Forums Discussions Poles and Planes

  • Poles and Planes

    Posted by kasanya on December 13, 2009 at 4:49 am


    Has anyone ever taken their pole with them on a flight before? I’d like to take mine home with me for Christmas, but the box it came in is too large for checked baggage and I’m having trouble finding something else that will work. Does anyone have any ideas? I was looking into shipping tubes, but the largest I’ve been able to find (at the UPS and U-Haul stores) are 36 and 38 inches, and the pole segments are 40. Grr. Argh. I suppose, worst case scenario, I could always build a suitable box out of a really big one, but I would prefer something sturdier since baggage handlers aren’t known for being gentle.

    Thanks all. =)

    kasanya replied 15 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Mary Ellyn

    December 13, 2009 at 5:01 am

    We’ve traveled with them out of the country. The baggae limit is usually 62 inches (LxHXW) which I believe is slightlly larger than within the US?

    However we used the OLD Xpole cases…these were zippered cases and therefore I felt more comfortable using them than using the velcro closing cases that Xpole now gives you. Which wIould never trust going through baggage handling!

    Do you have an Xpole? We packed the pole sections in the cardboard shipping tubes, then put them in the zippered bags and put luggage straps around them….once "condensed" this way the luggage straps tightened them down to regulations size. I hope that makes sense! And the cardboard shipping tubes kept them from being damaged within the canvas bags.

    We looked around at various cases…from ski bags to gun bags, and golf bags. Not much luck finding something large enough to hold the pole sections but not larger than baggage allowance.

    I THINK that snow board bags may be the right size but when we last were looking we couldn’t find snow board bags around in the stores as it was off season. Maybe check those?

  • kasanya

    December 13, 2009 at 10:00 pm

    Thanks for the suggestions, Empyrean. I do have an X-Pole, but it came with the newer velcro case (and I actually forgot it had the shipping tubes already!). I’m going to do some running around to UPS and similar type stores tomorrow and see if they can come up with anything that’ll work. If not, I’ll pick up some luggage straps and go with your method. Sitting at home sans pole with 2 weeks to kill is just not an option!!!

  • kasanya

    December 15, 2009 at 3:17 am

    Hah! UPS to the rescue! The store has boxes that are 48 x 8 x 8–which, if you do the math, adds up to 64 inches total dimensions. No problem! They just whipped out this handy little contraption and shortened the box two inches by making the flaps longer on one end. Problem solved! *happy dance*

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