Forums Discussions Pole practice accountability thread!

  • Slkysmth

    October 23, 2014 at 11:30 pm

    So I have been following this thread since the beginning with the thought that I would chime in with my goals when I have them together….well, as you can see, I am just now jumping in. I am really impressed with everyone’s personal goals! Inspiring!
    My struggle(s) I have are not enough time in the day! I work fulltime, have kids in sports, dinners to prepare (because my family can’t seem to prepare meals…Grrr), house chores, grocery shopping, dog to walk, and on and on and on! I use to go to the gym 5-6 days a week after work but when I do that, i don’t have any time to pole. I am trying to figure out a weekly routine that I can incorporate that will have a better balance of pole, gym time, and family. I am struggling with finding my freestyle dance at home so I find myself doing the technical part of pole a lot. This is all fine and dandy but what good is the technical stuff if I don’t know how to pull it into a dance?
    I love what I read about posting note cards. I seem to forget what I want to keep practicing until after the fact.
    I am going to perform at a local studio in January and want to have my routine down and my combos solid. So that is one goal.
    My others: to work on my splits, to be able to go into a particular hold. (Don’t know the name of it right now but u can do the Ayesha from it and well lots of stuff), find my freestyle, oh! And I just got a spinning pole so to be able to dance on spin mode!
    I am open to suggestions to reign in my sporadic poling, gym, life cuz I am all over the board right now!
    So yesterday I played around with my daughter and her friend on the pole and today I did the splits workout by Alethea. Don’t think I will have time to so anything tomorrow but will let u know!

  • Anzia

    October 24, 2014 at 2:47 am

    Good luck Amani and Slkysmth! I too like idea of written goals (which apparently research has shown makes you 30% more likely to achieve them than if you just think about them) so I’m pinching the idea of a goals poster in my living room where I pole. And a ‘combos to try’ list! And a pole practice journal lol!
    Slkysmth, I’d forgotten about spin pole. That’s another one I need to add.

  • Sarah Carr

    October 24, 2014 at 6:15 am

    I would love it there was something like Veena’s (great) 30 day programme for when you’ve finished the 30 days…Just trying to work through the tutorial videos isn’t working for me, I need more structure and a plan. Every day my pole stares at me accusingly 🙁

  • Sierra Taye

    October 24, 2014 at 11:30 am

    I’m about to start my warm up… Does anyone want to do a Skype session?

  • Slkysmth

    October 24, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    If I was home I would so skype with you!!!

  • dustbunny

    October 24, 2014 at 2:03 pm

    @Sarah Carr If you look further up this thread Wild Lotus posted her weekly workout plan and I’ll post mine here too. It might give you some ideas on how to make your own or just modify one of ours to suit your schedule.

    Sunday: lower body flexibility, working on splits, Veena’s routine or a stretching DVD.

    Monday: upper body/core, conditioning, pick 3-5 upper body/core conditioning lessons or Veena’s routine, pole work.

    Tuesday: lower body, cardio, dance class, hooping, freestyle.

    Wednesday: rest day, foam roll, flow motion routine, light dancing, walk, conditioning for small muscle groups (ie. Hands/feet)

    Thursday: upper body/core, flexibility, back mobility routine.

    Friday: lower body/core, conditioning, pick 3-5 lower body conditioning lessons or Veena’s routine, pole work (with focus on lower body lines, pointed toes).

    Saturday: upper body/core, cardio, hooping, freestyle, choreography.

    Remember to warm up before you start and do some light stretches when your done. None of my workouts take more than a full hour and many take much less. The idea is to just do something everyday!

  • SToast

    October 24, 2014 at 2:55 pm

    So I was sitting on the floor talking to my son like I do every single day. When I got up I had a shooting pain from my hip up my back. I must have pinched a nerve or something because it is not pleasant. Just walking hurts. Every time I put weight on that leg. I’ve got an appt with my massage therapist this evening so we’ll see if she can help. If not it’s off to the Chiro for me.

    I’ve written my goals on my mirrors in front of my pole. Since my pole is in my bedroom I see my goals every time I go in there. I’m a visual person so this is a HUGE help to me especially when I don’t want to workout. I’m also going to hang up a picture of a move I want to get to help motivate me. Thank you pinterest for having multiple pictures of every pole trick out there!

  • Anzia

    October 24, 2014 at 4:31 pm

    Hope you feel better soon SToast. That sounds awful.

  • dustbunny

    October 25, 2014 at 9:53 pm

    Got in some hooping practice today. Was going to pole too but ran out of time. 😔 Looking forward to a Skype session with luvlee Monday afternoon.

  • Anzia

    October 26, 2014 at 3:37 am

    Yesterday I did 3 hours volunteering at a nearby fayre, then ate cakes and drank wine instead of poling. Today is a new start! (The cakes were pretty good though!)

  • Anzia

    October 26, 2014 at 4:09 pm

    Did a run and stretches. Private lesson tomorrow!

  • dustbunny

    October 26, 2014 at 4:12 pm

    Didn’t feel like doing anything when I started, but after warning up I really enjoyed my stretching time.

  • Slkysmth

    October 26, 2014 at 9:59 pm

    Hi everyone! So Just a brief update. Thursday I did a split stretching DVD and over did it and aggravated something. I’m ok, just can’t stretch that Hammie right now. I did shoulders and abs on Saturday and Piyo on Sunday (love that class!) I got my new spinning pole up! (My hubby is awesome!) too bad I’m too sore to do anything on it. 😕 I’m gonna try to go to class tomorrow and work on some inversions. Happy poling!

  • Anzia

    October 27, 2014 at 2:57 am

    Hope you’re better soon, Slkysmth 🙂 Enjoy class!

  • dustbunny

    October 27, 2014 at 10:50 am

    Slkysmth, if you have a foam roller you should try it on that hammie. Feel better soon.

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