Forums Discussions Poling while Pregnant

  • Poling while Pregnant

    Posted by ATXpoler on January 8, 2015 at 11:07 am

    How many of you guys poled while pregnant?
    Did you invert or do intermediate/advanced moves? If so, till how long?
    Any advise?

    lisakristin replied 10 years, 1 month ago 10 Members · 14 Replies
  • 14 Replies
  • earthpanther

    January 8, 2015 at 1:44 pm

    I did pole dance while I was pregnant. I kept inverting until about 6-7 months. Talk to your doctor about it and listen to your body.

  • Veena

    January 8, 2015 at 3:19 pm

    Hi! There a many threads on this topic. Here is a list of them I found in our search function. Feel free do try your own search too.

    I poled with my last pregnancy. Most important thing is to talk with your dr so you are cleared for exercise and avoid learning new moves, stay with things you are 100% comfortable with. If you are new to pole then wait and come back to it after baby. 🙂

  • Blissful Dancer

    January 9, 2015 at 7:20 am

    I am pregnant now, 5 months along. I am going to work with the floor work and conditioning to start. I bought a pole for myself a couple of days ago as a gift to self 😉 Wooohoooo! I have just moved to Norway to a very small town (1800 people) and I need something for me that will keep me interested and happy. I took a pole class after my first child 6 years ago and absolutely loved it….have always been interested but for whatever reason kept putting it off. Now I am going for it and figure being pregnant is no excuse not to start as long as I am careful and listen to my body.

  • Veena

    January 9, 2015 at 10:45 am

    Something to keep in mind when exercising pregnant, drink a lot of water, after the first trimester don’t lay on the back and do exercises for long periods of time, be careful with stretching because with hormones it’s easy to over stretch. 🙂

  • QueenCaroline76

    January 9, 2015 at 3:43 pm

    I continued to pole as normal and to teach pole during the first trimester, just no new inverted moves or anything where I felt there was an increased risk of falling. In the second trimester I stopped inverting but continued with spins and climbs etc until about 20 weeks when I felt my stomach muscles were struggling with it. After this I cut down to just simple spins and transition moves, also did some pregnancy yoga. I got my figure back quite quickly after having my baby, though I didn’t go back to pole until he was 12 weeks due to having had some internal stitches.

  • drsltfl2978

    January 9, 2015 at 4:19 pm

    I miscarried poling while pregnant . Although I can’t say there was a causative relationship? I will NEVER pole pregnant again.

  • lisakristin

    January 24, 2015 at 8:57 pm

    Hi there, long term SV stalker 🙂 I don’t post that frequently… but I was looking on here a few weeks ago for the same question….

    I’m 2.5 months currently, and have always been on and off the pole since my knee injury 2 years ago — the more frequently I poled before, the more my knee hurt.

    I’d like to not loose all of my strength and hard work, but am concerned because I don’t see a doc for a few more weeks… 🙁

  • Runemist34

    January 24, 2015 at 9:28 pm

    LisaKristin- I would say that your knee issue is the more pressing one. Do you know if it’s going to be a permanent injury, or one that can be treated with appropriate exercise? It’s really unfortunate when you have a problem like that and it keeps you from what you love.
    When it comes to pregnancy, it’s… similar to the “fitness industry,” in that you’ll get all sorts of advice, ideas about what you should and should not do, what works for some people and what works for others… and it gets very confusing.
    Traditionally, women are expected to become sedentary when pregnant. In fact, you can see this expressed in the Disney movie, Lady and the Tramp. The woman becomes pregnant, and can’t even touch the dog, let alone go for walks, or do house chores. This is why most women (and men, and some doctors) are so appalled by someone doing anything strenuous when pregnant- we’re conditioned to believe that said strain on the woman’s body would place strain on the baby.
    I don’t know that there is any evidence supporting or refuting this. I intend to, eventually, look it up and see if there are actually any scientific studies on this. As I get closer to having my own children, the subject has become one of interest.
    As I said, there will be a multitude of different opinions and beliefs around what you should and should not do while pregnant.
    Best thing to do would be to listen to your doctor (as they have the most up-to-date information, as best as we can have it at this time), and listen to your body.
    I hope you feel better soon, especially with that knee!

  • lisakristin

    January 24, 2015 at 10:29 pm

    Hi Runemist, Thanks for your response…. you gotta love conflicting reports from the same doc — supposedly physical therapy would “cure” my knee, but its been 2 years…I have my own theories on what it is, since it never fully heals… ((doc visit 2 –“do your PT, or you need surgery” doc visit 3 — “good thing you’ve been doing your PT, theres no surgery for you”.

    I ordered tommie coppers for both knees, and I’ve felt a lot better (for the record, I don’t believe it has healing properties, I believe the compression has done a lot more)….
    The times that I have poled recently I have just been altering the moves to not use my right knee… its harder than it sounds, but I don’t pole for very long at a time anyways — my stamina barely makes the 6-7 minutes…lol I’m out of shape! :-/ But I practice a lot of climbing and shoot for my iron X…. and do some other moves that I never got…

    I agree with you, that women expect to become sedentary… I believe in keeping up with the routine as long as you are able; within reason of course…. Back in the day they didn’t have ultrasounds & all kinds of tests to do, so they also didn’t travel far either!!!… Now the internet says the best time to travel is the 2nd trimester…..

    I will most likely be asking my doc when I see her. i’m sure I’ll get weird looks — got it from my knee doc, lol — but its still 2-3 weeks away…and I’ll be around 12 weeks at that point…First visit, and they didn’t give me much to go on –> go to the ER if you have any issues… very doctorly….. 🙂 But its only a few more weeks left….

  • Veena

    January 24, 2015 at 10:42 pm

    Hi lisakristin, congrats!! Pregnancy hormones will increase later on and can cause joints to become loose, increasing injury risk. So I would stay away from any workout that stresses the knee while preggers, since you already have issues.

    Sounds like your not thrilled with the care from the drs, have you thought about using a Midwife? My last 2 pregnancies I only used Midwives and it was the best experience ever!

  • lisakristin

    January 24, 2015 at 10:54 pm

    Hi Veena! Thanks 🙂 Its all new to me and I’m in the lucky %-tile who doesn’t quite feel it right now… (except on occasion…lol) Makes it very easy to forget about it, until I get hungry–very hungry…. 🙂 Yes, I read about the looser joints, which is why I’ve gotten cautious about a lot of things… far, my knee isn’t giving me much problems.

    I’m actually not that thrilled with doctors to begin with in general. I come from a family who doesn’t jump to a doc at the first sniffle or scrap — theres gotta be a good valid reason for us to go…. I’m not that familiar with the role of midwife (at least not in modern times)… but I figure that I’ve got a lot of unknowns against me, and a doc in a hospital is the best bet….. My plan when I found out I was preggo was to see if I liked the doc(s) and if I didn’t, I’d just find someone else….sounded good at the time…

  • Ivyfay

    January 25, 2015 at 2:34 pm

    Hi 😀
    I’m currently pregnant (34 weeks, or 7.8 months) and I’m still do pole! I can’t do much any more though. I was doing inverts right up till the middle of my second trimester. I never tried anything new, but practiced the moves I knew well. At the moment I can only do chair spins, back hooks, squats, and pole spins. I let my LMP know what I was doing and I listened to my body when something became too much. Its great to exercise while pregnant.

  • vkissme

    January 25, 2015 at 6:11 pm

    Hi am 8 weeks postpartum. I poled up to 6 months. I got dizzy and would vomit after on my spin mode. I stopped after because it became too much for my body and my baby was not worth the risk. Pole til your body tells you that your done. No one can tell you what your limit is. Your pregnant body is smart. You will know. Some ladies are lucky n can pole til 9 months. I gained 60 lbs. It was hard swing that new body. Because your back n core muscles have so much strain carrying so much of that belly

  • lisakristin

    January 25, 2015 at 6:28 pm

    I think I’m going to put the pole back up… 😀 I had to take it down because the floor guys were coming, and my mom didn’t want to explain to them why there was a pole in the living room 😀 😀
    I really miss it now that I don’t have it available at any given time… I would really like to continue to workout a little bit, I have already gotten so lazy as it is…..

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