Forums Discussions Pole legalities with kids

  • minicoopergrl

    May 26, 2010 at 10:42 am

    i do thank you all for supporting me and for commenting. Take care and be well… And yes, my relationship with my sis has been forever changed due to her hurtful words and actions..

    There was a speaker who talked about this at convention. Lots of people have lost relationships over it. One woman lost her bff of 10yrs due to pole, but she knew she was gaining new friends in the process. Everytime someone thinks im nothing but a Stripper in Training I think of the chours from the song Breakdown by Seether

    Break me down if it makes you feel right
    Hate me now if it keeps you all right
    You cant break me down with all your might
    ‘Cause im so much more than meets the eye

    I need to pole to this!

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