Forums Discussions Pole practice accountability thread!

  • Anzia

    November 9, 2014 at 11:46 am

    Update: I am now planning my own combo! Due to the entire group routine being re-worked, three of us each have 30 secs, one after the other, to perform following the joint spins/dancing. It’s not very long but I don’t care about that. I just want to do something simple and well. Mojo returning! I actually want to pole tomorrow which is a feeling I’ve not had for a few weeks now. I’m sitting here planning ideas πŸ˜€

  • Anzia

    November 13, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    Well I’ve been a bit rubbish at updating here haven’t I? Class tonight and I got 3 new moves, practised my combo and vowed to be more disciplined about home practice… again. Let’s see how that goes!

  • dustbunny

    November 13, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    I have had an off-week. Which sucks because I was off work and hoped to use some extra time to pole. 2 days this week when I had a good workout planned, my plans feel apart due to life happening and throwing in some extra surprises. Now, I work all weekend and will have little time for myself or working out until Monday! Γ°ΕΈΛœβ€’

  • Anzia

    November 14, 2014 at 12:03 pm

    Awwww no. That sucks. Hope next week picks up for you!
    This morning I did my exercises (wrists, hamstrings, rotator cuffs, back, shoulders, core) and while working (from home!!) I did my ‘sideways walking with a thera band round my ankles’ lol which is so tiring.

  • Slkysmth

    November 14, 2014 at 6:23 pm

    I too have failed at keeping all updated.
    So Tuesday I taught my stepsons mom a few basic things on the pole and then did a freestyle dance myself and it felt good! I haven’t had that feeling in awhile. Wednesday I went to the gym and did chest and tri’s, them went home and taught my neighbor some basic pole stuff. (She is a natural!) Thursday I did legs and cardio at the gym then went home and took my dog for a brisk (cold) short walk. My friend is now going to come over every wed for lessons! She works as a Physical Therapist so we are gonna work out some trade in massages. (Ohhh yaaaa)
    Now my family is off on a 2 hour drive to go support my daughter/team at State for volleyball. This takes me away from any physical activity for Friday and possibly Saturday but Sunday is my PIYO class and then a pole play date with Heidy who got me into pole to begin with!!!
    Wow sorry for the book. Yikes! Have a great weekend to all!!

  • Anzia

    November 14, 2014 at 6:40 pm

    Slkysmth, you’ve been BUSY! Enjoy the weekend and good luck to daughter + team πŸ™‚

  • Anzia

    November 15, 2014 at 1:12 pm

    Morning exercises – check. Pole practice – check. Smug glow of achievement – check.

  • Anzia

    November 16, 2014 at 3:46 pm

    Morning exercises done, but no poling today. I’m out tomorrow but I’ve set my alarm for 5.00 so I can exercise before leaving the house. I might reset it though…

  • GeekStrength

    November 16, 2014 at 9:31 pm

    I’m new to this thread, but THANK YOU! I need to be accountable! Today I finished day 3 of the 30-Day Take Off. I’m tired of getting down on myself for not being as good as my classmates, so I’m doing something about it! More exercise, more practice. I did day 3 which is upper body. I did knee tucks, pikes, and straddles, to work abs and eventually improve my inverts.

  • Slkysmth

    November 16, 2014 at 9:58 pm

    Hello SerenaSD! I feel ya on the wanting to be better and comparing to your fellow class mates! I do it all to frequently! Just remember this is your journey!

  • Slkysmth

    November 16, 2014 at 9:59 pm

    Oh and Anzia, if you can get up at 5am to workout?! More power to ya sista! You go girl!

  • Slkysmth

    November 16, 2014 at 10:11 pm

    Today I worked on a half handspring to butterfly (fail) and then worked on a different move into butterfly. I don’t know what it’s called but saw it on SV in the Advanced moves section. I want to post a video but it’s sideways and I can’t seem to change it around cuz that’s how it was sent to me. Nothing for me tomorrow except some cardio. Tuesday I’m gonna go to Krazykosters house and work more on that damn handspring!

  • Later

    November 16, 2014 at 11:30 pm

    Hey ladies im looking for someone to work with one on one to keep each other motivated! I have a little boy who is a year and a half olD. I am a stay at home mom and am getting married in February and am in the worst shape I have been in a very very long time. I can barely fit into my wedding dress! If someone here is willing to send me daily messages and I will to you as well let me know. I started poling about 4 years ago but never got very serious with it. It did however get me in the best shape I had ever been in and I want to get back to that.
    I plan on poling every second day and stretching on my off days as well. Again let me know if you want to become friends and motivate each other!! These group things tend to not work for me I need someone to personally kick me in the ass and say get on the pole!!

  • Anzia

    November 17, 2014 at 3:48 am

    Hi Serena and Savy! Good luck with your poling. Savy, I’m more of a group/every few days communicator but I hope you get a taker for a daily message – fingers crossed and congratulations on your wedding coming up πŸ™‚
    I was up at 5 but sadly it was because I was feeling ill last night and had been awake since just before 4 πŸ™ so no exercises this morning and I cancelled the day’s plans to return to bed for a while. I’ll work from home today.

  • Slkysmth

    November 17, 2014 at 11:21 am

    Anzia, I hope you feel better soon! I hit snooze like 4 times this morning (alarm started at 5 am).
    Savy, what are you seeking exactly? A text message, email, Skype? (Downloaded it but have never tried it) and what is your time zone? I am US pacific time so right now it’s 9:15 am. I am willing to help be your support! I have a very busy life so no guarantees but I will most certainly try!
    Today is my daughters volleyball banquet so I’m gonna go to the gym and do some cardio after work. Tomorrow I’m going to Krazykosters to det some help on the half handspring into the extended butterfly. I can’t seem to lock it in and I instantly fall into the pole with my extended leg. Ugh.
    Savy, let me know!

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