Forums Discussions Porn Star Dancing

  • Porn Star Dancing

    Posted by Danielle Tillie on August 14, 2010 at 5:21 pm

    I posted this as a blog, but with the variety of responses I got, I felt it would be better as a forum so that there can be discussion. I honestly think that we, as a pole community, should discuss our feelings about the treatment of this song. I do not, however, want there to be bashing back and forth about it, because we are a supportive community. Let us simply discuss and critique. There is only pole love on this site.

    From the blog:

    I know that lots of people really like this song, and I can see the appeal, but in my little world I have to fight people’s perceptions of pole dance all the time. I can’t dance to this song, because I really think it just furthers the stigma that I have been trying to get away from, that pole dance is some unapproachable, dark, and dirty dance. I think that pole dance can be very sexy, yes, and I like the dancing in the video of this song, but I don’t want pole dance to be affiliated with porn stars. I think porn and pole dance shouldn’t be in the same category. Porn involves having sex on film, and pole dance is… well… a form of dance. I don’t want MY dancing called ‘porn star dancing’ at all. Does this make me a snotty nosed pole dancer? I don’t know… Some porn stars can pole dance, others can’t, but I simply don’t think that pole dancing should be labeled as the dance of a porn star. That just really aggravates me. I mean seriously, does dance like that of Amber Richards, for instance, strike you as ‘porn star’ dancing? No, of course not. I want to be able to say, some day, that I am a pole dancer, and not have people automatically either raise their eyebrows in suspicion, scoff in disgust, or dismiss me as a complete heathen. I want the reaction to be that of respect for an athlete and dancer. I don’t need this to happen to justify my pole dance, no, but it’d be nice not to have to go around defending one of my favorite art forms.

    Comments and replies so far:

    Evarut: Don’t worry about this or let it piss you off or anything. It is after all just a song People make songs about all kinds of things. All kinds of people pole dance and I bet there are at least a few porn stars who pole dance. What if the song would have been porn star cooking? Hmm…

    englann86: If the song were porn star cooking and Rachel Ray were in the video in a tiny outfit fixin’ up a delicious flan, I would feel sorry for the culinary community, honestly. Jenyne’s appearance and everyone’s embrace of this song is what frustrates me the most. It should be a proven fact that the majority of people in this world are closed-minded and dumb (I’ve run into it too often to think otherwise) and they will take all of the glory we as a pole community have given this song and turn it around saying, "See? I knew all you sleazy pole dancing women wanted to be dirty porn stars, I just knew it." And I am most bothered by this.

    workingfire: While I do like the song, because it’s catchy, I find one thing very irritating: why is there no one hating on the pole dancing?!

    I know, it’s a weird thing to be bothered by. But I see it like this: I’d say a good 90% of us girls who post videos on youtube have gotten a rude comment about being sleazy and lacking in morals, blah blah blah. And when we talk openly about our dancing to other people a lot of the time they are all frowns, thinking the worst of you.

    And then here we have a song glorifying stripping – which whatever, that doesn’t bother me – but I didn’t read a single comment in seven pages questioning the dancing itself. So apparently we’re only skanks if we say that we DON’T strip? What gives?!

    englann86: I am equally annoyed by this double standard, I assure you. People seem to think that if you pole dance you either strip, or you want to strip and you are just too chicken to actually do it so you are a closet stripper, which makes you a dirty whore, apparently. Ugh.

    Dayanara: just one thing, it’s just a song, a rock song, in one version of it Ludacris colaborates, I mean…ludacris, it’s nothing to get serious about really, it’s just a fun song to dance to just like many other songs out there that tell you to shake your ass so the boys can see it and yet every girl at the club has done just that. No, Amber Richard’s dancing looks nothing like a porn star dance, neither does Jenyne Butterfly’s dancing and yet she is the pole dancer in the video, the one in the pink outfit, that is Jenyne, it’s called a perforrmance, trying to get to the market, people are going to say whatever they want to say for years to come, honestly I do believe stripper and pole dancer will NEVER divorce each other, unless there’s a law that forbids strippers to dance on poles and that says that only athletes can pole, which obviously is never going to happen, I get your point, I do, but I just think this song that’s probably going to be forgotten after the summer doesn’t deserve such outrage.

    englann86: I know that it’s just a song, but the fact that Jenyne’s dancing is in the music video does make it a big part of the pole community. I simply am voicing my opinion that we as a pole community shouldn’t be so readily embracing this song. I’m not outraged, just slightly aggravated.

    shayshay21489: Its just a fun song to dance to I don’t take it so seriously. I think people will always have something to say when It comes to pole dancing and I think that is the reason why it is so much fun. We have to constantly prove to people and educate people about pole dancing being an art form of expression. Some people will grow to understand while others will continue to be judgemental and close minded. I see it as a song like many others that is just fun. Just like Diane said they play worse songs in the club and we all dance to it lol. I do agree with workingfire though she said no one critized the pole dancers in the music video yet we hear the nasty remarks people say about pole dancing all the time…..I guess we gotta be in a video in order to get respect lol. Its whatever, it doesn’t bother me at all. I still love pole dancing and I figure I will have to defend it as long as I love it but thats the relationship I chose to be in

    englann86: I have to take it a little seriously because I have pole friends posting the link to this song all over facebook, for one, so clearly they are wanting the song to be associated with the pole community. I think it can be affiliated with the stripper community just fine. There are ‘worse’ songs, in terms of subject content, yes… they are straight up about sex, no doubt about it. And that’s fine, because in those videos we don’t have one of the matriarchs of our community dancing in it. I’m just frustrated that, because Jenyne was in the video, so many dancers are embracing the song when we should stand back for a second and think, seriously, do you want to be so closely associated with it? We have a choice here, and this blog represents mine.


    englann86: Thank you. I feel better that one person agreed.

    CreativityBySteffie replied 12 years ago 31 Members · 32 Replies
  • 32 Replies
  • EvaRut

    August 14, 2010 at 10:23 pm

    Stripping is fine and pole dancing is fine. And those who dont agree can just have theyr close minded opinion if they want and I couldnt care less. This song has nothing to do with you at all. It wasnt written about you personally and I really dont think that anyone else is reading anything into this video at all exept some non stripping pole dancers.

    I don’t think there are double standards. I think that because the name of the song is Porn star dancing. Then it just seems so normal to have poledancing in the video. Pornstars/strippers are very often pole dancers. The dancers in the video are supposed to play the role of the porn star dancing (and I think most people agree) and why would people be commenting that those are strippers or porn stars when that seems to be obvious in the video. Therefore, no double standards. No one is mixing together the stripper/pornstar/whore/slut (what ever people may call them) with the pole dancing fitness non stripping women in the video.

    Personally I dont mind people connecting pole dancing with stripping or something else. Its one of the things that makes pole dancing so exciting. And its still a big taboo for some. I dont want that to go away. People wouldnt be nearly as intrested in our dancing if it werent for that.

    If anyone says that my pole dancing is stripping or slutty I just laugh and say no but it is sexy and athletic

    I actually like things just the way they are right now

  • danceinside22

    August 14, 2010 at 10:33 pm

    I agree with you. I love the song! its fun and catchy and I definitely downloaded it, but honestly whenever I tell someone I pole (and I usually don’t even add dance at the end, I just say "Yeah, I pole! It’s a great workout blah blah blah) first question I get asked is "o, you’re a stripper?" Obviously society isn’t going to change overnight, but it’s songs and publicity like this that add to poling’s bad rap. I did think it was a little weird how everyone was so hyped about this song when so many times we’ve had discussions about how hard it is to defend the integrity of our passion. This song showcases the exact opposite of that. Glad I’m not the only one that feels this way!

  • Veena

    August 14, 2010 at 11:26 pm

    Well said Evarut…..I wouldn’t get too worked up over it. Besides it’s fun to be a little naughty sometimes

  • Danielle Tillie

    August 15, 2010 at 12:09 am

    Maybe I’m just super testy about this because I know people who would most definitely use this song as a tactic to argue against pole fitness… and I have to deal with them and their newly found weapon. I’m just constantly feeling like I’m supposed to be hiding something, even though I’m not. It’s a really crappy feeling, especially since I love pole so much. I wish my neck of the woods was more forgiving, I guess.

  • Poleluver

    August 15, 2010 at 1:15 am

    I like this song without knowing the words- same about other songs. I don’t tell a lot of people about pole dance or that I have a pole at home. I pole for me -so its not really been about what others think and so I choose to keep it mostly for myself. I like the fitness aspect with no shoes and flexy but I also love the sexy shoe part and dancy style and those parts are easily interchangeable. People on this site seem to be mostly polers and how they like to dance, what they like to dance in , dancing to whatever they prefer. I don’t really care about the song strongly enough or others to flirt along the side of asking people to be one way about it and not an ounce the other. It all seems interwoven to some degree and I think its not an easy line to divide because it is different for each person. So I guess what I’m saying is I don’t mind it. Maybe that’s because I feel I don’t have to defend it to anyone regardless of what they think about it. * no hate* LOL

  • Meleania

    August 15, 2010 at 8:17 am

    Then is there also a problem with Leigh Ann dancing to Nickelback – Shakin Hands, which is a song about an escort? That certainly cant be good for pole dancing’s image!

    In my opinion, they are just songs. When people see people perform to songs they aren’t familiar with most people aren’t even paying attention to the lyrics. I saw a performance to Nickelback – The Next Contestant once, I was like, OMG that chicks so hot *drool* the whole time, i watched the performance again online and realized the song was about a hot chick everyone in the bar is trying to get with, took me a couple listens to even realize what the song was about! I dont know if thats just ME and im slow with lyrics, but yea. its just my take

  • halfjack

    August 15, 2010 at 11:23 am

    EW. I don’t like it on so many levels. It just seems so….gross. Some of the pole tricks they showed were cool at least they weren’t just grinding the pole. It’s not the content of the song that bothers me. Obviously I dislike the term ‘porn star dancing’ being given to my chosen form of exercise, but I think the song itself is about being at a strip club right? Which is very different to being a porn star yes, (thats just because these guys are obviously fools) but it’s not overly aimed at poledancers in general.
    I just hate the song itself. It’s so CHEESY. It’s like…oh hey guys how shall we make a song that will sell? I know, play some cheesy ‘rock’ guitar and have LOTS of girls grinding each other and we’ll call it something sexy…hmm…oh i know. Porn star dancing. Aren’t we clever. And then while the girls get all sexy the guys are looking on with cheesy leery grins and they all look so CLEAN. Real rock and roll was dirty and real and unforgiving and sexy.
    Now I don’t know anything about ‘My darkest days’ but this just looks like a bunch of frat guys who have dressed up in vaguely punky outfits and ordered a bunch of strippers for their frat party.

    *looks up at what she’s just written* sorry If that offended anyone who like the song. I know it’s probably just a bit of fun. I get a bit passionate about music sometimes.

  • miss fern

    August 15, 2010 at 11:49 am

    Some pole dancing can be described as porn star dancing.

    Some pole dancing can’t.

    That’s basically all there is to it.

    You can strip, and you can be as slutty as you like, you can dance naked for strangers and you can work as a call girl or a prostitute, or you can pole dance at home in gym clothes. (Or any combination of the above). It’s up to you.

    Some people pole dance as though they are porn stars, some people pole dance and ELUDE to naughty things in a ‘safe distance’, ‘no nudity’ kind of way, and some people pole dance in a way that you couldn’t call sexy even if you wanted to. (I don’t mean this in a bad way, but simply that some polers are more like stunters and acrobats than ‘dancers’, and some polers are both athletic stunters AND dancers – and neither is better than the other!)

    That’s the whole point of this dance/sport. You can make it what you wish. Porn star dancing, or circus aerials, burlesque or vertical gymnastics bar …. they’re not just different names, they are entirely different performances and contexts, and all of them can have a pole in common.

    Who’s to say we can’t have it both ways? I say we can.

  • RoxyPink

    August 15, 2010 at 3:14 pm

    Stripping is fine and pole dancing is fine. And those who dont agree can just have theyr close minded opinion if they want and I couldnt care less. This song has nothing to do with you at all. It wasnt written about you personally and I really dont think that anyone else is reading anything into this video at all exept some non stripping pole dancers.

    I don’t think there are double standards. I think that because the name of the song is Porn star dancing. Then it just seems so normal to have poledancing in the video. Pornstars/strippers are very often pole dancers. The dancers in the video are supposed to play the role of the porn star dancing (and I think most people agree) and why would people be commenting that those are strippers or porn stars when that seems to be obvious in the video. Therefore, no double standards. No one is mixing together the stripper/pornstar/whore/slut (what ever people may call them) with the pole dancing fitness non stripping women in the video.

    Personally I dont mind people connecting pole dancing with stripping or something else. Its one of the things that makes pole dancing so exciting. And its still a big taboo for some. I dont want that to go away. People wouldnt be nearly as intrested in our dancing if it werent for that.

    If anyone says that my pole dancing is stripping or slutty I just laugh and say no but it is sexy and athletic

    I actually like things just the way they are right now

    well said!

  • Kobajo84

    August 15, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    First of all, I’m going to post this video link from youtube because a lot of you, like me probably had NO idea what anyone was talking about. I’ve never heard of this song until I stumbled upon this thread-

    Now heres the lyrics:
    Kiley won’t kiss my friend Kassandra
    Jessica won’t play ball
    Mandy won’t share her friend Miranda
    Doesn’t anybody live at all

    Amanda won’t leave me empty handed
    Got her number from the bathroom stall
    Brandy just got way too much baggage
    And that shit just gets old

    But I got a girl who can put on a show
    The dollar desides how far you can go

    She wraps those hands around that pole
    She licks those lips and off we can go
    She takes it off nice and slow
    Because that’s PORNSTAR DANCIN’

    She don’t play nice, She makes me beg
    She drops that dress around her legs
    And I’m sittin right by the stage for this

    Your bodies lighten up the room
    I want a naughty girl like you
    There’s nothing harder to do

    Stacy gunna save herself for marriage
    But that’s just not my style
    She’s got a pair that’s nice to stare at
    But I want girls gone wild

    But I got a girl who can put on a show
    The dollar desides how far you can go

    She wraps those hands around that pole
    She licks those lips and off we can go
    She takes it off nice and slow
    Because that’s PORNSTAR DANCIN’

    She don’t play nice, She makes me beg
    She drops that dress around her legs
    And I’m sittin right by the stage for this

    Your bodies lighten up the room
    I want a naughty girl like you
    Lets through a party just for two
    You know those normal girls won’t do

    She wraps those hands around that pole
    She licks those lips and off we can go
    She takes it off nice and slow
    Because that’s PORNSTAR DANCIN’

    She don’t play nice, She makes me beg
    She drops that dress around her legs
    And I’m sittin right by the stage for this

    After watching the video and reading the lyrics, the only opinions I have are this is just a song about the typical male fantasy. Its the illusion of the working poler and in reality that is all the man really wants. The fantasy. Sex sells. Thats all I got out of this song. I didn’t get a feeling of disgrace for the pole community whatsoever. Just sayin.

  • Charley

    August 15, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    It sounds like much of your problem is that Jennyne is in it because she is a "matriarch of the pole community" but I just want to point out that MOST of the matriarchs of pole were strippers at one point so they might not find the song at all offensive whereas someone who wishes to not be associated with stripping would find it offensive.

    I don’t think people like the song because of the video. Many pole dancers like dancing to songs like this. Think about all the songs that have pole in them – they are all pretty derogatory towards women if you think about it. I’m in love with a stripper? Smack That? Both of those songs talk about poles and are demeaning to women if you think about it.

    I don’t have a real opinion on this since I really don’t like the song It’s not my type of music for sure. But I do dance to I’m love with a stripper because its slow and sexy and I like feeling sexy

    Just wanted to give some food for thought.

  • glitterhips

    August 15, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    Song or no song, people are still going to find things to nitpick about to argue that pole dancing is for sluts/strippers/hethens/hookers etc, so even though you could argue that it adds fuel to the fire, I really don’t think this one particular song would make or break someone’s opinion of pole dancing. I’m not sure that pole dance will ever become "acceptable" to everyone so they would see it as a sport the way we do, and no matter what you do those people have already formed their opinion (albeit an uneducated one) about it regardless of how many songs are out there that make us out to be strippers, I’m pretty sure people felt that way before the song came out…if it was somehow making people change their opinion of pole dance from positive to negative then it would be a problem but I don’t think that’s happening. If another band came out with a song talking about pole dancers not being strippers I really don’t think it would help change the minds of people who can’t separate those two things. People will always always always find something to get offended by so I just chalk this up to another thing for anti-polers to bitch about, and another thing we as pole dancers will shrug off and keep dancing.

    If people think this song means that all pole dancers are strippers, good, more room in pole classes and workshops for me

  • Cynthia D

    August 16, 2010 at 3:25 pm

    i just want to say that i am glad that we can all get together and voice our opinions about whatever is bothering us. i have not seen ONE person get offended, and for the responses being all female, i think that says alot. i must say pole dancing brings out the best in us! regardless of color, size, or location, everyone here seems to show love. i think as long as we keep that attitude in the dance community, f**k what anyone else says. i love you guys!

  • GisaFelix

    August 16, 2010 at 7:36 pm

    I like all kinds of things about pole dance, even porn star dancing ! lol.
    I see nothing wrong with the song . It’s just a song. After all pole dancing began with strippers and if weren’t for those women who started dancing for money I wouldn’t have known the best thing in the world. If I judge them or who dance to this kind of music I’d fell like I was one of those closed minded people who judge my passion or a no thankful person, ya know ? I think it really gives more opportunity to people argue against pole fitness, but no matter the song, no matter the outfit , as long as women keep poling at clubs (what I’d love to watch some day), even if we dance on penny loafers and slacks at our houses for some people it will still be stripper thing .

    So ,If I wasn’t so shy I’d dance to "Porn Star Dancing" with no problem. It’s a cool song !

  • amcut

    August 16, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    Isn’t Jenyne an ex stripper?

    Personally, I find it exciting. I love all sex work, though. It could be, "Mid range escort dancing" and I’d be like, "Work it, girl!"

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