Forums Discussions Pole dancing in the Olympics

  • EvaRut

    February 13, 2011 at 4:35 pm

    Please nooooooo don't put it into the olympics. I want pole dance, not pole sport. What I love about pole dance is the expression, the sensuality, the artistic side of it. 

    Pole sport is just something that I have no interest in it and I think that "pole sport" being made and accepted to the olympics will ruin what most of us love so much about pole dancing. It will probably make people look even more down on Pole Dancing. =/

    So yeahh. Please please please stop trying to get pole to the olympics and trying to "clean it up" 🙁

  • Runemist34

    February 13, 2011 at 5:14 pm

    What I meant was to give an example, and splay-legs was the only thing I could come up with. Sorry. It IS more like a variation of the splits, certainly, but sometimes I just see it as a "LOOK AT MY -" you know… >_>

    What I meant was that, if we clean up pole dancing, I don't think it will be pole dancing the way we think of it. The same thing can be said for burlesque: If you clean it up, it's not burlesque anymore. I like dancing either one because it's fun, it's expression, and it helps me feel sexy and womanly and strong. 

    And, what I meant by having children in it was that, if we can all agree with the idea that we want the sensuality kept, I'd rather not see kids engaging in that. Hence why I said "If we kept it sexy…"

    I am not ashamed that pole dance came from strippers, and I'm not afraid of it. Burlesque made strippers, and strippers were burlesque for a long time. They've parted ways, but I see nothing wrong with it.

    But, I agree with the others: If you make it a sport, without the sensual, artistic thing, I wouldn't be interested. I see a "Goddess" as a strong, beautiful, SENSUAL woman who isn't afraid to be sexy. If we took that out of Pole dance, well…it wouldn't be Pole dance for me. It'd just be another thing that I'm not interested in, just like gymnastics.

  • MissKitty83

    February 13, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    I agree with Veena and Runemist.  

    An olympic style Pole Sport would be just that – another sterile, gymnastic sport with incredible displays of strength, control and flexibility.  There would be no art to it, no dance, no sensuality, no feeling.  It would be cold and sterile, like any other gymnastics routine we watch.  And that's fine for the Olympics.  There is no place for the passionate, artistic, Sexy and sensual kind of pole dancing that most of us do at home in the Olympics.

    If you want to make it an Olympic sport, fine.  Clean it up, make it gymnastic and sterile and boring. It will simply be Vertical Pole Gymnastics.

    I'll keep my booty popping and artistic, sexy yet still athletic pole dancing, thanks.

  • Sanchara

    February 13, 2011 at 6:01 pm

    I guess it's just a matter of taste. Personally I am only interested in sport. I want to see performance, composition, execution and difficulty, blended together in a flawless, elegant way that makes you forget that what your watching is a competition rather than a natural phonomoneon. There is nothing boring about crisp, flawless elegance.

    Thats one thing that Felix Cane(pre zumanity), Megan Benjamin, Evgenia Kanaeva and Nastia Liuken all have in common – an etherial quality that has world-champion writting all over it.



  • Katherine McKinney

    February 13, 2011 at 6:09 pm

    @MissKitty83 and Runemist34:

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Hear, hear! And here's to all Veeners, too!  😉

  • Mary Ellyn

    February 13, 2011 at 8:28 pm

    I agree with Veena's entire last post …well except that pole in the Olympics (not pole DANCING but pole in some form) DOES thril me because I enjoy ALL forms of pole from Chinese to sensual to sport and to whatever comes of the Olympics.

    I am NOT ashamed of the origins of pole dancing and all you have to do it look at my business name or my website to know what my personal preferred style of expression is.

    I, and those currently on the Olympic committee do not oppose sensual pole dancing and are not in any way trying to change or eliminate it nor do we feel the need to "legitiimitize it" through the Olympics. Olympic pole is a different sport…a different animal. It's apples and oranges.

    I just don't understand why people feel that we have to have it one way or the other and why they feel that there cannot possibly be a third style of pole dancing?

  • verucablue

    February 14, 2011 at 12:03 am

    Here is my thought – the pole community is so divided in our styles and I honestly think AND THIS IS JUST MY OPINION so nobody think I am trying to speak for anyone but myself but I honestly feel that there seems to be a tendency among some – not all, but some of the pole dancers who subscribe to the strictly athletic side of pole to detract from the sensual side of pole, to claim some sort of pole legitimacy by stripping any sensuality from pole. To take the "sleaze" is a word I hear a lot, out of it and in somehow doing so it will become more legitimate in others eyes. How many times have we heard or perhaps our selves made up some excuse for pole dancing…."it's a sport…I do it for exercise…I am not a stripper I don't dance like that – etc" we have all done it in one form or another – I know I have…why not just say – I pole dance! 

    I think for me it's just the whole phrase "pole dancing in the Olympics" that throws me off because I think that if pole dancing does ever make it in it won't actually be pole dancing – it will just be another form of gymnastics on a vertical bar. Which is not to say that that is a bad thing – it's not – it's actually cool, but I and many others don't really think of that as pole "dancing" – to me and others that is pole athletics or vertical gymnastics . I think it's just that people are so attached to their personal choice/style of pole that the thought of losing that is difficult, not that anything is actually lost but by calling it "pole dancing" it is now being de-sensualized..covered up figuratively and literally. On one hand legitimizing that version of the sport but on the other hand saying to the people who enjoy the sensual aspect – your dance is something we don't subscribe to – your dance is not legitimate…at least that's how I feel 🙂

    I'm kinda babbling though – did that make any sense lol?

  • luvlee

    February 14, 2011 at 12:07 am

    So, why not both? Pole sport and pole dance. Everyone already said it is what you make it, so who cares if it goes to the olympics? It won't change what you do. I am all for it.

  • verucablue

    February 14, 2011 at 12:10 am

    just another note…I LOVE Chinese pole LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT – literally just got back from the Traces show and I loved the pole work 🙂 Anyhow…that's actually what got me thinking about this thread again…while I LOVE Chinese Pole…I don't think of it as Pole Dancing – seriously think it's just the whole phrase of "pole dancing" that is throwing me off

  • PolefitFanatic

    February 14, 2011 at 1:01 am

    Funny that this thread has been revived; I just wrote a post on my blog about it last week. 

    I don't think pole should be in the olympics, purely because we lose the ability to define what pole dancing is for ourselves. I would like to see it 'legitimised' though – and if that means that the sport disassociates itself from it's stripper roots – so be it. Like many have said, that doesn't affect what you do in the privacy of your own home and doesn't detract from the dance/sensual aspect. What I would like as the mother of teenage boys, and a business woman, is not to have to feel embarassed about telling people about the sport I love and what I do in my spare time for fun and fitness.

  • Mary Ellyn

    February 14, 2011 at 6:53 am

    Verucablue: as I mentioned before we will not be calling it pole dancing because we really don't feel it will be pole dancing. We've tossed around a few names but haven't finalized anything as of yet.

    I can also pretty certainly state that the people who actually behind this – those on the Olympic committee – are NOT opposed to sensual pole and are not trying to suppress it. Many, like myself, embrace the sensual side and others embrace the atheletic style of pole, but no one is in this to legitimitize it or to change it.

    When this came up a few years ago, I think that part of the concept may have been to bring pole into the spotlight so that more people accepted it. However, now I don't think any of us on the committee feel that is our goal but simply that we see another form of pole sport that can possibly be an Olympic sport too.

    PoleFitFanatic…things must be different where you are. There are certainly people who look down upon it but I cannot say that I'm ever embaressed about telling people what I do and in fact if someone looks at me odd I probably think less of them for being so narrow minded.

    I cannot see disassociating sensual pole DANCING from it's stripper roots as that is the essence of sensual pole. You can't keep it sensual and try to keep people from thinking "stripper".

    As Veena stated earlier…we have different types of pole – athletic, artistic, and exotic. We have two different formats : Chinese and pole dancing. We may be able to create a new format that is strictly sport – on the vertical bar.

  • PolefitFanatic

    February 14, 2011 at 12:17 pm


    I agree with your thoughts. As far as what people think where I am? People aren't necessarily closed minded – they are just ignorant – in that they don;t have the knowledge. It's not for me that I am embarassed, but i do need to consider my children. My 13 year old son has had a teacher come up to him and say 'I hear your mum is a pole dancer -snigger, snigger." That's not fair on my kids. So i am all for bringing awareness, and it is good to hear you saying that pole will not lose the dance aspect. Nice thoughts, you could change my mind yet!

  • PolefitFanatic

    February 14, 2011 at 12:21 pm


    O and another thing. I am a web developer. If you need a hand with the site, I can help. i am pretty busy, but I am happy to volunteer some time if I can be of help for a good cause. Email me if you like:


  • Mary Ellyn

    February 14, 2011 at 12:59 pm

    Polefitfinatic – I would have a FIT if one of my kids teachers spoke to them that way at all! No matter what the topic was about.

    For anyone who would like to volunteer their services or talents to the IPSF I have no involvement in recruitment but you can submit your offers through the website if you wish to apply for a position or contact Tim Trautman himself.


  • PolefitFanatic

    February 14, 2011 at 1:11 pm


    Yes I know. VERY poor form. however, for the sake of my son I let sleeping dogs lie rather than go up to the school and make a real fuss. Thanks, I will go to the site…

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