedication it takes to get to a certain advanced level with pole, and I don’t need the Olympic committee to tell me whether or not it’s a sport. We as a community know how hard it is to do the things we do – all of the blood, sweat, tears and bruises – so why do we need to legitimize it as a sport? I think there are enough competitions for pole dancing (more and more popping up every day) and that’s enough for me. I think gymnasts would take over pole dancing in the Olympics and it would be more like Chinese pole and Vertical Gymnastics than pole dancing. Let’s not rip this art from it’s original roots and forget that DANCING is a part of it all…..

  • Judy Jovanelly

    February 27, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    always tell people there are 3 categories of pole dance..

    All POLE DANCE but different forms

    Perfect, Veena ! That pretty much sums it up !!!!!

  • MilienElayne

    March 7, 2010 at 2:50 am

    News, ladies!

    Not exactly pole dancing as a sport IN the Olympics, but Bobbi’s is choreographing part of the opening ceremony for the Youth Olympics! I just ignored all the other closed minded bologne.

  • Foxy_Rei

    March 7, 2010 at 3:34 am

    I saw someone put up a link to Yannori’s blog, but she put up a Part 2 – she also included links to other blogs that had opinions on the topic:

    Just in case anyone wanted to check it out…

  • rabidshrooms

    March 8, 2010 at 7:40 pm

    If curling is an olympic sport, pole dancing could most DEFINITELY be an olympic sport.

  • sabian

    March 9, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    I dont think it should make it.

    I have been reading alot on this subject…and each side has its value.

    I personally do not want it to happen. Leave pole be. Let it be a dance….a dance that is ACCEPTED for what it is first, instead of trying to change it to legitimize it.

    People where I am still look at me like I have a disease when I say I pole dance…I live just outside of the 3rd largest city in Canada…and they still react that way.

    Would ber nice to see pole dance gain recognition, and be accepted…but is this really the way to go about it?

    If anything…this will present more problems and damage to the work that the founders of "public" pole have worked so hard for! And yes…there are founders!

  • Mary Ellyn

    April 8, 2010 at 6:57 pm

    Actually many of the founders of pole dancing are the ones who are working to get pole into the Olympics!

    Having pole in the Olympics will not force any change on the way we enjoy and teach pole dancing. In fact it is unlikely that pole dancing will be in the Olympics but more likely pole sport or pole gymnastics. In fact pole in the Olympics will be more of a gymnastics event and not a pole event.

  • Nikkabella

    July 2, 2010 at 3:22 am

    Any "new" News about Pole Dance in the 2012 Olympics? I tell people about this only because I take a lot for pole dancing, and open a studio in a conservative area…I know a lot of women are insecure about even trying it. Times changes- life moves forward, Pole Dance should too. I haven’t heard anything lately though….

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