Forums Discussions Pole practice accountability thread!

  • Pole practice accountability thread!

    Posted by Anzia on October 19, 2014 at 6:35 am

    I think I’m not alone in sometimes struggling to do regular pole practice sessions at home. And even when I do a session, it’s not always planned/structured, so I get less from it than I could. I’ve also just had 8 weeks off home practice (and 6 weeks off studio practice) because of viruses.
    Anyone want to join me in confessing?! :p
    I thought it might be useful to have an ‘accountability thread’ where anyone who wants to be more regular and focused in their home pole practice can post about their:

    Long and short term goals
    Plan their sessions
    Check in with progress updates
    Celebrate any successes
    Anything else where support would be helpful

    So my first long-term goal is to do 4 minutes of confident, flowing freestyle. It’s a massive challenge for me. I don’t dance well because of nerves and feeling self-conscious, my thinking freezes up if I have to come up with ideas on the spot and I struggle to put moves together into combos.

    Second long-term goal is front and side splits.

    Third long-term goal is a handstand! My nemesis move!

    Short-term goal at the moment is to do a butterfly into flatline scorpio, as I will need to do this move in a pole demo at December at my studio. I’d also like to surprise my instructor by having aerial invert by then!

    I’m planning to do practice sessions at home on Saturdays, Sundays and Tuesday evenings for 1 hour. Warm up, practise some basic spins/tricks, then practise the short-term goals. Then 2 mins freestyling every session! Finally some strength work and stretches towards getting the splits and handstand.

    So… I have to do a practice session tonight. Hopefully this thread will hold me accountable when I’m feeling undisciplined later on! I’ll report back 😀

    Would anyone else like to buddy up and encourage each other? 🙂

    So my

    tinkerbell4892 replied 9 years, 4 months ago 24 Members · 179 Replies
  • 179 Replies
  • SToast

    October 19, 2014 at 9:27 am

    I just started a thread yesterday on how I’m struggling to workout at home after several months off and a significant loss of strength. Count me in on this thread!

    Long term goals:
    1. Splits (any!)
    2. Shoulder Mount

    Short Term goal:
    1. Cleaning up the tricks I already know
    2. Start over on SV 30 day Kick Off (and complete all 30 days this time!)

    I got to thinking about when I can pole during the day with some consistency. My son has Preschool on Tues and Thurs in the mornings. He’s gone for 2.5 hours so I plan on coming right home after taking him to school and getting a pole session in before I do anything else. It will be hard not to start cleaning first but I’ll have to force myself.

    I need to come up with a couple of other days/times that will work but for now I’ll say Tues and Thurs for sure. Hubby’s schedule rotates so my other pole days may have to rotate as well.

    I am going to try to get a session in tonight after Hubby gets home.

  • Anzia

    October 19, 2014 at 2:39 pm

    Sounds great SToast! Good luck! I did my session tonight. Warm up, beginner and novice moves from my studio’s ‘moves guide’ and then on to inverts… when I had a nasty shock at how much strength I’ve lost during my time off with the viruses. Talk about weak! So I scaled back and tried to get one good invert on each side instead. By then I felt like a chewed up piece of string, so no freestyling either. Grrrrrr. I hope I get strong again quickly!
    Enjoy your session 🙂

  • tigerlillies

    October 19, 2014 at 6:42 pm

    I have the same problem I saved and saved till I could get a x pole stage now find myself not practicing.
    Long term goal
    Pole at least five days a week
    Short term goal
    Practice at least twice a week
    Get the basics down and executed smoothly
    Work on flexibility
    Freestyle ( I never dance when I pole just worry about the moves since so self conscious and feel awkward )
    I want to start working on the pole and off more I have almost every pole dvd there is and have this site for lessons but by the end of the day just don’t want to pole even though I still love it. I live an hour or more from any studios and homeschool my three kids so have to learn at home. Don’t know anyone at all in the state I live so of course no one to pole with or help motivate me and sometimes have knee issues. But would love to join your group and hopefully kick myself in the butt and start to pole again.

  • Veena

    October 19, 2014 at 6:50 pm

    I will post this up in the Featured section so you can all find it easily 🙂

  • Danniacc47

    October 19, 2014 at 7:42 pm

    @tigerlillies It must be hard for you not having any studios nearby and not knowing people in your state 🙁
    I am not structured at all when it comes to home practice, but I find that posting my progress often, either here or on instagram, helps me stay motivated. The veneers are such an amazing family, they alway offer support and advice. I feel like I have a group of cheerleaders beside me even if they are not physically here. Maybe you could try that, I’ll be your cheerleader if you want 😀

  • tigerlillies

    October 19, 2014 at 10:17 pm

    Thanks for the support! Yeah I’m going to try a lot of new things to help me stay on track going to put it on my calendar, put it on my phone so alert goes off at the time I plan to pole even have my kids promise to remind and force me if they have to to practice lol

  • dustbunny

    October 19, 2014 at 11:09 pm

    I’m in! I’ve just finished Veena’s 30 day take off and it was fantastic. I am now trying to create my own workout schedule in a similar way. This will help encourage me to follow my daily plan.
    I have to admit that I didn’t work out today, but I honestly had zero opportunity. Today was supposed to be a flexibility day, if I have time I can do it after tomorrow’s conditioning. 🙂
    I’ll add more info about my goals and plan later, it’s late and I am tired. Good luck to everyone.

  • Anzia

    October 20, 2014 at 1:57 am

    Woooooo! Hi everyone 🙂
    My friend’s coming over tonight for a pole jam so hopefully I’ll have another progress update later tonight…

  • Ariabella

    October 20, 2014 at 7:34 am

    Tigerlilly, which area of ga?

  • tigerlillies

    October 20, 2014 at 7:41 am

    Locust grove near tanger outlets close to mcdonough and stockbridge

  • Ariabella

    October 20, 2014 at 8:56 am

    you are near Atlanta while I am close to Savannah.

  • tigerlillies

    October 20, 2014 at 11:56 am

    Yep lol that sucks was so excited when you asked was like I hope she lives close could do pole jams together lol just my luck you live opposite direction Savannah’s not too far heck I still drive to nc sometimes just for the fun of it but not that close either

  • SToast

    October 20, 2014 at 12:39 pm

    Missed my workout yesterday due to my best friend having her first baby after 7 years of miscarriages and infertility. Beautiful baby girl is here safe!

    To make up for my missed day I just restarted sv 30 day kick off. Day one complete and I’m a little embarrassed to say I feel like a wet noodle. Here’s to everyone staying on track and getting stronger!

  • Anzia

    October 20, 2014 at 1:17 pm

    Congratulations to your friend SToast!
    My friend postponed our pole jam (she’s got snowboarding injuries) until tomorrow eve, so I’ve done wrist exercises and abs towards getting a handstand, and shoulder mount prep from the floor. Guess I’m still a bit ill cos I feel like a wet noodle too and it was hardly a long workout! Tomorrow – butterfly to flatline scorpio. My friend can spot me!

  • dustbunny

    October 20, 2014 at 5:58 pm

    Ok well I’m starting to feel sick today but I did a bit of shoulder and forearm conditioning with my resistance band. Tomorrow is a cardio day, my jazz dance class is in the evening and is so much fun!

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