Pole doesn’t spin well
Hi again!
Making a separate thread since this is a different issue.
So my pole (xpole pro chrome) has been fine (spin wise) for all the basic spins, etc. But now that I’m doing butterflies, birds, planks, etc it seems to not spin as well. It slows WAY down to a complete stop sometimes, and then begins to spin the OTHER way.
On the weekend I tried 12 times to record a new video but I couldn’t because the pole kept stopping. I had practiced the same routine at class and everything was fine.
I had read that perhaps it could be because I over-tighten the pole? (I REALLY tighten it I know, but how does this affect the spin?) Is there anything else I can try? And how do you know how loose is safe? I obviously don’t want to be hanging upside down and it falls over.
I’m not sure why it suddenly spins backwards but any help would be appreciated.
This pole has been nothing but frustrating since I bought it and after spending $800 Canadian I cannot simply get a new one 🙁
Thank you
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