Forums Discussions Pole practice accountability thread!

  • Slkysmth

    December 6, 2014 at 10:39 am

    Anzia, my Flex class was great! it ended up being 2 1/2 hour class so even better! I am a bit sore this morning though. As you might remember, I had strained/pulled my hamstring a couple months ago so that is a bit aggravated today but not to the point of no poling. And then we did this shoulder stretch where you get on all fours, put your elbows up on a chair (seat part) and they push and hold. While they do that you are then suppose to tuck your bum in which in turn causes your shoulders to want to raise but cannot because the person is holding them, this is where the stretch happens. The instructor did this one on me and I really feel it in my left shoulder now! All worth it though!
    My routine is for a studio. Every few months she does whats called the Darkened Room. Dancers can then sign up to perform ($5 a song). Its open to the public meaning both men and women can come, so you are performing in front of strangers!! This has been a goal of mine for awhile but havent felt I was good enough. I went to the last show to watch and realized its not about your skill level but just getting up there, conquering any fears and enjoying yourself! It was amazing to watch the women during the last show!
    Ha! Sorry for the book. I am actually on the computer instead of my phone so I can type a lot faster! I have inversions class in 3 1/2 hours, then my one on one at 6:30. Hopefully I survive all this! Enjoy your day!

  • Anzia

    December 7, 2014 at 8:47 am

    That’s an intense day! Hope your hamstring stays okay and you have a fab time in your classes. Good luck for the routine! Exciting!
    I had a private yesterday and was so fed up to find my strength low and pain threshold very low. Grrrrr. Thought I was past all that. But at the show dress rehearsal today I felt strong and quite confident, only to find the poles were super cold and slippy! I slid off the pole four times in total and couldn’t do the entire combo all the way through. Apparently a lot of the others were using grip aid which I’ve never bothered with as I use a fantastic hand anti-perspirant and always warm up my pole so I haven’t ever needed to be more grippy until now. I’ll buy some itac from my studio I guess as the poles might also be cold at the show. I assumed they’d be warm as loads of people went first, but no!

  • Slkysmth

    December 7, 2014 at 10:53 pm

    Hamstring survived and so did I! My one on one was very productive! I have core combos I’m going to do written down and I have my entry to the song in rough form. Now I need to work on the ending, figure out a couple spins, and my floor work. 😳
    That’s a bummer about you rehearsal aNd the pole being too slippery! Nothing more frustrating than not being able to perform and not because you didn’t want too either. Next time will be a huge success for you!!
    The floor at the studio yesterday was sooo sweaty! I didn’t dare move to fast otherwise i’d land on my Ass! I did my piyo class this morning but that was it. I usually pole but decided to take a day to rest. I bought a foam roller today and did that instead….ouch! Enjoy your week!☺️

  • dustbunny

    December 8, 2014 at 10:21 am

    You guys are so busy! I’m hoping to do some conditioning and trick practice this afternoon. Still working on that aysha, and who knows what else.

  • dustbunny

    December 8, 2014 at 2:08 pm

    Workout is in progress but I just had to stop and post. I decided to limit myself to 5-10 tries for the Aysha, I’m a little obsessed and it’s easy for me to get carried away. Lol. Out of 10 tries I got it twice and held it for what felt like a couple seconds so probably more like 1 second each! Progress feels soooo good. 😆😆😆 💪💪💪

  • Anzia

    December 8, 2014 at 3:05 pm

    Awesome dustbunny! Well done!

  • Anzia

    December 14, 2014 at 1:58 pm

    I’m sorry for not being on this thread more in recent days. I’m going to be absent a while longer due to some personal problems that will take some time to resolve. I didn’t want to just vanish and not say anything!

  • Slkysmth

    December 14, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    Anzia-thank you for checking in! I hope what ever you are dealing with works out ok for you. I too have been slacking on here. I Haven’t worked out for a week until today, haven’t been able to pole and have a showcase to prepare for! Yikes! Check in asuch as you can. 😄

  • rsk269

    January 3, 2015 at 10:01 am

    Lovvve this thread! It’s so great to see so many people at the same level working to become better. I reaaally need to be more accountable. I’m bookmarking this thread. 🙂

    I’m new to pole and SV. Here are my goals:
    Long term:
    Middle split
    Shoulder mount

    Short term:
    Side splits
    Inversion (And getting over the mental block of inversion)
    Level 1 showcase
    Regularly practice pole 3 times a week.

  • Meggie

    January 3, 2015 at 10:36 am

    I am going to jump on to this as well. I am in the Canadian Armed Forces and just got back a month ago from being away from my husband and son for two years (visiting every two months). But now, my husband is away! So I am going back to being a (doing it alone) mom, working full time at the base hospital, completing a Master’s degree and wanting to reach my pole goals… thank goodness for 7pm bedtime for my little man!

    Short Term Goals:

    Put together a routine
    bullet to butterfly
    inside and outside leg hang
    ankle release
    side V to superman (my nemesis!!!)
    Put up a video (get over my fear of others seeing how non-graceful I am!)

    Long Term Goals

    side and centre splits
    handspring to split grip aysha
    shoulder mount
    other fun goodies

    I hurt my left forearm doing something (I think split grip) – and it seems like it will not get better! I started doing some squeezy exercises to increase forearm strength.

  • Anzia

    January 3, 2015 at 10:47 am

    Hi rsk269 🙂 I’ve been neglecting this thread again. Mostly because I wasn’t poling and didn’t want to be accountable!
    Dear other ladies of this thread: my boyfriend of 15 years walked out mid December, a week before my birthday, to be with someone he’s apparently been seeing on and off for 3 years. Two days before he did that I cracked a rib poling and was in a lot of pain. I had to have a few weeks mostly off and limped through my pole show on 20th Dec doing some really basic spins instead of my planned combo. The rib pain plus the emotional pain has kept me on the sofa eating chocolate for a while. I’m now avoiding ‘proper’ poling because I know how much everything will hurt my skin again. Pathetic, huh? So there’s my ‘lack of accountability’ confession and from now on I’m going to pole every day even if it’s just to do a fireman spin!! Hopefully by the time I’ve changed and done something I’ll feel like keeping going. Obviously a few days will be kept as the equivalent of a fireman spin cos of needing rest days, but I need poling to become a habit again and for me that means daily. The SV challenge has already been helpful for that.

  • Anzia

    January 3, 2015 at 12:53 pm

    Ooops, hi Meggie! Didn’t mean to miss you 🙂

  • Slkysmth

    January 3, 2015 at 8:34 pm

    Hi to the new ladies! Welcome! You have some great goals both long and short term!

    Anzia! Oh my gosh!!! I am so sorry for all the stuff you have been dealing with! Wow…I feel like I should have checked in with you. 😔 I wish there was something I could say to make it all better for you.
    You should be proud of yourself for still doing your showcase!!! That takes a lot!

    My check in: I have a showcase on the 9th that I am preparing for. There is to be over 60 ppl there! Yikes! I just had a one on one and got some great guidance to make it my routine pop! So excited😄 this is my first showcase! I have been poling everyday working on this along with going to the gym and weight training. I am pretty beat up but I have a goal to reach!

    My goals outside of the showcase are:
    splits- all directions
    Handspring (without a chair!)
    Iron X

    Those are my main ones right now. 😊

  • Anzia

    January 4, 2015 at 1:04 am

    Hi slkysmth! Thanks for your kind words. Good luck for your routine on 9th! So exciting.
    I did a short pole session yesterday, maybe 30 ish mins. Tried a bit of everything and I was happy to find that despite the looooooong break I can now chopper both sides. I’ve lost a hands-free scorpio though so want to get that back. Also there was a lot of thigh burn with fishhook so I need to do that a lot before I try for superman. Teddy is quick and painful (up, aaaaaaagggh, down!) but still there so needs more work. It could all be worse and I’m happy to be back on the pole 🙂

  • Neesy118

    January 4, 2015 at 4:22 pm

    My goals for 2015 are:
    -Invert smoothly
    -Shoulder Mount
    -Flow/Freestyle (I suck like no ones business!)
    -Handstand without a wall, without kicking into it
    -Splits…any one of them. I’m also following the 2015 thread here and posted my starting off pictures.
    -Yoga more consistently.
    -Complete a challenge…I love IG challenges, but have never completed one.
    -Run more. I have a jar where I’m keeping track of my miles. I hate cardio but my lungs & heart need it. I need the stamina to last on the pole.

    So yesterday was my first real practice/workout of the year and I was so excited. I did it all and think I over did it. I am so sore, I’ve been using the foam roller. I need to figure out a schedule where I don’t over it.

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