Forums Discussions Pole practice accountability thread!

  • Anzia

    October 30, 2014 at 2:53 am

    Hope you feel better soon, tigerlillies πŸ™‚

  • tigerlillies

    October 30, 2014 at 11:15 am

    Thanks πŸ™‚ I have been taking it easy so really think will be back to normal for the weekend . Can’t wait to get back on the pole and start to practice more Milla Gray really helped me to get focused and push myself to practice more even if I have to do it alone.

  • Slkysmth

    October 30, 2014 at 12:22 pm

    Aww! Thanx Anzia! I’ll check those out this weekend! Most of my aches and pains are gone so I’m gonna hit the weights today followed by yoga. Doing the trick or treating with the boy tomorrow so poling is gonna hafta wait til Saturday and Sunday. 😊

  • Anzia

    October 31, 2014 at 3:13 am

    I felt really dispirited after class last night. Our show isn’t until 20th Dec so I’ve got time to improve, but the combo (for me, right now) is painful and challenging. I will have to aerial invert or there isn’t enough space to finish it off. I managed another aerial invert on my good side but not my bad. My inner/front thighs are literally purple and with massive bruises all down from the switch from inverted thigh hold to inverted hip hold followed by scorpio, then scorpio-gemini-scorpio leg switches. Plus I’m still getting tired. The last few run throughs of the evening, I couldn’t even invert from the ground and had to stand there waiting for the dance bits to join back in. And the other girl who’s doing this combo (just two of us – the others are doing a different one afterwards) has massively overtaken me during the months I was off ill and is doing it smoothly and looking great. I feel like a weak, tired, bruised hippopotamus compared πŸ™

    And now I’m gonna stop whinging and keep practising until I nail it and it stops hurting. Three essentials in addition to the combo itself: aerial invert has just become top of the list. Hands – I’m trying a new super strength hand anti-perspirant. I don’t need to be more grippy but I do need to stop them getting clammy in the hot room. And general fitness so I can do the whole thing and feel like I could do it again! Trying to be positive here!

  • Slkysmth

    October 31, 2014 at 10:06 am

    Anzia-I have had those days! (Almost every day I practice alone). Don’t give up! You have a goal and a great goal at that!
    If I may make a suggestion, I don’t know how you eat but if u feed your body the day before complex carbs (brown rice, quinoa, oat bran, Etc) and make sure ur protein is up (on average is 1gram per lb of body weight) and then obviously lots of water intake this may help you to sustain the energy you need for class an practice. πŸ™‚ I notice a huge difference when I have eaten good and clean! (I am a junk food junkie. Thats my biggest weakness!)
    You got this girl!! Keep fighting!

    Yesterday I went to do yoga and there was no class so I did sprints, Bi’s and Tri’s, then did a fun yet challenging class that works you core like no other! I did some stretching and my bad side for splits has become my good side now since that pulled/strained hammie. I dislike this set back but it is what it is.. Happy Halloween!!

  • PolarGirl

    October 31, 2014 at 9:07 pm

    Anzia, I agree with Slkysmith: definitely make sure you get plenty of carbs and protein within 30 minutes of finishing a workout. This will replenish your muscles’ glycogen stores (energy!) so that your muscles can recover quickly. Otherwise you risk the overtraining symptoms you are exhibiting (being super tired during training sessions, sore, bruising). Also, make sure to eat something small before your training that is very high in carbs but low in protein and fat. A banana is perfect. This will keep your body going longer in training sessions before you fatigue. It is best to also eat small high carb snacks (like a small handful of dried fruit) during a long training session. And make sure you hydrate. About 20 oz of water right before you train and then about 2 oz every 10-15 min or so. Drink plenty of water afterward as well. Glycogen (main energy source) is carried and stored by water. Keep working, you’ll get it! But make sure to rest well also. You need one day of rest (light activity) for every heavy training day you have. Otherwise you will not have enough time for your muscles to replenish their glycogen stores. Do not overtrain. It will hurt rather than help you. Good luck!!!

  • SToast

    October 31, 2014 at 9:53 pm

    Wow I’ve been out of touch! Had to read up on how everyone was doing. Halloween is big time around our house so it’s been a crazy week. With tomorrow being Nov 1st I’m getting back on track. I’m also back on MFP to keep myself accountable over the holidays. Happy Halloween everyone!

  • dustbunny

    October 31, 2014 at 10:45 pm

    Well after 3 days of being super busy I did manage to do one of Veena’s routines today. I will hopefully do some hooping tomorrow and stay on track.

  • Anzia

    November 1, 2014 at 2:38 am

    Thanks Slkysmth and PolerGirl πŸ™‚ I appreciate your support. I’m feeling much more positive today. I already do the eating/water recommendations and they definitely help. I think the main problem is with having had 8 weeks off all exercise with viruses and I still only feel at 90% of my previous fitness. After the 7th or 8th time trying the full combo, much of which is new moves for me, I’m wiped out! I’m going to practice the moves individually at home and then start putting them together. Thanks again ladies x

  • Anzia

    November 1, 2014 at 2:37 pm

    Run done this morning, brisk dog walk this afternoon and pole session just finished. I didn’t do any of the combo because I’m alone at home – I’ll do that tomorrow when my friend is here to spot me – but BUT BUT… I got a teddy on both sides!!! First time I’ve managed it properly. I usually have to keep my legs bent and use my outer arm to clamp my inner arm. So chuffed! Yesssssss πŸ˜€

  • Slkysmth

    November 1, 2014 at 3:06 pm

    Nice job Anzia! I haven’t tried the teddy bear on my bad side yet. I did a HIIT Training class on the treadmill this morning for 45 minutes, and later today Heidy is coming over for a pole session! I think I’m gonna have my husband spot me on some things too today so I can build strength to some day do a handspring. 😊

  • Anzia

    November 2, 2014 at 3:10 am

    Hope you had a fab session Slkysmth πŸ™‚

  • Slkysmth

    November 2, 2014 at 10:28 am

    Anzia! I had a great session! Thank you for asking! I was able to help Heidy get into superman and she taught me some great hip opening and center split stretches! I was a or to do the knee hold twice yesterday! And then later my daughter and her friend poled with me. (That’s always entertaining more than anything!!) I’m sore today but ony way to PIYO class so hopefully I will work some of these aches out.

  • Anzia

    November 2, 2014 at 11:15 am

    Knee hold! Jealous!!! Well done πŸ˜€

  • SToast

    November 3, 2014 at 2:03 pm

    I second being jealous of that knee hold. Nice job!

    DS got up early today so while he ate his breakfast I did a quick 20 min workout. Squats, lunges, leg lifts, half moon crunches, laying princess kicks, pole crunches, and carousel kicks. Then worked on a couple of simple spins, climbs, and pole sits. I’m also on track with my eating today. I’ve started logging calories again and so far so good. Even on the days I go over I make sure to log it. It helps me not “justify” junk foods.

    My little bro (27yo) and I are planning on doing a half marathon together next year so I’ll be adding running to my workout schedule. Taking DS and his friend to the Rec Center this afternoon so I’ll put in a little time on the track while they play.

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