Forums Discussions Pole pain comparison

  • Pole pain comparison

    Posted by Elektra Vallens on April 3, 2013 at 5:43 pm

    After having a conversation with LucilleHighball about the difference between tattoo pain and pole pain, I'm interested in taking an informal survey of how pole pain stacks up against other pains.  Basically, name some pole positions and tell how much they hurt the first time, and then list some other painful things you've experienced and how much they hurt on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the lowest amount of pain and 10 the highest. With tattoos, and piercings it would be helpful if you could say where on the body it was

    Here's mine for a sample:

    stitches in eyebrow = 2

    3" tattoo above hip bone on belly = 3

    knee hold = 3

    sprained thumb = 3

    leg switches around pole = 4

    stitches in thumb = 4

    teddy = 4

    very first hip holds = 4

    superman = 5

    foot hang on lyra = 5

    yogini/rocketman = 5

    rocketman drop = 5

    horrible pole accident in yogini at Burning Man (two words: glitter paint) = 6

    foot hang on lyra = 6

    nipple piercing = 7

    16" tattoos that wrap around the backs of my legs = 7

    ladybits piercing = 7.5


    ORGANIC ANGEL replied 11 years, 10 months ago 25 Members · 40 Replies
  • 40 Replies
  • Dancing Paws

    April 3, 2013 at 6:47 pm

    Interessting thought!

    For me:

    – leg hangs/ hip holds: 3

    – thigh holds: 2

    – armpit holds: 5

    – migraine:10

    – period cramps: 7

    – Mirena insertion: 8

    – slicing my finger: 8

    Honestly, pole pain is teensy compared to what I've had to endure, but I got the short end of the stick pain-wise, lol!

  • megan12

    April 3, 2013 at 7:24 pm

    Haha! This is fun. 

    For me:

    Leg switches: 0

    Teddy/Armpit holds: 1

    Hip holds: 3

    Ladybits piercing: 4

    Migraine: 5

    Superman: 6

    Getting bit by a patient: 7

    Knee hold: 8

    Allegra: 9

    Mirena Insertion: 10



  • azblanco

    April 3, 2013 at 7:25 pm

    wow. love this

    dermal piercing on face (gone now)- 1

    tongue piercing (also gone)-2

    cross ankle release- 3

    stubbed toe- 5

    superman attempts from floor-6

    second ear piercing (over a mole on the back of my ear lobe)- 9

    recovery after throat surgery- 10 and a 10 for psychological pain for no voice for a year.
    I would take any pole related pain anyday then to go through that again.

  • Desiree Lust

    April 3, 2013 at 8:30 pm

    Haha after reading a few of these, I was planning on doing the mirena iud but NOW, negative haha

  • scarlett 707

    April 3, 2013 at 8:44 pm

    Ear piercings: 1
    Navel piercing: 3
    Nose piercing: 6
    Tongue piercing: 5
    Tattoo on hip: 4
    Tattoo on back/neck: 4
    Tattoo on wrists (twice- just a few days ago to coverup old one): 8
    Paraguard IUD: 10
    Closing my pinky in the car door & losing the nail: 8
    Thigh holds: 2
    Knee holds: 5
    Pit holds: started at a 5/6 but I’d say 3/4 now
    Leg holds: 2
    Elbow holds: 7
    Pole burns from sliding: 5

  • villainvixen

    April 4, 2013 at 12:23 am

    3 inch tattoo on forearm: 4

    Basic Plank: 5

    Pulled muscle: 7

    Lip Ring: 1

    Donating Blood: 10

    Knee Hold: 1

  • HellOnHeelsNH

    April 4, 2013 at 12:44 am

    If it hurt to donate blood they did something wrong, go somewhere else it should not hurt just quick pinch for needle…

  • villainvixen

    April 4, 2013 at 1:07 am

    It's more my body doesn't like to give blood. I've had this problem twice. Basically, soon as the needle goes in, my vein moves. When they finally locate my vein again and stick into it, there are tiny valves that close up to keep blood from flowing out. So I had two nurses have to push on my vein to get the blood to flow. And this doesn't last long, so they start moving the needle around slightly. I don't give blood anymore. 

  • zoeyxxxx

    April 4, 2013 at 5:06 am

    child birth 100 dosent compare to any pain ever felt. he was bk to bk n i got stuck pushin for over two hours
    tatooon wrist 2
    tattoo on lower bk 3
    tattoo on neck 3
    tattoo shoulder 2
    noise pirce 2
    left nipple 3
    left nipple agsin after taking out 7
    belly buttom top 3
    belly button bottom 5
    tattoo down side and across stomach took 5 hours 8
    broken ribs ( fell off a bar ) 8
    superman 7
    hiphold 4
    spinning scorpio 3
    corkscrew 6
    jogini 4
    basic pole climb 2
    broken false nsil 5
    ripped muscle in top of leg 7
    broken noise 5
    stiches in arm 4
    broken toes 4
    shoulder mount 4
    broken wrist 4
    car 3
    pretzle injury 5
    motor bike crash 5

  • Beckypolegirl

    April 4, 2013 at 6:59 am

    Child birth-10!
    Foot tattoo-8
    2 hour ribs tattoo-9
    Shoulder mount-6
    Cracked ribs-7
    Leg hangs-5
    Tattoo behind ear-3

  • megan12

    April 4, 2013 at 7:55 am

    Oh Remi! That's a good one. I forgot about that. Remi hurts something awful. 

  • Beckypolegirl

    April 4, 2013 at 7:59 am

    I thought my leg was going to snap the first time I tried it lol

  • Elektra Vallens

    April 4, 2013 at 8:14 am

    All of your posts have made me think of more things I left off my list:

    remi – 5

    shouldermount – 5

    splits stretching – 6

    IUD insertion – 7

    ovarian cyst popping – 8

  • portableninja

    April 4, 2013 at 8:17 am

    All this thread has done is make me seriously doubt whether I can handle getting an IUD!

  • megan12

    April 4, 2013 at 8:51 am

    IUD insertion hurts like a mofo but it's 10 minutes of pain for 5-10 years of baby-free, period-free awesomeness. I don't regret it one bit. I'm a huge proponent of IUDs because of the efficacy and affordability. There hasn't been a ton of research done on modalities for treatment of pain during IUD insertion. However, it has been shown that physicians far underestimate patient's experience of pain during the procedure. Most women rate it as a 7-10 and most physicians think it's around a 4. I will ask for pain medication and I will ask for a cevical block with lidocaine for my next insertion. People get Vicodin for sore throats at urgent cares yet most physicians offer nothing other than Motrin for IUD insertions. Irritates the shit out of me. Getting off my soapbox now…..

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