Forums Discussions Pole room decor

  • Pole room decor

    Posted by frfghtrbts on April 21, 2012 at 9:05 pm

    Hey, sexy ladies! I'm finally getting to setting up my dedicated pole room. So far the ceiling fan has come down so my 50mm TG Xpole is in the center and I have a small TV cart with hubby's old 27inch TV. On the shopping list is rope lighting(possibly mounted in the tracks they make for it), and a folding chair for dance. Definitely want one of the shoe chairs eventually! Also I am going to mount a small shelf on the wall for each pair of pole shoes

    I would love to hear your ideas for painting and decoration! I havent decided on a color scheme yet. Should I stick with the tried and true pole colors like red, purple, or pink? If someone has an idea for something different, I'm adventurous What about window treatments?

    Does anyone here go to Studio Rio's Twisted Fitness in Virginia Beach?


    Thank you, everyone! Stay rockin'

    chemgoddess1 replied 12 years, 4 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Runemist34

    April 21, 2012 at 9:36 pm

    I think this really depends on "who you are" when you pole. Do you like the idea of being on stage, and imagine yourself performing when you're dancing? Do you like the strip club atmosphere, or something else? Would you prefer it to be a private sanctuary for relaxation, or someplace you play hard rock really loud and kick your own rear with a workout?

    I know that some people have employed things like disco lighting (including disco ball!), the flashies that they have in clubs, even smoke machines!

    You could go for the boudoir feel, complete with red velvet curtains and deep, sex colours. Smoke machine might also be good here, as well as red or blue lights set at a low intensity.

    For the relaxation, maybe some kind of inspirational saying stenciled on the wall, some soft green or pink colours (or whatever your favourite is), keeping things simple, minimal and organized. Candles, either scented or not, and some whispy, light fabric would also work.

    For the hard rock, I'm not so good at that one… I would imagine some stronger colours, maybe some posters around, a great big kickin' stero for those tunes… you could look at some big concerts from your favourite bands and see what's common, what you like, and if you can replicate it!

    Just some thoughts!
    I, personally, have danced in many different rooms, though none of them were particularly decorated by me for a "pole room." I don't really care where the pole is, as long as I can dance on it! 🙂

    Good luck!

  • frfghtrbts

    April 21, 2012 at 10:13 pm

    I am definately a closet stripper! I have met a lot of famous feature dancers and I love the showgirl thing!
    I did think of a laser light or disco ball type thing. But a smoke machine, that’s genius!
    I love the red and black look but I think it would be best to stay away from black for the sake of repainting when I move again(military).
    Thank you!

  • Cliche

    May 29, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    This is where I'm at right now, trying to decide on room decor for my pole room/living room.  I know the first thing I need are black lights….I eventually want to make videos with lots of atmosphere and the lighting needs to be *just* right.

  • chemgoddess1

    May 29, 2012 at 3:32 pm

    I think it was Yannori who had what I thought was the perfect pole room…..wood floors, open space, a lap dance chair and muted lighting.  All of her videos ended up with her figure darkened.

    This is her site now, it used to be Express the Sensual.  Not sure if there are links to her videos or not as I cannot see naything ehre at work.

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